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On the East wall of the Royal Garrison Church of All Saints in Aldershot, Hants is the Memorial to the Royal Army Chaplains Department.

1. W D Abbott

2. A E Acton

3. F W Ainley

4. W P Ainley

5. J Ash

6. G W Baile

7. T L Baines

8. J Baird

9. E W Barker

10. C L Bedale

11. C H Bell

12. A J Bennett

13. U M Bertini

14. G B H Bishop

15. W Black

16. W D T Black

17. P J T Blakeway

18. V C Boddington

19. E K Botwood

20. W Brown

21. C B W Buck

22. M F Burdess

23. J D Burns

24. J L Cappell

25. T Carey

26. W E A Chadwick

27. W G Cheese

28. S Clarke

29. F W Cleveland

30. E Cobham

31. R A P Colbourne

32. H J Collins

33. G T Cook

34. A M Cowd

35. G E Craven

36. Oswin Creighton

37. J J Daly

38. W L S Dallas

39. H B St J De Vine

40. H Dickinson

41. C E Doudney

42. D Doyle

43. W J Doyle

44. R W Dugdale

45. E F Duncan

46. J R Duvall

47. H H East

48. F H Edinger

49. P J Egan

50. G M Evans

51. E W Evans

52. W Evans Jones

53. J W A Eyre-Powell

54. W J Falside

55. H K Finch

56. W J Finn

57. J Fitzgibbon

58. D Fraser

59. W H Freestone

60. R H Fulford

61. C H Garrett

62. W D Geare

63. B J Gedge

64. E R Gibbs

65. M P Gordon

66. H Green

67. H J B Green

68. P Grobel

69. D M Guthrie

70. J Gwynn

71. F R Harbord

72. W J Harding

73. J H Hardy

74. T B Hardy

75. J A Hartigan

76. A P Hatfield

77. N E Hawdon

78. A Heath

79. R M Henderson

80. F W Hewitt

81. S R Hewitt

82. H J Hoare

83. Oswald A Holden

84. C I S Hood

85. R W Hopkins

86. E C Houlston

87. T Howell

88. P N Hunter

89. R E Inglis

90. J T C Ireland

91. C T C Jeffreys

92. E E Johnson

93. E Johnson-Smyth

94. B Jones

95. T G Jones

96. W E Jones

97. A C Judd

98. B Kavanagh

99. W H Kay

100. J Kellie

101. J Kirk

102. S S Knapp

103. C Langdon

104. H H Lawson

105. H N Leakey

106. H P Ledbitter

107. J T Leeson

108. J H R Lendrum

109. G J Lester

110. A O C Longridge

111. P Looby

112. A B Mace

113. C W W Major

114. C R Martyn

115. J C MacGregor

116. C McAuliffe

117. J J McDonnell

118. H C McGinity

119. J J Mcllvaine

120. G G C Meister

121. G Millar

122. C W Mitchell

123. W P Montagu

124. R J Monteith

125. E N Moore

126. S Morrison

127. W O O'Conor

128. W M N Onslow-Carlton

129. B G O'Rorke

130. D V O'Sullivan

131. G S Pardoe

132. M B Peel

133. C B Plummer

134. B P Plumptre

135. W H Powley

136. A M Pratt

137. M V Prendergast

138. F Raine

139. G H Ranking

140. E O Read

141. C H Reed

142. C Robertson

143. F C Roche

144. B C Ruck-Keene

145. M Ryan

146. C H Schooling

147. J Shine

148. T J Shovel

149. F S Smith

150. P G Smith

151. A Spence

152. H O Spink

153. H Staunton

154. J R Stewart

155. R A Stewart

156. B R Streeten

157. J Strickland

158. A Stuart

159. S J Sullings

160. W H Tomkins

161. E W Trevor

162. F H Tuke

163. A T Veryard

164. J J Wallace

165. C Watson

166. J E M Watson

167. J Watters

168. C N Were

169. C B Whitefoord

170. W C Wilks

171. H W Wood

172. D C Woodhouse

In the mosiac on the memorial is the verse

'The Righteous live for evermore; their reward is also with the Lord, and the care of them is with the most High' Wisdom vs.15

The Dedication of the Memorial took place on 'All Saint's Eve, 31st October 1923.

During the service the 'Last Post' and 'Reveille' were sounded by the Massed Trumpeters of the First Cavalry Brigade.

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That's fabulous information. I didn't know this tribute even existed! Any chance of a pic for inclusion on the Ashford Fallen website????????

One of the men was an Ashford man - F.H EDINGER. His name appears on a couple of civic memorials in the town. Herewith his details -

Chaplain 4th Class The Reverend Frank Harrison EDINGER. Army Chaplains Department. Hospital Ship SS GLENART CASTLE. Died Tuesday 26th February 1918 aged 33 years. Former Curate of St Mary’s Church, Ashford, Kent. Resided 4 Church Road, Ashford, Kent. Son of Reverend Philip and Emily Edinger of 4 Church Road, Ashford, Kent. Husband of Maude Mary Edinger of (1923) 4 Church Road, Ashford, Kent. Frank has no known grave. His name appears on the Hollybrook Memorial, Southampton, Hampshire.

Frank’s father was the former Vicar of Mersham.

Glenart Castle is located in County Wicklow in Ireland just outside the town of Arklow.

SS Galician a 6576 ton Union Steam Ship Co Ltd vessel SS Galician was renamed Glenart Castle in September 1914 and put to use as a Hospital Ship. She had left Newport, South Wales on the day before being torpedoed at 0347 hours by the German Submarine UC56. The torpedo struck the ships engine room and she sank stern first in about seven minutes. Of the 206 crew, medical staff and chaplains onboard only 38 survived the atrocity. It was widely reported that the ships Master 55 year old Lt-Cdr Bernard Burt RNR (Retd) from Crowborough, Sussex could have saved himself but went down with his ship. Although painted white with several Red Cross’s prominently displayed and fully lit including a prominent green band painted all around the ship indicating her status, Wilhelm Kiesewetter the German submarine commander who sank her totally ignored all rules of war and engagement. The Glenart Castle was off Lundy in the Bristol Channel heading for Brest to pick up wounded troops. A graphic account of the atrocity was reported in several publications mainly from the few survivors statements which naturally had slight variations regarding exact details of the disaster, including those published in The Times newspaper on Thursday February 28 1918. This report drew attention to seven other Hospital Ship sinkings by U-boats over the previous twelve months. It mentioned that the Glenart Castle had encountered the enemies attention on previous occasions. On 15 August 1914 it encountered and was stopped and by the German merchant cruiser “Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse” but was spared by the enemy Captain on account of the women and children onboard. Again on 1 March 1917 the ship was carrying wounded men when it either struck a mine or was torpedoed in the English Channel. On that occasion the Glenart Castle managed to reach port safley.

At Hartland Point on the north Devon coast on 26 February 2002 a memorial to commemorate the loss of HS Glenart Castle was unveiled which is inscribed:


Please Remember

Master Lt Cdr Burt, Matron Katy Beaufoy, the ships officers, crew and medical staff who died when the ship was torpedoed by the UC56 in the early hours of the 26th February 1918.

The Ship lies 20 miles WNW from this stone.



The Matron referred to was a member of Queen Alexandria’s Imperial Military Nursing Service who was veteran of the Boer War. Matron Katy Beaufoy had already miraculously survived another hospital ship attack. She had been onboard the H.S Dover Castle due to illness when it was torpedoed and sunk by Uboat - UB-67 on 26 May 1917 off the coast of Bona, Algeria. Katy Beaufoy is commemorated on the same memorial as the Rev Frank Edinger as is the Field Marshall Lord Kitchener.


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Hello Audax.

I did my 'Audit' part of my course to be WO2 (RQMS) in the Garrison Church Aldershot Circa 1983! The Chaplins Dept/ Training Centre was then situated at Bagshot Park, Bagshot,Hants, near Farnborough. Now occupied by HRH... I served with several Chaplains, great guys, always with us in whatever situation.

The Garrison Church holds many memorials within it's hollowed walls, dating back over years and years. Aldershot once held the proud title of 'The home of the British Army' Decimated, Housing Estates, Industrial and planned Shopping Mall etcThey now )MOD?) Want to move our Regimental Museum to Duxford? It should stay in Aldershot!

(Barracks nie on opposite Garrison Church) Barracks due to be demolished 2007, MOD states for Housing etc. I fear for the fate of the Garrison Church. I hope it will be saved and treated with the respect and honour it deserves as a memorial to those who died and survived, served in Aldershot.

Terry W.

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Interesting. Should anyone want them I have pictures of the headstones of:

Geare MA, Rev. N.D. Chaplain to the forces (30-117d)

Hardy VC DSO MC, T.B. Rev. Chaplain to the Forces 4th Class (36-458f)



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Neil, a few comments on your post:

1 On August 15th, 1914, the Galician was intercepted by the German auxiliary cruiser Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse off Teneriffe on her way home from Cape Town. A Lt. Deane and Gunner Sheerman were taken prisoners, but the ship was allowed to proceed on her course as there were women and children on board.

2 After this incident the ship was renamed Glenart Castle and requisitioned (or requisitioned and then renamed) by the Admiralty for conversion to a Hospital Ship.

3 On February 26th, 1918, she was torpedoed and sunk by the German submarine UC-56, ten miles W. of Lundy Island, on a voyage from Newport to Brest to embark wounded and 95 members of the crew died. These men are commemorated on the Tower Hill Memorial in London. The ship was owned by Union Castle Mail Steamship Co Ltd of London.

4 You quote “Of the 206 crew, medical staff and chaplains onboard only 38 survived the atrocity.” These numbers may be correct but another set gives “153 killed out of her total complement of 186.” The 153 figure includes the 95 crew mentioned above.

5 I had not heard about the 1 March 1917 incident previously.

Best wishes


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Quote “Chaplain 4th Class”

When reading this I got the impression of a chaplain who wasn’t a full member of the God Squad.

Can someone explain explain this grading system for me, please?

Best wishes


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History David,

From a previous post on Chapalins at http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/i...wtopic=1382&hl=

Hope this helps.

From the Army List 1918:-

Chaplain General, equivalent rank Major-General

Deputy Chaplain General,equivalent rank Major-General

Principal Chaplains, equivalent rank Major-General

Principal Chaplains, equivalent rank Brigadier-Generals

Chaplains to the Forces (1st Class), equivalent rank Lieut.-Colonels

Chaplains to the Forces (2nd Class), equivalent rank Lieut.-Colonels

Chaplains to the Forces (3rd Class), equivalent rank - Majors

Chaplains to the Forces (4th Class), equivalent rank Captains

This thread has some photos of Padres' Graves:


Two chaplains have been remebered on the GWF :

No 112 A B Mace


No 141 C H Reed


Discussion on:

No 5 - J Ash


No 74 - T B Hardy


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I feel there is a very interesting book to be written on this theme.If anybody takes the bait.Can I order my copy now.

Heres hoping.



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No 129 B G O' Rorke MA DSO

L.G. 1.1.1917. born 7.1.1916.Son of Wm J O'Rorke M. Myra Robertson, d. of late Rev H McDonald

Three Daughters. Educated Nottingham, Exeter College, Oxford. BA 1887 MA 1901

Joined the Army 1.8.1901. Served South Africa (Queens' Medal and 4 Clasps)

European War as Chaplain to the Forces C of E. Captured by the Germans at Landrecies 26.8.1914

and held prisoner for 10 months 1914-15, Senior Chaplain of the 33rd Division for nine months. Senior Chaplain of the XIth Army Corps for two months. Assistant to to Deputy Chaplain-General BEF.


Author of 'African Missions' 1912, 'Our opportunities in the West Indies' 1913 'In the hands of the Enemy' 1915

Died at Falmouth Christmas Day 1918.

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  • 4 months later...

For those who missed this thread first time round.

100 Army Chaplains died as a result of enemy action in Wolrd War One

See the Journal of Army Historical Research, Spring 2005 for detailed statistics by denomination and cause of death.

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Can I draw your attention to today's thread "Army Chaplains Killed in Service"



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Not on the Aldershot list but equally a casualty is the Rev. Peter Jones-Roberts. He was the Wesleyan Minister at St.Paul's Methodist Church, Bangor, Caernarvonshire (now Gwynedd). Like his sons, he joined the Army as Chaplain 4th Class, ACD and went out to France with the 38th (Welsh) Division.

Despite his age (about 53) he was present at the attack on Mametz Wood on the Somme in July 1916, in which one of his sons died whilst an officer with the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. There is a moving account in Llewelyn Wyn Griffith's Up To Mametz, of one of the officers reporting he'd met him as dusk fell over the battlefield, saying that he'd been burying other people's sons all day, and now it was time he went and found his own son so as to do the same for him.

He never found his son, and it is clear from the family account of the War that the whole experience unhinged him somewhat (G.D.Roberts, Witness These Letters, Gee & Son Ltd, Denbigh 1994). He returned home eventually, a changed man, and on 23 June 1921 went out on the Menai Straits fishing in a small boat. He appears to have had some sort of seizure, and fell into the water and drowned, aged 58. He has a War Grave in Bangor's Glanadda Cemetery, indicating that the cause of his death was held to be attributable to the conflict.

I found his story touched all sorts of chords for me: I'm from Bangor and back in the late 1950s-mid 60s attended St.Paul's Junior School (by then a Welsh language establishment). The roofless ruins of his church stood next to the school for a few years in my time before it was completely demolished, and an adjacent Vestry was our classroom at one point. At the top of the lane stood the Wesleyan Manse, his family home, which had become a Welsh bookshop; ironically it was here years later that I bought my copy of Griffith's book. It's now closed and the school has recently been bulldozed too.

I thought I'd add him to the thread, since his late date of death put him beyond most memorials including that for the City of Bangor and because I feel great sympathy for his plight as a father searching for his son's body as the light failed over the horrific scenes at Mametz.


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You may have seen a thread I started re Rev William Evans Jones from Felinheli in Caernarfonshire.

He is on the list you supplied from the Church of All Saints at No 52 and No 96!

(Unless it's late at night and I'm missing something)

He is there under Evans Jones and also under Jones (Clive, in the other thread states that he is on SDGW as Evans-Jones)

I'll try and find the Journal you refer to but If you have a copy could you have please have a look to see what it says?

Also, do you mind if I make a copy of the photo in Post 14


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You may have seen a thread I started re Rev William Evans Jones from Felinheli in Caernarfonshire.

He is on the list you supplied from the Church of All Saints at No 52 and No 96!

(Unless it's late at night and I'm missing something)

He is there under Evans Jones and also under Jones (Clive, in the other thread states that he is on SDGW as Evans-Jones)

I'll try and find the Journal you refer to but If you have a copy could you have please have a look to see what it says?

Also, do you mind if I make a copy of the photo in Post 14



I have now ammended the roll, as due to my error it included Rev W Evans-Jones twice. I hope you didn't loose any sleep over this!

I'll let you know what the article says later.


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The JSAHR has in the footnotes regarding Dr Dunn' book 'The chaplain can almost certainly be identified as the Revd W. Evans-Jones. Some confusion existed in the Army List about his denomintion. Evidence, including that of Dunn, shows that he was a Baptist minister...' (Howson; 2005).

At age 24 years, think he may be the youngest of the chaplains who died during the war.

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From the memorial list.

Rev. The Hon. Maurice Berkeley PEEL, M.C.

Chaplain to the Forces


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