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John and Marie

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Part 22 - John in the Middle

Michael Johnson


One of the dilemmas of war is the fact that life continues, but the ability of the participants to deal with anything but their military duties is extremely limited.

John felt this keenly. He felt reasonably sure that his mother had not deliberately snubbed Marie, but the result was the same in any case. If he could see Marie for even ten minutes he was sure that he could straighten things out. But his battalion was moving back into action, and leave was out of the question. He could not even summon the General to act as fairy godmother.

The Captain called John over. "Take this message back to the Colonel. Get back as soon as you can."

John reached battalion headquarters, and delivered his message. There was no reply, so he turned to leave.

A car pulled up ahead of him, and John heard his mother's voice calling him.

John had had enough. "Well Maman, you've really messed it up this time! I don't know what you said to Marie, or what you didn't say, but you've blown that to Hell! Why didn't you stay at home? And getting engaged just after Dad died. It's disgusting! You're not a girl."

It was as well that all of this was delivered in French, for a crowd of soldiers had gathered, and was listening to the quarrel.

"But Jean," his mother tried to interject. "You don't understand!"

"Certainly I do! You've got your old flame, and Dad's money - and the rest of the world can take care of itself!"

"I'll go see her. I'll explain. I've got nothing against her - I thought that she was just one of the hospital staff. I wish I'd known. And they left so quickly, and the General was so sick."

"Maman, you think that you can arrange everything. You think that you can manipulate everyone. You may scare Drouin, but you don't scare me! Keep away from Marie! She's got enough to deal with, without your meddling! This is my life, and you stay out of it!"

And he turned on his heel and strode off toward his unit.

Madame watched him go, for once feeling powerless. This time, she thought, maybe she'd gone too far.


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Wrong, wrong, wrong! He didn't think, did he? If he's moving back into action he needs to act fast - and if he'd given his mother a full explanation he could have instructed her to go and make his case.

Men! Sigh....

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Michael Johnson


He doesn't trust his mother to do anything but make matters worse.

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"Don't write me. Don't try to see me. I won't marry you."

Could matters get any worse? Oh, it's all so sad....

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Michael Johnson


Well, I suppose Marie could get pregnant. Maybe Jean (her former fiance) wasn't dead after all. Or maybe it was one of those American doughboys.

"Overpaid, over-sexed, over there."

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Michael Johnson


Nah, much too predictable. Jean is dead and he isn't coming back. Marie is up in the Canadian sector, and we know all Canadian soldiers are gentlemen. ;)

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