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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum
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Observations and comment relating to my research into the Black Watch and some other great war related musings

Entries in this blog

The Black Watch - A Record in Action by Scout Joe Cassells

First published as "With the Black Watch - The Story of the Marne" in 1917, the book has been reprinted with different titles in the years since. As "The Black Watch - A Record in Action", the abridged "The Black Watch", and the lengthy "Stand and Fall - A soldier's recollections of the "Contemptible Little Army" and the Retreat form Mons to the Marne, 1914". Joseph Samuel Cassells Joined the Black Watch in 1905. At the outbreak of war in 1914 he was a reservist, whereupon he was recalled a

William Carr - A Time To Leave the Ploughshares: A Gunner Remembers 1917-18 (1985)

Published in 1985, shortly before his death aged 100, William Carr recorded his time as a junior officer in the Royal Field Artillery.   Carr, or Carlos as he was later nicknamed, was from an agricultural family near Stonehaven, on the north east coast of Scotland. Having gone to university in his late 20's to improve his prospects, he was older than most of his fellow officers when he went to war in June, 1917. On arrival in France he was posted to 377 Battery of the 169th Brigade
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