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Hi All

Sorry if this has been asked before

Presuming that each infantry battalion had a single CSM attached to the HQ company.

What role did they actual perform within the battalion, if part of the HQ company presume they would have still been in the thick of the fighting?

many thanks


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First thing - every company had a CSM! I assume you`re talking infantry so I`ll leave it to the infanteers to explain his function. Suffice to say - nobody argued with him! Phil B

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Four Company Sergeant Majors, one to each Company. None in HQ. The appointment introduced in a not particularly orderly manner in 1913/14, when eight companies merged to four. Senior Colour Sergeants became CSMs, junior ones became Company QM Sgts. Badge of both remained crown over three chevrons.

Rank of appointment raised 1915 to WO II, badge became a crown. CQMS remained a C/Sgt. Senior to CSMs were the RQMS [also a WO II] and the RSM [a WO I].

As senior soldier in the company, the CSM was indeed in the thick of the action.

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Here’s a quote from John Laffin from an earlier thread. The CSM was the senior NCO of a company, which was a role of considerable influence. You can bet they knew all about shock and awe!

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Four Company Sergeant Majors, one to each Company.  None in HQ.

I have long laboured under the impression that all companies had a CSM, but, thinking back, I can`t actually remember a CSM of an HQ Coy! :rolleyes: Phil B

No reason for the photo - just thought you`d like it! CSM David Jamieson, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders.


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First thing - every company had a CSM!  I assume you`re talking infantry so I`ll leave it to the infanteers to explain his function. Suffice to say - nobody argued with him!  Phil B

Surely the CSM was to the Company what the RSM was to the Battalion - he ran it. He might have let the officers think they ran it, but he knew different. Responsible for discipline, getting people to the right place at the right time with the correct equipment, clothing, etc.

The CSM knew the men....enough said, I think!

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presume they would have still been in the thick of the fighting?

Surely the CSM was to the Company what the RSM was to the Battalion - he ran it.  Responsible for discipline, getting people to the right place at the right time with the correct equipment, clothing, etc.

So their skills would have been vital in WWI, sorting out everything from the big push to who to send on trench raids and as tamos123 asks presumably in the thick of the fighting?

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Four Company Sergeant Majors, one to each Company.  None in HQ.  The appointment introduced in a not particularly orderly manner in 1913/14, when eight companies merged to four.  Senior Colour Sergeants became CSMs, junior ones became Company QM Sgts.  Badge of both remained crown over three chevrons.

Rank of appointment raised 1915 to WO II, badge became a crown.  CQMS remained a C/Sgt. Senior to CSMs were the RQMS [also a WO II] and the RSM [a WO I].


Do you know the date in 1915 that this change was introduced? I have a photograph of the W.O.s, S. Sgts. & Sergeants of the 2/5th King's Liverpool Regt and they have the later insignia. I'd like to narrow the possible dates down for the photo if I can.



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AO 174 May 1915: and would be very quickly introduced as the only "new" badge needed was for RSM [the crown and wreath for RQMS was later]. Tailor would have all the rest in stock.

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