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August 20th Photos



Australian War Memorial 


E04978 Albert, France. 20 August 1918. An Australian and Canadian Cemetery on the Bapaume Road, east of Albert in France, after its recapture from the Germans. Canon Scott is seen standing by the grave of his son, Captain Henry Hutton Scott, 87th Battalion (Canadian Grenadier Guards), Canadian Infantry, killed on 21/10/1916, age 24, during the Battle of the Somme. He is buried in

Bapaume Post Military Cemetery.



Photo of Henry Hutton Scott – Canon Frederick George Scott (1861-1944) was the father of Henry Hutton Scott. In 1922 Scott wrote "The Great War As I Saw It" based on his experiences as a senior chaplain with the First Canadian Division. Scott also recounted this experience in his book. Canon Scott was born in Montreal and was educated at Bishop's College, Lennoxville, Quebec where he received his B.A. in 1881, and later received his M.A. in 1884 at King's College, London. He was Rector of St. Matthew's Anglican Church in Quebec City (1889-1934) excluding the war years. Scott served as senior chaplain throughout the war and was highly regarded by the men at the front lines for his devotion to duty. Scott also published 13 books of poetry and was known as "the poet of the Laurentians". Upon his death in 1944 he left a daughter and four sons. The incident descripted in this Dec. 1st, 1916 newspaper clipping from the Toronto Star was also movingly described in Alexander McClintock's account entitled "Best O'Luck" (1917). McClintock, DCM, accompanied Scott to assist him in locating his son's grave. Both Scott and McClintock's books have been reprinted in recent years.



Photo of Frederick George Scott – Canon Frederick George Scott, standing at the grave of his son, Henry Hutton Scott. Canon Scott found his body where he fell near Regina Trench and he carried his son`s body to safety and personally made the wooden cross in this photo.



Press Clipping – From the "McGill Honour Roll, 1914-1918". McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, 1926.



Grave Marker – Photo courtesy of Wilf Schofield, England.



Photo of Henry Hutton Scott – In memory of the men who served with the 87th Battalion CEF. Submitted for the project, Operation: Picture Me



Temporary Grave Marker – original marker and the one that replaced the first one due to shell fire



E05429 An exterior view of four buildings used as an Advanced Dressing Station. The station was used by the Australians during their operations around Peronne from 20 August to 5 September 5th 1918.



Imperial War Museum


© IWM (Q 281) General Headquarters of the Anti-aircraft School, Royal Artillery; 20th August 1918



© IWM (Q 282) General Headquarters of the Anti-aircraft School, Royal Artillery. 20th August 1918.



© IWM (Q 6970) Night work at the Machine Gun School at Rombly, 20 August 1918. Limber bringing up ammunition.



© IWM (Q 6971) Night work at the Machine Gun School at Rombly, 20 August 1918. Limber bringing up ammunition.



© IWM (Q 6972) Night work at the Machine Gun School at Rombly, 20 August 1918. Gunners firing during the explosion of a mine.



© IWM (Q 7290) Night work at a Machine Gun School at Rombly. Gun position in a tree. 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 11180) The 1st Corps Horse Show, Bruay, 20 August 1918. A horse-drawn field ambulance wagon in the prize-winners park.



© IWM (Q 11181) The 1st Corps Horse Show, Bruay, 20 August 1918. Wrestling on horseback.



© IWM (Q 11182) French competitors at the 1st Corps Horse Show, Bruay, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 11183) French competitors at the 1st Corps Horse Show, Bruay, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 11184) Nurses and other spectators at the 1st Corps Horse Show, Bruay, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 11185) Show jumping at the 1st Corps Horse Show, Bruay, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 11186) Show jumping at the 1st Corps Horse Show, Bruay, 20 August 1918



© IWM (Q 11187) The officers' enclosure at the 1st Corps Horse Show, Bruay, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 11188) The competitors' parade at the 1st Corps Horse Show, Bruay, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 11189) General Henry Horne presenting prizes at the 1st Corps Horse Show, Bruay, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 11498) A competitor in the Infantry Transport Limber Class at the 1st Corps Horse Show. Bruay, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 56431) French Renault FT-17 tanks passing through the village of Nampcel, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 56526) French Renault FT-17 tanks passing through the village of Nampcel, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 56990) Private Sloan of the American Army wearing a rubber suit as a protection against gas in the wood near Croix de Claremont, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 70735) Clothing removed from American troops affected by mustard gas. Frapelle, 20 August 1918.



© IWM (Q 79424) Gun crew of the American 108th Infantry Regiment manning a 37 mm one-pounder infantry gun at Abeele, 20 August 1918.



Alexander Turnbull Library


H802 Guns captured at Messines, on show at Bailleul (in France) during World War I, on the 14th of June 1917. Photograph taken by Henry Armytage Sanders.



H913 A general view of a street in the French village of Hebuterne showing the destruction of buildings by German artillery during World War I. Photograph taken 20 August 1918 by Henry Armytage Sanders.



H914 New Zealand soldiers eating a midday meal near the front line. One of the group translates from a German magazine found in a dugout. Photograph taken Grevillers 20 August 1918 by Henry Armytage Sanders.

Caption for this image in album PA1-f-094 reads: "During their mid-day meal a New Zealander translates from a German magazine found in a dug-out the story of a Maori nation from cannibal practices to civilization. There is little doubt that this article was read to the German soldier and was distorted into a statement that the Maoris were still cannibals and eat their prisoners or captives."



H915 Mounds of earth and debris, including shell cases, mark the destruction of a German underground system by New Zealand artillery near Serre during World War I. Photograph taken 20 August 1918 by Henry Armytage Sanders.



USS Lenape (ID-2700) on 20 August 1918 Note Lenape's pattern camouflage, the large doors in her hull side, and the loaded coal barges in the foreground. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph




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