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Winston Churchill


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G'day all,

Have just read through a rather interesting essay about British Strategy from 1918-1945, which made me realise how much of a remarkable fellow Churchill was; a true statesman of his time, and clearly one of the greatest humans of the 20th Century.

I would love to know if anyone has a particularly good book they have read on the man, and could offer a recommendation. It would have to cover the WWI-WWII period.



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G'day all,

Have just read through a rather interesting essay about British Strategy from 1918-1945, which made me realise how much of a remarkable fellow Churchill was; a true statesman of his time, and clearly one of the greatest humans of the 20th Century.

I would love to know if anyone has a particularly good book they have read on the man, and could offer a recommendation. It would have to cover the WWI-WWII period.



Good job the book didn't start in 1915!

Statesman? If his career had ended in 1939 he would now be seen as a failure. To name but three - interwar - he was wrong about Ireland, India and the role of the BBC during the General Strike. 'greatest humans' - forget it. Significant political figure yes.

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Churchill by Roy Jenkins is well written & fair. It's pro-Churchill but doesn't ignore his mistakes & weaknesses.
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Would concur with the Roy Jenkins' biography as being highly informative and fulsome reading.

However, for a more personalised biography [as the title suggest] I would recommend 'Winston Churchill, As I Knew Him', written by Violet Bonham Carter, daughter of the former Prime Minister H.H.Asquith. The account 'ends' pretty much in 1915 and is therefore heavily concerned in early Edwardian life and progress up to, and including, the war. A highly interesting first-hand account of the great man.

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I´d go for John Charmley´s "End of Glory" which pretty effectively kills Churchillian "statemanship". For a true anglophile he is among the 3 worst British PM´s ever (along with Maggie T. and Anthony B.).

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Also try "Winston Churchill: Soldier: The Military Life of a Gentleman at War" by Douglas S. Russell



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I´d go for John Charmley´s "End of Glory" which pretty effectively kills Churchillian "statemanship". For a true anglophile he is among the 3 worst British PM´s ever (along with Maggie T. and Anthony B.).

But only if you're speaking as a Pacifist...a miner...steelworker....or even docker. The armed forces don't have much to laugh about either.



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But if he hadn't been in place during WW2 we wouldn't have had Thatcher or Blair ! Would it have been that much better? Give the man some credit,surely.

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Thanks Team for the recommendations.

Being from the Antipodes, I would prefer not to get involved in a discussion on British Politics. Maybe that debate on whether he was worth the praise that some (lots) give him can be had elsewhere...

Nonetheless I will by a book and make my own decision!



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