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Charley's War reprinted!

Derek Robertson

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The new graphic novel of Charley's War is now on Amazon and will be published on 22nd October 2004 priced £11.89. The ISBN is 184023627/2 and it is 144 pages long which means they have put the old 1983 and 1986 Volumes 1 and 2 together it seems. If so, this will be episodes 1-40.

For us 30 somethings who were brought up on Charley it's a great day! :P

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Excellent stuff - I hope it has a lot of the stories that were omitted from the Battle and Eagle comics that I bought in the late '80s (only 27 now), when they chopped and changed the storyline to such a great degree that I only realised when older readers informed me.


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Can someone give me a 2 line run-down of what Charley's War is about, apart from WW1 of course?


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In two lines:

Chronicles wartime adventures of a 16yo Cockney, a lad who joins up and goes to the trenches, and his mates, from 1916 to 1918. Excellent artwork, 'realistic' story.


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Thanks richard

This must have been before (or after) my time!

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In two lines:

Chronicles wartime adventures of a 16yo Cockney, a lad who joins up and goes to the trenches, and his mates, from 1916 to 1918. Excellent artwork, 'realistic' story.


And, in one sense, the first "anti-war" story to appear in a British boys comic! I have to confess that while I was an avid reader of Battle, I was more interested in the exploits of D-Day Dawson and Johnny Red at the time, so this will be a good chance to catch up. I do recall, though, one incident where, while on leave (or wounded?) back in London, Charley intervenes to save a Polish family and their shop in his local neighbourhood from an angry mob who are convinced they are German!

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Oh boy, teenage years here i come!


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Here's a link to an amzing site on Charley:

Charley's War

Check out the graphics - I can still vividly recall the cartoon of the cavalryman and his horse both wearing gas masks.

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I'm new to all this but the website is quite something.

I will bookmark it for more leasurely viewing.

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I will bookmark it for more leasurely viewing.

It's a great way to lose half a day! The artwork is as powerful now as I remember it over 20 years ago.

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I think this 'cover' art work is brilliant. Sentiment may be a bit 'dodgy' but having read quite a bit about WW1 - can we really argue with the 'action drawing'?

Now we need the 'Victor' reprinted! :D



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I think this 'cover' art work is brilliant.

Oy! You've nicked me scan!!! :P:lol:

Excellent news about the re-print though. Hope they're going to do the rest. (Already got volume 1 and 2 and have the rest of the story meticulously cut out from the comics (now getting tatty)). Could do with volume 3 and so on, to replace my "originals".


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Chronicles wartime adventures of a 16yo Cockney, a lad who joins up and goes to the trenches, and his mates, from 1916 to 1918.

It actually follows Charley throughout France and Belgium 1916-18 (Somme,life on the home-front, Messines, 3rd Ypres, Etaples mutiny, Kaiserschlacht, British offensives 1918, etc.), Russia 1919-21,the depression period and the 1930's (covered in only a few episodes), and his re-enlisting and the Battle of France 1940 up to Dunkirk.

Intermingled with this are the "adventures" of "Blue" (a French Foreign Legionnaire) at Verdun, Charley's cousin Jack (Royal Navy at the Battle of the Falklands 1914) , his brother Wilf in the RFC, and those of his friend "Pig-Iron" - a US infantryman in 1918. It also ,in passing, has a few "flashbacks" of several of Charley's comrades such as "Lucky" at Loos 1915.

All in all, it's an absolute epic.


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The website looks fantastic. I hope the artist doesn't begrudge me using one of his images, but it is exactly like the fantasies I have at work for ending management meetings.



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Charlies war is also being reprinted in the '2000AD megazine' which is out each month. While it will be nice to get the collected volume, I dont think collected volumes had all of the episodes from the comics.

The 'megazine' plan to reprint all the episodes, which (if memory serves me) takes Charlie up into the 1920s.


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Thanks for the info.

Saved to favourites,and smiling sweetly at the wife.

Birthday is in September.

What memories.

Many thanks.


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Here we go...............a quick 10 question quiz for all you Charley Bourne fans...............Answers will be posted this time tomorrow

1. What rank did Charley hold at the end of WWI.

2. Which famous historical figure crossed paths with Charley in 1917.

3. After which action was Charleys cousin Jack captured in 1918.

4. Where in London did Charleys family live.

5. For what offence was Charley wrongly court martialled for.

6. What type of plane shot down Charleys brother Wilf when he was killed in 1918

7. What was the name of Charleys comrade murdered by Captain Snell because of his German origins

8. What was Charleys son called

9. Charleys arch enemy Captain Snell was wounded after being shot in the head. Who shot him.

10.Charley had a sister. What was her name

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1. Corporal

2. Herr Hitler

3. Zeebrugge


5. S.I.W. (shot himself in the foot)

6. Gotha

7. "Skin" (Pte.Skinowski (or something similar))

8. Len

9. Sapper Reeves

10. Dolly.

Well. How did I do, Will?


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Ref. no.9 - I think it was the Lieutenant (Williams? the one who always stuck up for his men) - although, did Reeves take the shot as he lay dying? Too late to go into the attic to check on this cliffhanger. :D

Ref. no. 6 - was it an RE8?

With the rest I concur (and some I hadn't a clue)


An easy follow-on to these questions:

1) What was the name of the fat MP who broke Weeper and tied Charley to the gun carriage? And where did this happen?

2) Who was Smith 70's oppo on the vickers - 'you know nothing technical --- ---'

3) Who was Blue's Anglophobic French officer

4) Who was the crippled officer charged with snaring deserters in the East End?

5) What was the name of the Royal Westshire's colonel (I can't remember either)?

6) Who was the chap with the moustache who was killed whilst reaching for a flower to press for his daughter?

I really, really, really must get out more!

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Ref. no.9 - I think it was the Lieutenant (Williams? the one who always stuck up for his men) - although, did Reeves take the shot as he lay dying? Too late to go into the attic to check on this cliffhanger.

Actually, no. Thinking about it, I was wrong also. The person who shot Snell in the head, was ....... Snell himself!!! (Reeves talked too much and Snell opened fire, hitting a strut in the mine and was wounded by the ricochet!!!) Charley met Snell shortly after the event. Lieutenant (Cooper) arrived soon after Charley and heard their conversation. All 3 had gone down the mine to kill Snell.

And it was the rear gunner of the "Zeppelin Giant" who killed Wilf (dead before the plane hit the deck!)

(Am I really such a nerd??? :blink: )

Dave. :D

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An easy follow-on to these questions:

1) What was the name of the fat MP who broke Weeper and tied Charley to the gun carriage? And where did this happen?

2) Who was Smith 70's oppo on the vickers - 'you know nothing technical --- ---'

3) Who was Blue's Anglophobic French officer

4) Who was the crippled officer charged with snaring deserters in the East End?

5) What was the name of the Royal Westshire's colonel (I can't remember either)?

6) Who was the chap with the moustache who was killed whilst reaching for a flower to press for his daughter?

I really, really, really must get out more!

1. "The Beast" (Sgt.Bacon) and behind the lines on the Somme.

2. "Young Albert"

3. Lt.Volmar ("monkey-face")

4. The "Drag man"

5. Pass. You've got me on that one! :D

6. "Angel"

(so must I!!! :lol: )


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Dave ten out of ten :D (I'll give you Snell shooting himself with a ricochet even if you did have a second go at it)

And it was the rear gunner of the "Zeppelin Giant" who killed Wilf (dead before the plane hit the deck!)

(Am I really such a nerd???  )

Dead before the plane hit the deck!!..........Thats almost a word for word quote Dave......that goes way past Nerdom...............Incidentially I think the words of the story were 'Wilf & his pilot were dead before the plane hit the ground' so something close

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  • 4 months later...

For those who may have missed the posting elsewhere, Charley's War is now available in hardback.

The cheapest I have seen it quoted is at Book Fellas for £12.14 including P&P with immediate delivery :P

Charley's War at Book Fellas link

Ahh the memories.................

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Being a tad older then some of than C.B. fans I suspect, all this was quite new to me. I went off and had a look at the web site, and spent an hour with my jaw on the floor. What a fantastic discovery, thanks guys for putting this up. Haven't enjoyed looking at artwork like this since I discovered Caton-Woodville in "With the flag to Pretoria" forty odd years ago. Pen and ink has been my favorite style of drawing since then. I am going to buy myself a Christmas pres' I think.

One extra thought for all you modern I T types, what about a "Charlie's War" the computor game as way to educate a new generation of kids who don't like standard history, could you do an anti war shoot em up game in the spirit of theoriginal publication, or something along those lines......Gareth

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