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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

What' top of our browser's favourites list

Martin Bennitt

Recommended Posts

I've seen lists of favourite and not-so-favourite books, and poems, on this forum but I haven't come across a list of your best WW1-related weblinks (apart from the parent site, of course). Which other ones do you consult,enjoy reading, etc., and why?

I was prompted to ask because I came across this one yesterday, which no doubt many of you are aware of but it was knew to me, and I think it's a gem.


Grateful your input, which may be useful to us all, and it it's already been covered let me know! :rolleyes:

cheers Martin B

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and this one, the former is Paul Reed's and this one is Tom Morgan's, both members of this forum and all round good eggs.


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Thanks for those, mon oncle.

Anymore from anymore, please?

cheers Martin B

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CEF Study Group
Recommended Great War Websites
- 1 October 2006 -
[ 440 + Websites & Documents ]

The Canadian Expeditionary Force Study Group (CEF Study Group) is a discussion forum on the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) in the Great War. Emphasis is on co-ordinated study, information exchange, constructive critiquing of postings and general mutual support in the research and study of the CEF. Membership is free and backgrounds range from first-time readers of history to doctoral researchers and published authors. The CEF Study Group was formed in 2004 by Neil Burns, the Forum Administrator. The moderators, in alphabetical order, are Peter Broznitsky, Dwight Mercer and Brett Payne.

The CEF Study Group respects Copyright. Please exercise care and judgment in the posting of material on this discussion forum.

If you have a recommendation of a website related to either the Canadian Expeditionary Force and/or the Great War in general, or to report a broken website link, please forward a short note and URL address to 'Borden Battery' [nomme de plume].

The Canadian Expeditionary Force Study Group can be accessed at the following URL address: http://www.cefresearch.com/phpBB2/index.php

The CEF Study Group Recommended Great War Website List is as follows:

CEF - Canadian Government Websites - Part 1
CEF - General Research Websites - Part 2
BEF - General Websites - Part 3(a)
CEF - General Websites - Part 3(B)
AIF - General Websites - Part 3©
AEF, French & Other General Websites - Part 3(d)

Individual Great War Soldier Websites - Part 4
CEF Battalion & Regimental Websites - Part 5
Allied Battalion & Regimental Websites - Part 6
Great War Discussion Forums - Part 7
Miscellaneous Great War Websites - Part 8
Great War Weapons Websites - Part 9

Great War Photographic & Mapping Websites - Part 10
Great War Art and Paintings Websites - Part 11
General Great War Nominal Roll Websites - Part 12
Great War Air Force Websites - Part 13
General Medical Websites - Part 14
Great War Honour Websites - Part 15

Great War Reference Book Websites - Part 16
Great War Documents Websites - Part 17
General Great War Naval Websites - Part 18
General Great War - Eastern Front - Part 19
General Great War Artillery - Part 20
Great War Medal & Collections - Part 21

General Great War Middle East - Part 22
Chemical Warfare Websites – Part 23
German & Austrian Great War Websites - Part 24
Belgium General Great War Websites - Part 25
Great War Vehicle Websites – Part 26
Great War Blog Sites – Part 27

Great War Document Download Websites - Part 28
Great War Academic - Part 29


CEF - Canadian Government Websites - Part 1
Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"

Library and Archives Canada - Military History
This is the fundamental URL Internet address for most Canadian Expeditionary Force researchers. This site contains a wide range of basic links and represents a "starting point" for many people beginning research on the CEF in the Great War. For ease of navigation, several other website recommendations come from this “parent” website.[CEF Study Group - Updated July 2006]

Library and Archives Canada - Regimental Number List
The Regimental Number List of the Canadian Expeditionary Force is a guide which links a soldier’s regiment number to his assigned military unit. With the military unit’s name, a researcher can then search the War Diaries database. This website provides a scanned image page linking “Block Numbers” to “Military Units”.
[CEF Study Group – Sept 2006]

Library and Archives Canada - Soldiers of the First World War (1914-1918)
Over 600,000 Canadians enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) during the First World War (1914-1918). The CEF database is an index to those personnel files, which are held by the National Archives. To date, over 800,000 images of Attestation papers have been scanned and are being made available on-line. This material can be downloaded at no charge. The file format is a standard JPEG file. From this basic information a researcher can obtain the necessary information to acquire the full military file of a Great War soldier, however, in this latter case there will be a research fee. The CEF Study Group maintains a list of recommended National Archives researchers. [NOTE: Attestation registers (RG 9 II B8 ) contained in volumes 1 to 654 and may only be consulted at the Library and Archives Canada – they are not yet scanned and on-line.][CEF Study Group - Updated July 2006]

Library and Archives Canada - War Diaries of the First World War
This database contains the digitized War Diaries of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) units. From the start of the First World War, CEF units were required to maintain a daily account of their “Actions in the Field.” This log was called a War Diary. The War Diaries are not personal diaries, rather they are a historical record of a unit’s administration, operations and activities during the First World War.
[CEF Study Group - Updated July 2006]

Official History of the Canadian Army in the First World War Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919, Colonel G. W. L. Nicholson, C.D., Army Historical Section
This is the classic reference text [the Bible] for any student of the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the Great War. The original textbook is very difficult to obtain, however, the document is now available in the Adobe .pdf format directly from the historical section of the Canadian Armed Forces website. This document can be “key-word” searched for specific military units, locations and dates. [Note: The pagination in the on-line document is different than the original document - therefore formal citations with page number references cannot be used.]
[CEF Study Group]

The Canadian War Museum
The Canadian War Museum (CWM) is an affiliated museum of the Canadian Museum of Civilization. The Canadian War Museum, the national military history museum is also a centre for research and the dissemination of information and expertise on all aspects of the country's military past from the pre-contact era to the present. The new museum opened in May 2005. [CEF Study Group - Updated July 2006]

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae
A Canadian federal government website with general background on Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae and includes the South African War and the Great War. The day before he wrote his famous poem, one of McCrae's friends {Lt. Alexis Helmer http://data2.archives.ca/cef/gpc006/385066a.gif) was killed in the fighting and buried in a makeshift grave with a simple wooden cross. Wild poppies were already beginning to bloom between the crosses marking the many graves. Unable to help his friend or any of the others who had died, John McCrae gave them a voice through his poem. It was the second last poem he was to write.
[CEF Study Group - Updated July 2006]
Source: http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm?s...firstwar/mccrae

Mark Our Place - Images and Memoirs of New Brunswickers in Wartime
This virtual exhibit includes photographs and archival documents from the collections of the Archives and Research Library of the New Brunswick Museum. The images portray the theme of the many faces of war, from the South African War to the end of the Second World War. The Great War section contains over 500 on-line exhibits of military and personal interest. [Recommended by Chris Wight][CEF Study Group - Jan 2006]

Canadian Courts-Martial of the First World War
This is a database which enables one to search Canadian courts-martials for names, rank, unit offense number(s) and date of event. Military offenses were defined in the British Army Act. These offenses, their corresponding punishments and instructions on how to run a court martial, were explained in detail in the Manual of Military Law, which was distributed to Canadian Expeditionary Force units. Not all details are available. [CEF Study Group - Feb 2006]

CEF General Research Websites - Part 2
Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"

*Canadian Great War Project
This site is intended to be used to research Canadians who participated in the Great War 1914-1919. The content is primarily database driven to facilitate searches for information. The extensive site is, and will continue to be, a work in progress, and is becoming a collaborative effort among those interested in researching Canada and the Great War. The site is also developing a database of recommended books and websites. At present there are almost 70,000 records of individual soldiers in the database. Not all entries have full details, these are being built up, soldier by soldier. We are looking for volunteers to help complete these records, and add new soldiers, primarily based upon their attestation papers. [A Marc Leroux website][CEF Study Group - July 2006 - Updated]

Regional and Regimental Affiliations of the Canadian Expeditionary Force
The following tables from www.canadiansoldiers.com present a clear outline of the many military units which formed the Canadian Corps during the Great War. Readers not familiar with the Canadian Corps and its sub-units are advised to visit this website first to familiarize themselves. [Also See Part 5][CEF Study Group - July 2006]

*The CEF Paper Trail - Brett Payne Website
An Unofficial Guide to the Official Canadian Army Service Records from the Great War
This project involves collating examples of each type of document found in a soldier's World War 1 Canadian Expeditionary Force Service Records. The guide is designed to show prospective researchers what they may expect in a soldiers' service records. It's important to be aware that you will only find a selection of these records in your particular CEF soldier's file. Brett Payne and other researchers with the CEF Study Group are seeking additional CEF documents. A very well done summary of representative documents and invaluable for any student of the Great War.
[Note: Some images will be slow to load under dial-up access.][CEF Study Group - July 2005]

*The Matrix Project - Canadian Expeditionary Force Study Group
The Matrix Project is a unique element of the CEF Study Group. Initially developed and hosted on an associated CEF member's website, the project is an integral part of the CEFSG. The Matrix is a web based database of collective information provided by the CEFSG Members and provides information on all of the structure and components of the CEF during 1914 to 1919. The main CEF Matrix (the Army Corps and Army Troops) is supported by a number of "Utility Functions"for both the inexperienced and seasoned researcher. The Utility Functions are: Matrix Updates, Navigation Chart, Unit Summary Tables, Great War Maps, CEF Study Group Recommended Websites, Common Abbreviations, ORBAT Directory, and War Diary Links. The Matrix presents most of the information in a "loosely defined" Order of Battle [OBBAT] format. For detailed information as of [CEF Study Group - May 2006] please see: http://www.cefresearch.com/matrix/

*Canada & World War One - The First Contingent
A simple but effective image-based, MSN-formatted website dedicated to those who served Canada during World War One. It includes individual accounts, commemoration, images from the Home Front, military medicine, memorabilia, POWs, newspaper captions, links to other websites, propaganda, Native Canadians and war art. [An M. I. Pirie /canadawwi website][CEF Study Group - Dec 2005 - Updated]

Canadian Military History Journal
Canadian Military History is a "journal-in-a-magazine-format" published by the Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies since 1992. Presently in its 13th volume, CMH continues to fulfill its original mandate, this being to explore all aspects of Canada's military history, from the earliest days through to the twenty-first century. Particular emphasis is given to the First and Second World Wars. [CEF Study Group - Oct 2005 - Updated]

Canadian Military History News
A recommended site with a wide range of topics from 1755 until the present. There are a several topical items which are updated on a regular basis and this site is constantly being updated as well. [CEF Study Group]

Canadian Military History
A Bibliography of Regimental and Military Histories and Relative Material in the University of Calgary Library
This university website has a comprehensive listing of CEF material in one quick to access site. There are several references to a long list of CEF battalion histories. [CEF Study Group - Oct 2005 - Updated]

The Sm@rtLibrary Project
The Sm@rtLibrary project is an initiative of Sm@rtCapital; coordinated by OCRI and funded by Industry Canada's Smart Communities program. This first release of Sm@rtLibrary lets you search the library catalogues of Carleton University, the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, the Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa Public Library and the University of Ottawa. Later releases will include the catalogues of other libraries within the Ottawa - Gatineau region. Search for books, magazines, journals, maps, music, videos, electronic and other resources in libraries within the Ottawa Gatineau Region - all with a single search. A very impressive search engine. [CEF Study Group - May 2006 - Updated]
http://search.smartlib-bibliogen.ca/zengin...n=ZSearchSimple English
http://recherche.smartlib-bibliogen.ca/zen...n=ZSearchSimple French

Canadian Great War Homepage - Canada's Role in World War I
The goal of this comprehensive website is to preserve the records and memories of Canadians who served their country, and to ensure that their sacrifices are not forgotten. Through the Canadian Military Heritage Project it is hoped to maintain the tradition of remembrance and to foster pride in our military heritage.
[A Brian Lee Massey Website][CEF Study Group - Jan 2006]
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BEF - General Websites - Part 3(a)

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


*The Somme Battlefields - Paul Reed

The website is by military historian and author Paul Reed, who is well known for his books on WW1 and appearances on the BBC. July 2006 marks the 90th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme - an extended battle which claimed the lives of more than 150,000 soldiers from Britain and the Commonwealth. This new website has been launched to commemorate this important turning point in our history and the men who fought and died in the fields of Picardy... ninety years ago. It contains much information on this specific battle and will also be of use to anyone thinking of traveling to this region of France. There is also a discussion forum on this website. [CEF Study Group - Nov 2005]


The First World War. Com - The War to End All Wars

The purpose of this extensive website is to provide an overview of the First World War and a number of its elements. The site contains a drop-down menu of key battles and major themes across the masthead. In addition, there is are a wide selection of sections and sub-sections which are too numerous to list. A summary of the site-metrics best outlines the details of this site: 4,600 Photographs, 5,100 Audio Files, 155 Video Files, 140 Battle Summaries, 140 Biographies, 700 Encyclopedia Entries, 3,100 Diaries & Memoirs, 100 Feature Articles, 110 Poems, 140 Propaganda Posters and 650 Primary Source Documents 520. This was one of the first sites selected by the CEF Study Group. [A Michael Duffy website][CEF Study Group - August 2006 - Updated]


Pro Patria Mori - Gommecourt

'Pro Patria Mori' - the web site - is dedicated to the memory of the men of the BEF and the Imperial German Army who died at Gommecourt on Saturday, 1st July 1916. The London Scottish and seven other battalions of the 56th Division went 'over the top' to storm Gommecourt - a village recognized as the strongest position in the German lines. This very well designed and presented website sets a new standard in documentation, referenced information and in presentation. Pro Patria Mori is broken down into the following links: Home, The Plan, The Place, The Men, The Weapons , The Battle, The Aftermath, Memorials & Graves, Links & Sources. [it is sweet and proper to die for one's country][An Alan MacDonald Website][CEF Study Group - April 2006]


Chailey 1914-1918

This website is a tribute to the men and women of Chailey during the First World War: those who nursed or were nursed there; those who answered their country's call; those who lie in some corner of a foreign field. This website comprises separate sections on Chailey Parish, the 'hospitals': Hickwells and Beechland House, and the protagonists: patients, nurses and Chailey's men. A narrative, The Hospital Way tells the full story of Chailey's Great War. It is a careful and detailed documentation of this specific district and their actions and lives during the war.

[A Paul Nixon Website][CEF Study Group - April 2006]


*The Old Front Line

This is a web site dedicated to the history and battlefields of the Great War 1914-1918 and provides information about the war and on how to visit the battlefields in France and Flanders. It compliments the research and tour guide operation of Paul Reed [military historian and author of several books in the 'Battleground Europe' series published by Pen & Sword][CEF Study Group]


21st Division: 1914-1918

This new website [Aug 2006] is developing the history of the 21st Division, British Expeditionary Force (BEF) between 1914-1918. During this period it suffered 55,581 killed, wounded and missing. The website is clean and in a format that will accommodate the expansion of the sections which include Battle Honours, Divisional Staff, Order of Battle, representative battles, biographies of fighting solders and standard links and book reviews. Hypertexting will add additional information throughout. [An armourersergeant Website][CEF Study Group - Aug 2006]


Hellfire Corner Great War - Home of Tom Morgan Military Books

A significant number of articles, book listings and other Great War website links. The site includes battlefield guides for today, war memorials, individual articles on specific soldiers and general interest articles by a wide range of international researchers. [CEF Study Group - June 2006 - Updated]


The London Gazette [Great War Archive]

The London, Edinburgh, and Belfast Gazettes are the official newspapers of record in the United Kingdom and include notices relating to State, Parliament, Planning, Transport, Public Finance, etc. There are a number of supplements to the London Gazette, which cover single subjects. These include: the Queen’s Birthday Honours and the New Years Honours, Imperial Service Medal, and the Ministry of Defence including promotions and military awards. This section is a data base search for the Great War. Results are presented in .pdf format.

[Recommendation by Richard Laughton][CEF Study Group - Oct 2005]


*The Bedfordshire Regiment in The Great War

The Bedfordshire Regiment saw action on the Western Front, Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine. A total of 21 Infantry Battalions were formed within the Regiment between 1914 and 1918. The website contains information on many of the raised Battalions, transcribed war diaries, Orders of Battle, photographs and biographies and a special biographical section on Herbert Charles Kendall.

[A Steve Fuller Website][CEF Study Group]


Derbyshire Lads at War: 1914 – 1918

This website records and honours the memory of Derbyshire men who participated in the Great War. The site includes an extensive alphabetical listing of county memorials, a detailed military event summary of selected men and the start of a simple but dignified short biography of many of other the Fallen, a Roll of Auxiliary Home Hospitals Derbyshire and a special biographical section of Herbert Burman. [An Andrew Heskith website][CEF Study Group - June 2006]


The Glorious Glosters – The Gloucestershire Regiment 1914-1919

This website has a simple but clear format with information on most of the 18 battalions of the Gloucestershire Regiment by year and including Russia in 1919. There is generally a narrative of events, recipients of awards (DSO, MM & DCM), honour rolls (Loos, Gallipoli) and lists of officers killed by year.

Recommended by [Fedelmar][CEF Study Group - Sept 2006]


Imperial War Museum – Battle of the Somme

The Battle of the Somme began on 1 July 1916. It lasted for five months and was one of the most bitterly contested and costly battles of the First World War. This Imperial War Museum website presents information organized under the broad categories of The Battle, Personal Stories and The Somme Revisited. Within each of these general categories are a significant number of subsets of of information. [CEF Study Group – Sept 2006]


CEF - General Websites - Part 3(B)

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


*Canada and the Great War

The webmaster states there are two reasons for posting this site: primarily to raise awareness and interest for this topic. Secondly to assist anyone who may be interested in touring the region so that they may find sites of interest and better enjoy the hospitality of the Belgian and French people. There is an extensive section on the restoration of the Vimy Memorial. [A John Stevens website][CEF Study Group - June 2006 - Updated]


The Regimental Warpath

A good start in listing of a wide range of national military units from the Great War. More work needs to be done on the Canadian Expeditionary Force, perhaps some member could assist in the work being done by volunteer effort by the site owner. [CEF Study Group]


Canada in Flanders by Sir Max Aitken, M.P.

The book [6th edition in 1916] is dated and somewhat romantic and overly patriotic, however, it probably represents at least the general public's initial understanding of the first part of the Great War from the Canadian perspective. The book divided into the following; Chapter 1 - Mobilization, Chapter II - Warfare, Chapter III - Neuve Chapelle, Chapter IV - Ypres, Chapter V - A Wave of Battle, Chapter VI - Festubert, Chapter VII - Givenchy, Chapter VIII - Princess Patricias's Light Infantry, Chapter IX - The Prime Minister, Chapter X The Canadian Corps and Appendices I to VI. [CEF Study Group]


Canadian Soldiers Memories - French Site

The author of this site [dominique-faivre@wanadoo.fr] collects photographs of graffiti left by Canadians soldiers from the Great War. CLICK on the Canadian flag and then on the British flag to get into the English language section. There is a remarkable and carefully prepared database which links Canadian soldiers to graffiti and engravings. It takes a little while to find this material, however the sensitive treatment of the material makes it worthwhile. [CEF Study Group - April 2005]


AIF - General Websites - Part 3©

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


Australian War Memorial

The website provides sections on Australian Military History, First World War Official Histories, Australian Military Units and Military Organizational and Structure. [CEF Study Group]



This website features the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps - the Anzacs. Naturally, it includes much information on Gallipoli. There are also sections on the Prelude to War, the Red Baron [who killed him], interesting sections recorded poems and images and Lance Corporal/Sapper William Dalton Lycett's detailed personal diary. [CEF Study Group - Oct 2005]


Fifty Australians

Fifty Australians provides a cross-section of Australians – sometimes a leader, a hero, or even a rogue – who saw war and its effects. Some of these men and women gave their lives, others became renowned for their wartime courage or example, while others, affected for better or worse, emerged to face the peace where they would make their own particular mark. Many of the stories come from the Great War. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


Tpr. William Edward (Billy) Sing, DCM, Croix de Guerre

Trooper Billy Sing was an ace Australian sniper with Australian Fifth Light Horse Regiment who is credited with 150 Turkish kills. To the Anzacs in the trenches he was "The Assassin". The site provides a short history of his actions at Gallipoli including a recorded duel with a Turkish sniper. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


42nd Infantry Battalion Australian Imperial Force (42Bn AIF)

This site presents a comprehensive account of an Australian Infantry Battalion in World War I, including the electronic version of the book by Vivian Brahms called recounting the actions of the 42nd Battalion AIF in 1916-1919 during that "Great War" with other interesting things like the nominal rolls and the reasons for the award of medals. It has photos of medals awarded and some input from other authors but in all cases the subject is the 42nd. It has the tanks, the enemy and old soldiers. See a "Dead Man's Penny". Hear the Battalion March. See Knighthood awards.

[CEF Study Group - Apr 2006]


National Archives of Australia – Records of Samuel Robert Cooke (Reg #664)

This website presents the military and medical documentation of Pte. Samuel Robert Cooke (Reg. No. 664). Pte. Cooke was born in Quebec, Canada and enlisted with the 41 st Battalion, AIF in Australia. There are 60 photographic pages of his records including him dying of wounds.[Recommended by Plan][CEF Study Group - June 2006]


Fiji in the First World War

In August 1914 Great Britain declared war on Germany and the small colony of Fiji rallied to the call. About 400 young men living and working in the colony from Australia, New Zealand or Britain returned to their homelands and enlisted. This small and specialized website provides photographs, details on some of the volunteers and enlistment, the Fijian Labour Corps, a brief reference to the overseas placements, a listing of Medals and Awards and a list of those who died in association with Fiji. There is even a photograph of “Ladies' Machine Gun Corps” of Fiji. [C. Liava'a. Website][CEF Study Group - July 2006]


Glossary of Slang and Peculiar Terms – A.I.F Great War

The glossary, compiled by the newly formed Australian War Memorial’s librarians over the period 1921 to 1924, provides a snapshot of the language of the soldiers who had fought for Australia and the Empire in the Middle East and Europe. Over 900 terms are included in the glossary, some Australian, some more general, but all with special relevance for the troops’ experience of the war.

[Recommended by Ozzie – GWF][CEF Study Group – Sept 2006]


AEF, French & Other General Websites - Part 3(d)

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


Western Front Association

The Western Front Association was formed with the aim of furthering interest in the period 1914-1918, to perpetuate the memory, courage and comradeship of all those who served their countries in France and Flanders and their own countries during The Great War. The object of The Association is to educate the public in the history of The Great War with particular reference to the Western Front. The information and short articles are very well presented and this site should be "book-marked" by the serious student of the Great War. A significant number of Great War website links are also on this website. [CEF Study Group - June 2006 - Updated]


AEF - The Story of the American Expeditionary Forces - Doughboy Center

The site is linked to the Great War Society and contains a wide range of topics and information on the American Expeditionary Force. [CEF Study Group]


Santerre 14-18 - French Site

A French language site with some little known photographs, diagrams, recommended books including several CEF books, short histories and a rare photograph of a German AV7 tank attacking at Villers-Brettoneaux on 24 April 1918. [CEF Study Group - April 2005]


War, Literature and the Arts

A publication of the United States Air Force Academy. The opinions expressed in this journal may not necessarily be those of the editors, the United States Air Force Academy, or the Department of the Air Force. WLA exists as a forum for many voices seeking an understanding of war and art, and the intersection of the two. Appears to be very well written will detailed articles. [CEF Study Group - April 2005]


An Unfortunate Region

A website about the Great War battlefields and individuals. There is a unique section with a set of current oblique air photographs of selected battlefields with annotations. The site also provides some unique comments on the neutral "Front" of the Dutch Army during the Great War. [CEF Study Group - May 2005]


The Battle of Verdun

This English-Dutch website has been built for all who are interested in the battle of Verdun (1916) and/or those who want to visit Verdun and its surroundings in the future. It provides a nice overview of this major battle between French and German forces. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


Passion & Compassion 1914-1918 - Feeling the Great War

This English-French website proposes to bring forward some of passion and compassion of the Great War through the use of quotations, images, background on battle sites, references to other links, recommended readings and other website links. [CEF Study Group - May 2006]


Clausewitz Home Page

The Prussian military thinker Carl von Clausewitz is widely acknowledged as one of the most important of the major strategic theorists. Even though he's been dead for over a century-and-a-half, he remains the most frequently cited, the most controversial, and in many respects the most modern. This website is intended as a central source for information, articles, and arguments about the man and his ideas. It is designed to accommodate anyone interested in understanding human strategies, including not only scholarly researchers on Clausewitz but also students and faculty in professional military education (PME) institutions, business schools, and other organizations concerned with human competition and conflict. [CEF Study Group - May 2006]


Florida State Archives, Memory Project – World War I

The World War I service cards provide name; age; serial number; race; place of birth; and residence; for service men and women who were either from Florida or who entered service in Florida. The data base and scanned images amount to over 40,000 entries. [CEF Study Group – Sept 2006]


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Individual Great War Soldier Websites - Part 4

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


* Pte. Richard William Mercer - 1st Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade

The website publishes the personal letters sent home by an ordinary Canadian soldier from 1915 to 1919. The site makes extensive use of footnotes to explain and/or elaborate on the background and context of the comments of a young private in the Borden Motor Machine Gun Battery of the Canadian Expeditionary Force.

[Dwight Mercer/Borden Battery website courtesy of Brett Payne][CEF Study Group]


*The Great War: Vimy Ridge George Van Wyck Laughton, M.C.,

Canadian - Serving in the British 3rd Army, 34th Division, 26th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers (Tyneside Irish)

Documents have now been posted that relate to research on the Great War as seen by 2nd Lt. George Van Wyck Laughton, M.C., primarily as it applies to the Battle of Arras. The website also has a very good set of URL links to many other interesting sites. In addition, you can access the complete text of Official History of the Canadian Army in the First World War - Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919, Colonel G. W. L. Nicholson, C.D., Army Historical Section including digital copies of the original colour maps. [CEF Study Group]


*For Valour - Sgt. Hugh Cairns, V.C., D.C.M.

Detailed and well-presented website on Sgt. Hugh Cairns and the background and events associated with his Victoria Cross in 1918. Created by Rod Filan in association with Rosebud's WWI and Early Aviation Image Archive. [CEF Study Group]


*Sgt. Hugh Cairns Website - Valenciennes, France

Alain Dubois is trying to get in touch with relatives of Sergeant Hugh Cairns V.C. (born December 4th, 1896 in Ashington, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, enlisted on August 2nd, 1915, with the 65th Battalion, Saskatchewan Regiment). Sgt. H. Cairns died on November 2nd, 1918 in Valenciennes, France. Alain lives in Valenciennes and works at the Mont Houy university campus, Mont Houy being a place just outside Valenciennes which the Canadian troops - 46th Battalion - crossed when they liberated Valenciennes on November 1st, 1918. The exact spot where the Canadian troops entered the city is now called Canada Square ("Place du Canada"). [CEF Study Group]


Canadian VC Recipients - Canada Veteran Affairs

All 94 Canadian winners of the VC award winners from all military actions including the Great War. The site contains full citations to these awards, their Attestation Papers, some medical forms are provided and some recipients have photographs. This site enables a quick and comprehensive review of these Canadian Victoria Cross winners. At this time there are no living Canadian recipients of the Victoria Cross. [CEF Study Group - Feb 2006 - Updated]


Filip Konowal, V.C.

Filip Konowal, a Ukrainian Canadian volunteer with the 47th Canadian Infantry Battalion, fought with exceptional valour in August 1917 during the battle for Hill 70. For his courage Konowal was awarded the Victoria Cross by King George V who remarked: "Your Exploit is one of the most daring and heroic in the history of my army. For this, accept my thanks." Comprehensive website. [CEF Study Group]


William Angus VC

The first Scottish Territorial soldier to be awarded the Victoria Cross.

"No 7709 Lance-Corporal William Angus, 8th (Lanark) Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry (Territorial Force) - For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty at Givenchy on 12 June 1915, in voluntarily leaving his trench under very heavy bomb and rifle fire and rescuing a wounded officer who was lying within a few yards of the enemy's position. Lance-Corporal Angus had no chance whatsoever in escaping the enemy's fire when undertaking this very gallant action, and in effecting the rescue he sustained about 40 wounds from bombs, some of them being very serious" [CEF Study Group - May 2006]


*Buckingham (Quebec) 1914-1918: The Soldiers of the Great War

This site (French and English] is dedicated to the memory of the Great War soldiers having a connection to the Town of Buckingham (Quebec, Canada). It presents a growing list of veterans (currently over 300 names) and can include biographical information and links to Attestation Papers and decorations. [site operated by Plan][CEF Study Group - Dec 2005]


The Canadian Letters and Images Project

This site features a strong selection of personal letters [132 separate authors] from Canadians in the Great War. The site has been completely redesigned with new features, such as search capabilities, and a greatly expanded range of letter materials. The search feature is a very welcome addition. While the site is still incomplete at this point the university continues to work on it until all the materials have been transferred from the old site. [CEF Study Group - July 2006 - Updated]


Letters Home from the Front World War I - South Shore Genealogical Society

These letters are transcribed from, and courtesy of, the Berwick Register newspaper, Berwick NS, by Phil and Stephanie Vogler. The Register Extracts and Vital Statistics are at: Berwick Register Extracts Project - a site created by the Voglers consisting of extracts from the Berwick Register newspaper.

[Recommendation by 2004Springy][CEF Study Group - Jan 2006]


*Percy Henry Forsey - A Soldier Of The Great War

The web site contains details of the fight for the "Quadrilateral" 9th Oct 1916 on the Somme just to the West of Le Sars and the Battle of Vimy Ridge from April 9th to 30th 1917. It features Percy Forsey killed at Vimy Ridge April 1917 and is built from the details found in the CEF war diaries. [brett Olive website][CEF Study Group]


Gunner Bertram Howard Cox

The following 38 letters were written to his family during WW1 and were transcribed by his daughter Molly in 2002. Notes in parenthesis are clarifications by Molly. The army censored all soldier's letters involved at battle. Some of these letters had eraser marks, as noted by Bert, most likely concerning locations or movements of soldiers/battalions which had been written about. [CEF Study Group]


Harold S. Gamblin – Memories of WWI

Harold Gamblin enlisted in the 4th Canadian Siege Battery on the 26th day of October, 1915. It was mobilized and stationed on Partridge Island which is in the outer part of Saint John Harbour. He was 17 years old at the time of enlistment and therefore had to have the consent of his parents. The foregoing is a transcription of an audio cassette Harold made for his daughter Myrtle in the late 1970s, edited by Evan Gamblin in Nov 2001. The download consists of short event summaries and some interesting photographs and drawings. [CEF Study Group - Mar 2006 - Updated]


The Clan Boyd Society - International Web Site

This extended family website contains the names of 40 men of the Boyd surname who were killed in the Great War. [CEF Study Group]


Memories of the Forgotten War: The World War I - Diary of Pte. V. E. Goodwin

The memoirs of Vincent Goodwin offer a window into the forgotten times of World War One. We have taken excerpts from Dr. Beatty's writings on Mr. Goodwin's diaries that were particularly interesting or relevant to our coverage of the War. Text quoted is that of Mr. Goodwin with narration by Dr. Beatty. [CEF Study Group]


Howard H. Peckham Collection of First-hand Accounts of WWI

Comprehensive collection of autobiographical books by soldiers who experienced WWI. Gathered from both European as well as United States military personnel and civilians who recorded first-hand accounts of their lives during the World War, 1918-1919. From the collection at University of North Carolina at Asheville. [CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


William Peden - 8th Battalion Royal Winnipeg Rifles

The personal website included the recollections of Pte. William Peden, including his training and preparation for World War I with the 8th Battalion Royal Winnipeg Rifles, his arrival in France in which he describes the First Battle of Ypres where he survived the first German gas attack of the war, and a Post War Retrospective. As well, there are recollections and many humorous stories of life and times in Scotland in the late 1890's and in Canada at the turn of the century. [CEF Study Group - March 2006 - Updated]


Archives of Ontario - Excerpts of the John Mould Diary

The website includes portions of a hand-written WWI memoir of Private John Mould, 19th Battalion, 2nd Canadian Expeditionary Force from St. Catharines, Ontario. In addition, related war photographs illustrate his story. In addition, the site also contains some 8mm home movies of the 1935 Vimy Pilgrimage. [CEF Study Group - Mar 2006]


Albert Carter's Documents from the Great War

This simple website presents documents [documents, postcards and photos] of Private Albert Carter, an Australian soldier who fought in France during the First World War with the 4th/2nd Pioneers of the Australian Imperial Forces. [CEF Study Group - April 2006] http://home.vicnet.net.au/~foothist/ww1_re.../home_page.html

The Diary of Alvin York by Alvin C. York

The Diary of Sgt. York. [Mar 2006 - CEF Study Group]


Edward Gilmore (known as Hughie) Dodd’s Diaries

This account describes Edward Gilmore (known as Hughie) Dodd’s activities at the front line maintaining and repairing pumps and electrical equipment. Hughie enlisted in Perth after serving in the 84th infantry. In March, 1916 he was appointed to the No. 6 Tunnelling Coy with the rank of "Sapper". The diary was transcribed verbatim by his grandson, Keith Hugh Dodd and the original has been donated by the family to The Army Museum of Western Australia. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


Captain Noel Godfrey Chavasse, VC and Bar, MC, RAMC.

This is a simple text website on Captain Noel Chavasse who was Medical Officer of the 10th (Liverpool Scottish) Battalion, the King's (Liverpool) Regiment, during the first three years of the First World War. He was the only man to win the British Military's highest award for valour, the Victoria Cross, twice during the Great War. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


The Life and Times of a Hero

This website is dedicated to William George Ashby Bentley from 1911 until 1918. The site includes an introduction, summary of early years, letters home, details and maps from Gallipoli, the Somme and Passchendaele. There are maps, photographs and text which summarizes the life and times of this this English soldier. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


A Canadian Soldier in the Great War: Experiences of Frank Maheux

(From: Canadian Military History, Autumn 1992) Desmond Morton

This is a short biographical sketch of a Canadian solder by Desmond Morton as presented in the above published journal. “Maheux was a typical 1914 recruit in a lot of ways - his height, five feet five inches, was the CEF average. His meagre education was typical too. He was Catholic, second to the Church of England among denominations in the CEF, and just ahead of the Presbyterians. In other ways, he was untypical.“ [CEF Study Group - May 2006]


Veteran Affairs Canada – Audio Interviews with Five Veterans

This website includes the “Real-Audio” interviews of five Canadian Great War veterans. Interviews include: Tom Wood speaking about his experiences in the artillery, Jimmy Ellis talks of his experiences in the infantry, Tracy Brown speaking about aviation, George Hatch speaks about life in the trenches, and Wilfred D. "Dick" Ellis speaking about communications and transportation.

[Recommendation by Floyd][CEF Study Group - July 2006]


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Well, thank you Borden Battery. Difficult to get more comprehensive than that. Excuse me while I take about a year off to look at them all. :lol:

cheers Martin B

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There are twenty-nine (29) chapters in the CEF Study Group's Recommended Great War Website list, this was just for first four (4).

Borden Battery

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How many have you actually looked at? What would your own recommendations be?

Martin B

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Approximately one-third of the websites that are examined will make the CEF Study Group's Recommended list. We are looking for accurate content, presentation, general coverage of topic areas and uniqueness.

While I have my personal favourites, each website is something of a "labour of love" and will be special to someone - as such I do not think it is appropriate for me to make a special selection. The users of this list will make their own choices.

Borden Battery

PS Here is another installment from the master list.


CEF Battalion & Regimental Websites – Part 5

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"

Regional and Regimental Affiliations of the Canadian Expeditionary Force

The following tables from www.canadiansoldiers.com present a clear outline of the many military units which formed the Canadian Corps during the Great War. Readers not familiar with the Canadian Corps and its sub-units are advised to visit this website first to familiarize themselves. [Also See Part 2][CEF Study Group - July 2006]


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4th Canadian Mounted Rifles

The 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles is a place of remembrance to those who served with the 4CMR in World War 1. Whilst initially covering the period from the regiment’s formation in 1914, to just after the heavy losses incurred in the 'Battle for Mount Sorrel' in June 1916, this simple website is not intended to be a site of any expertise on the matter of the First World War, but it is here to be a point of focus for all who had relatives or research subjects who served at any time with the 4th CMR. [CEF Study Group - May 2006]


*6th Brigade & 2nd Battalion - Canadian Machine Gun Corps

Objective is to collate resources relating to the history of the 6th Brigade Canadian Machine Gun Company, later becoming part of the 2nd Battalion Canadian Machine Gun Corps, during the First World War, and make them available on the Internet. In addition, the website includes war diary transcriptions, the complete transcription of A History of the Canadian Machine Gun Corps by Lt.-Col. C. S. Grafton, (1938) and other personal letters from the Great War. [A Brett Payne website][CEF Study Group]


10th Infantry Battalion - Fighting Tenth

The Tenth Battalion, or "Fighting Tenth" as it became known, was created in 1914 as a war-service infantry battalion; it was populated heavily by men from the 103rd Regiment (Calgary Rifles), saw extensive service with the First Canadian Division in France and Flanders, and was later designated as a perpetuating unit of The Calgary Highlanders. The website is very well done and lists battle actions, commanders, awards and a sketch history. [CEF Study Group - April 2005]


13th Battalion Black Watch Royal Highlanders of Canada

Black Watch Home Page, a living history group portraying The 13th Battalion Royal Highlanders of Canada during World War I. The unit is part of the Great War Historical Society, based in Southern California. The purpose of the group is to re-create, as much as possible, the conditions faced by soldiers during the First World War. [CEF Study Group - Mar 2006]


15th Canadian Machine Gun Company, CEF Anon

List of Commanding Officers (Feb 1917-Mar 1918), a Roll of Honour compiled from the Canadian Virtual War Memorial, and a List of Casualties compiled from the War Diaries. [Recommendation by Brett Payne][CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


16th Battalion (Canadian Scottish)

Special Collections, Military Collections - University of Victoria

The fonds consists of records generated and utilized by the 16th Battalion (The Canadian Scottish). The fonds are arranged into 11 alphabetically organized series. These series include aerial photographs of the Western Front, information of a World War One operation on the city of Lens, orders issued to the Battalion, personnel records, photographs, publications (including early editions of The Brazier"), reports, scrapbooks, information on training, minutes of meetings of the Veterans Association of the 16th Battalion, and a design for the 16th Battalion war memorial. [CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


19th Alberta Dragoons - Commemorative Site

This commemorative site features the 19th Alberta Dragoons [C Squadron, 3rd CMR and later A Squadron of CLH]. The unit was also part of Brutinel's Brigade during the Last One Hundred Days. Battle Honours include: Ypres 1915,'17, Gravenstafel, St Julien, Festubert 1915, Mount Sorrel, Somme 1916, Flers-Courcelette, Ancre Heights, Arras 1917, '18, Vimy 1917, Hill 70, Amiens, Scarpe 1918, Drocourt-Queant, Hindenburg Line, Canal du Nord, Cambrai 1918, Pursuit to Mons, and France and Flanders 1915-1918. The Stetson hat is a feature of the unit. [Recommendation provided by Mich][CEF Study Group - Aug 2005]


19th Canadian Machine Gun Company, CEF Anon

A brief discussion of the Origins of the Company, a list of Officers (many of whom were members of the 86th Machine Gun Battalion) and a list of Other Men (compiled from the War Diaries), and a Roll of Honor consisting of a single entry extracted from the Canadian Book of Remembrance. [Recommendation by Brett Payne][CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


21st Battalion CEF

The website contains a good selection of photographs, a detailed photographic record of headstones, officer lists and a wealth of other information on this Canadian Expeditionary Force battalion. In addition, this website is associated with a small but dedicated discussion forum. [see Section 15][CEF Study Group - May 2006 - Updated]


Royal 22nd Regiment: Canada's Fighting 'Van Doos'

During the First World War, Canada decided to create a military unit that would represent its French-speaking population. The distinct language and culture of the regiment have afforded unique opportunities, and posed frequent challenges.

(CEF Study Group – Sept 2006]


*28th Northwest Battalion

The 28th (North-west) Battalion was recruited in 1914 from the Manitoba / Saskatchewan area of Canada. The battalion went overseas to Britain as part of the 'Second Contingent' in June of 1915. There it joined 6th Brigade, 2nd Division of the Canadian Corps. The last soldier killed on the Western Front was Private G. Price of the 28th, shot by a sniper while on patrol at 10:58 am, Nov. 11, 1918, two minutes before the armistice. This website has a significant amount of research work within it including a detailed database. [CEF Study Group]


Up the Johns! : The Story of the Royal Regina Rifles [28th Battalion]

This website is based on the scanned images of the book entitled “Up the Johns” which includes the 28th Northwest Battalion from the Great War. The book covers the period from 1885 to 1992 with about 88 of 238 pages and contains a good summary of the more important actions and events of this units.[Recommendation by Bro][CEF Study Group - Mar 2006]


38th Royal Ottawa Battalion

Over 3000 men joined this Battalion from its inception in 1914 until the end of the First World War. The initial draft, as well as the first and second reinforcing drafts are indexed in Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf). These files vary from 190k in size for the first and second drafts to 700k for the initial draft. This information consists of the recruit's name, date of enlistment, rank, former corps, name & address of next of kin, birth place, location taken on strength. [Recommendation provided by Chris Wright][CEF Study Group - Aug 2005]


40th Battery, CFA - Anon

A brief introduction to the Battery's formation, a Roll of Honour compiled from the Canadian War Memorial, a photograph, contemporary newspaper accounts, an account of the death of Major G.H. Southam, O.C. of the 40th Battery, CFA (extracted from the War Diary), and a Roster which appears to have been compiled from the LAC's Soldiers of the First World War (1914-1918)[Recommendation by Brett Payne][CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


46th Battalion, CEF on the Saskatchewan Dragoons

The 46th Battalion is perpetuated by the Saskatchewan Dragoons, and the web site of the latter provides a detailed description of the Battle Honours for the 46th, which includes Mount Sorrel, The Somme, Ancre Heights, Vimy, Arras, Hill 70, Ypres 1917, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Canal du Nord and Valenciennes. [Recommendation by Brett Payne][CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


48th Highlanders of Canada - Old Comrades Association

A simple website with a listing of Battle Honours and a short summary of battles. [CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


50th Battalion, 3rd, 12th &13th Regiments Canadian Mounted Rifles

The full Nominal Rolls or "sailing lists" of in the 50th Battalion and the 3rd, 12th and 13th Regiments Canadian Mounted Rifles, as compiled by Lt. Col. W. van de Schee and published by the Alberta Family Histories Society, have been transcribed and are reproduced on the Alberta Family Histories Society [A.F.H.S] web site. [Recommendation provided by Emma Gees][CEF Study Group - Aug 2005]


*52nd Battalion, CEF (New Ontario)

This website is dedicated to the memory of all the men that served in the ranks of the 52nd (New Ontario) Battalion, CEF which was raised in Northern Ontario during the Spring of 1915 with its mobilization headquarters at Port Arthur (Thunder Bay), Ontario. The Battalion joined the 9th Brigade, 3rd Canadian Division on February 23, 1916. The website contains a growing memorial section, photographs and links to the war diaries. [This is an 'O'Kelly's Boys' website][CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


*54th Kootenay Battalion Honours & Awards

This well-designed site features a compilation of Honours and Awards to the 54th Kootenay Battalion CEF There is linkages of members to Attestation Papers, Medal Citations, cemetery records photographs and recorded music. Well done. [CEF Study Group]


54th Kootenay Battalion

The website covers the 1915-1919 period with yearly summaries of events, some interesting graphical statistics, information on selected soldiers and includes a good selection of photographs including some machine gunners. In addition, the site has been updated. This site also links to the 102nd Battalion. [CEF Study Group - Updated Aug 2006]


57th Regiment - Peterborough Rangers

This website contains a listing of 125 men from the Peterborough area who enlisted in the 57th Regiment in 1914. 1914 Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men 57th Regiment, Peterborough Rangers. These men were trained at Camp Valcartier in Quebec and assigned to the 2nd, Eastern Ontario Battalion. They first saw action, at First Ypres, in April, 1915. [CEF Study Group - May 2006 - Updated]


*58th Battalion - Remembering the 58th Battalion in France and Belgium

This website is dedicated to the 58th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force with special attention given to their actions at the Third Battle of Ypres or more commonly known to Canadians as Passchendaele. At first glance, the site appears rather minimal, however, there are many levels including detailed work on an Honour Role for the Battalion being culled from the Book of Remembrance, recommended reading lists and related links. The site is maintained by Benjamin Keevil in Toronto. [CEF Study Group - May 2005]


73rd Battalion - Royal Highlanders of Canada

Book contains photos of all the members of this World War I regiment including the following: Introduction, Lieut.-Col. Peers Davidson, O.C., Regimental Staff Officers, Officers of Companies "A-D" Company, Band, Staff Sergeants, A Company: Platoons: 1-4, B Company: Platoons 5-8, C Company: Platoons 9-12, D Company: Platoons 13-16 and E Company. There is also a nice personal diary of John Clarence Ross who died at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917, just short of his 18th birthday, having lied about his age to enlist.[A Don and Jeanne Ross website - Chris Wight Recommendation][CEF Study Group - Jan 2006]


*79th Cameron Highlanders of Canada - 43rd Battalion CEF

This website outlines the background and general actions, Battle Honours and listing of medals of the 79th Cameron Highlanders which served primarily with the 43rd Battalion of the CEF. This site is maintained by Stuart McLean. [CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


85th CEF Overseas Battalion

The website is a pictorial history of the Nova Scotia Highland Regiment, the 85th "Overseas" Battalion, CEF,"Nova Scotia Highlanders". It was authorized on Sept. 14th, 1915 with companies made up from the following Counties: "A" Company - Pictou, Cumberland, Colchester; "B" Company - Lunenburg, Queens, Shelburne, Yarmouth, Digby, Annapolis, Antigonish, Guysboro, Inverness; "C" Company - Halifax, Hants, Kings"D: Company - Cape Breton Island. Photographs include officers, staff sergeants, pipe band, signals and machine gun section.[Recommendation by N.S Regt][CEF Study Group - Nov 2005]


86th Machine Gun Battalion - A Short History derived from the Hamilton Spectator

"In mid-August 1915, it was announced that a new unit, the 86th Machine Gun Battalion--"the first of its kind in the British Empire"--would be raised and based in Hamilton, Ontario. Shortly afterwards, the prominent Hamilton architect and Major in the local 91st Highland Regiment, Walter Wilson Stewart, was appointed to command the unit. Recruiting commenced on August 28 ... The 86th Machine Gun Battalion was finally sent to England in May 1916 and was stationed at the Risborough Barracks, Shorncliffe, where training was completed. On May 22, 1916, the 86th Machine Gun Battalion was redesignated the Canadian Machine Gun Depot, and the men were transferred to various machine gun units as they were needed." [Recommendation by Brett Payne][CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


93rd CEF Infantry Battalion

This website is dedicated to the men of Peterborough, Ontario and surrounding area, who made up the 93rd Battalion and features a short history of Private Harry Smith. In addition, an index provides access to the names of the 843 men of the 93rd Battalion who embarked at Halifax, Nova Scotia, on July 15th, 1916 aboard the S.S. Empress of Britain. The listing contains Regimental Number, Name, Rank, Former Corps, Name of Next of Kin, Address of Next of Kin, Country of Birth, Place and Date of Enlistment. [CEF Study Group - May 2006]


American Volunteers - 97th Battalion, CEF

The 97th Battalion of the Canadian Army, later known as the “Lost Battalion” began organizing in the latter part of 1915 in the Toronto area. Comprised of over 90% American volunteers it selected for its name the "American Legion". One main story on this segment of a larger website is about Pte. James Francis Kennedy who later joined the Royal Canadian Regiment as a machine gunner but was killed after transferring to the US 1st Division . [CEF Study Group - July 2006]


102nd Infantry Battalion - North British Columbia

Website contains full regimental history in 13 chapters, photographs and details on soldiers including a VC winner from September 1918. [CEF Study Group - Mar 2006 - Updated]


106th Overseas Battalion - CEF Nova Scotia Rifles

A listing of all the officers and men by the 14 platoons. There are also photographs of each man. This is an interesting little website for this battalion. [CEF Study Group]


*117th Eastern Townships Overseas Battalion

This webpage is dedicated to the men and officers who, during the months of November 1915 and August 1916, attested for service with the 117th Eastern Townships Overseas Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. The site includes a short history, an Honour Roll, the start of the Nominal Roll and Attestation Roll, and links to the 3CMR and the 3rd Battalion. [CEF Study Group - Nov 2005]


199th Battalion, Irish Canadian Rangers

The Montreal Irish and the Great War -CCHA Historical Studies, 52(1985), 67-81

This academic paper provides background on the formation of the 199th Battalion, Irish Canadian Rangers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force and the local and international politics influencing recruitment. [CEF Study Group - August 2006]


205th (Tiger) Battalion [Nominal Roll], CEF - Anon

A very brief history of the 205th, followed by a lengthy Nominal Roll compiled by reference to the LAC's Soldiers of the First World War (1914-1918), the Hamilton Spectator and the Hamilton Times.[Recommendation by Brett Payne][CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


The Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment

With the advent of the First World War, details of the 21st Regiment Essex Fusiliers, as it was then called, were placed on active service on 6 August 1914 for local protective duty. The 21st Regiment contributed initially to the 1st Battalion, CEF upon its formation in September 1914. Later, LCol ES Wigle organized the 18th Battalion, CEF largely from Essex Fusilier members. The 21st Regiment Essex Fusiliers continued its recruiting efforts and filled out the ranks of the 99th and 241st Battalions. The 24th Kent Regiment raised the 186th Battalion CEF and also contributed to the 1st and 18th Battalions. The 18th Battalion served in France and Flanders with the 4th Infantry Brigade from 15 September 1915 until the Armistice. This battalion was followed by the 99th, 186th and 241st under the command of LCol TS Welch and LCol WL McGregor, respectively. It was their task to provide reinforcements for the Canadian Corps in the field. [CEF Study Group]


The Royal Canadian Regiment - Battle Honours [unofficial Website]

The November Company, 3rd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiments unofficial Web Site contains a comprehensive summary of the wide range of Battle Honours of this older Canadian military unit from Saskatchewan [1885] to Korea [1950][CEF Study Group]


The Royal Canadian Regiment and The First World War

The Royal Canadian Regiment (The RCR) is Canada's senior Regular Force Infantry Regiment. Formed in 1883, it has garrisoned communities from Halifax to Victoria and has served in virtually every military campaign undertaken by the country.

War diary transcriptionists required. [CEF Study Group - July 2006]


The Fort Garry Horse Regimental [English and French]

This modern-day website also contain sections regarding the Fort Garry Horse and its actions during the Great War. Material includes Battle honours, Roll of Honour, Awards and Decorations with background and information on Lt. Harry Colebourn and Winnie the Bear. [Recommendation provided by Terry][CEF Study Group - Aug 2005]


Governor General's Foot Guards

The Regiment sent drafts of men to several units that were formed to serve overseas; the largest drafts being sent to the 2nd and 77th Battalions. The 2nd Battalion fought in all the major actions in France and Flanders including the first gas attack at Ypres, Vimy Ridge, and Passchendaele. They were known as the "Iron Second" for their toughness in action. [Recommendation provided by Plan][CEF Study Group - Aug 2005]



This reformatted website/wiki [formerly known as “CANUCK] is perhaps the largest and most comprehensive single source, on-line or off, regarding the organization, vehicles, weapons, uniforms, traditions, and insignia of Canadian soldiers in the 20th Century. Over 6,700 images on 500+ pages dealing with history, equipment, literature and more are presented here for students of history, re-enactors, modelers, gamers, serious researchers and anyone interested in the Canadian Army between 1900 and 2000. Serious contributions to site content, such as information, photos, or anecdotes, are welcomed and will be fully credited. [A Michael A. Dorosh website][CEF Study Group - June 2006 - Updated]


Yukon Infantry Company, CEF - Anon

A Roll of Honour and a Roster compiled from the LAC's Soldiers of the First World War (1914-1918)[Recommendation by Brett Payne][CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


The Legion of Frontiersmen of the Commonwealth

Formed at the end of 1904 for fellowship and for service to the State at any time of need, the Legion has been the centre of many myths. This website sets the record straight and tells the truth of the extraordinary history of those who served humanity selflessly and often made the greatest sacrifice of all. [CEF Study Group - Dec 2005]


Allied Battalion & Regimental Websites - Part 6

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


Royal Newfoundland Regiment & The Newfoundland Forestry Corps - World War 1

An impressive and detailed website regarding the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, the regimental history [The First Five Hundred - A History of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment], nominal rolls, war graves, and general information. [Daniel Breen website][CEF Study Group]


The Irish Guards in the Great War

Edited and compiled originally by Rudyard Kipling from their diaries and papers; Volume I, The First Battalion, (1923) has been re-presented by Russell Tayler. The following material is reported to be in the public domain. The published material includes the following chapters: Introduction, 1914 Mons To La Bassée, 1915 La Bassée To Laventie, 1916 The Salient To The Somme, 1917 The Somme To Gouzeaucourt and 1918 Arras To The Armistice. [CEF Study Group - Dec 2005]


The History of the Irish Guards from 1900 to 1919

The website begins with the establishment of the regiment by Queen Victoria in April 1900, details of the units actions, information on their kit, a reading list, a re-enacting section on the Irish Guards and two volumes on the Irish Guards by Rudyard Kipling. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


The 5th Royal Irish Lancers

This site attempts to tell the story of the oldest lancer regiment within the British Army. Ranging throughout it's turbulent history dating from 1689, temporary disbandment in 1799, reformation in 1858 and it's eventual disbandment in 1922. "The Redbreasts" or "The Daily Advertisers" as the 5th Royal Irish Lancers were known, went into battle with the motto of the Order of St Patrick "Quis Separabit" (Who Shall Separate?). Detailed site with lots of linkages to other Irish military units. [CEF Study Group - Jan 2006]


The Bedfordshire Regiment - BEF

The Bedfordshire Regiment was active on the Western Front, Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine. The Regiment’s 3 “Regular” Infantry Battalions and its single Territorial Battalion were supplemented by 3 “New Army” Battalions when War broke out in 1914. The website contains biographies of officer casualties, war diaries, medal winners, research queries and a tribute to Private Herbert Charles Kendall: great-grandfather of the webmaster. [A Steve Fuller Website][CEF Study Group - July 2006]


The Royal Dublin Fusiliers Association

The site commemorates all Irish men and women who volunteered, served and died in the Great War 1914-1918 by organizing public exhibitions, lectures, seminars, visits and the publication of a journal. It includes information and objects relating to the soldiers of Royal Dublin Fusiliers and the other disbanded Irish Regiments. [CEF Study Group - Mar 2006]


8th Battalion City of London Regiment Post Office Rifles

This site is dedicated to Sgt. William Frederick George Girling who was Killed in Action on 30th October 1917 at Passchendaele while serving with the 2/8th Battalion, and to all who fought and died on the Western Front. It provides a list of Battle Honours, a Memorial List, a list of decorations for members and some documents. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


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Great War Discussion Forums - Part 7

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


*Canadian Expeditionary Force Study Group - Discussion Forum

The Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) and all aspects of its involvement in the Great War is the focus of this discussion forum. The CEF Study Group was formed in October 2004 and revised on 8 April 2005. Membership is about 570 members and some 12,700 postings. The site is linked to several member websites and includes databases, The Matrix and a comprehensive list of recommended Great War websites. Emphasis is on the research and study of the Canadian Corps. [CEF Study Group - Aug 2006 - Updated]


The Great War Forum - The Long, Long Trail

The story of the British Army of 1914-1918 is edited by Chris Baker and includes a large, 10,500+ member discussion forum with over 400,000 postings in what is now a significant "data-base" of earlier posted information. Emphasis is on the British Expeditionary Force with some material on the CEF and AIF discussed on this site. A companion website contains information the Great War. The greatest resource from this site are the earlier postings; be sure to use the “Search” button to access a wealth of information. [CEF Study Group - Aug 2006 - Updated]


Lost Generation 1418 - Researching Armed Conflict 1850 – 1920

This discussion forum hosted by Ian Bowbrick is dedicated to researchers of armed conflict from 1850 to 1920 with major emphasis on British Expeditionary Force from the Great War. A significant number of members have either personal websites and/or are published authors on this topic area. As of July 2006 there are about 270 members and some 5300 postings. [CEF Study Group - Aug 2006 - Updated]


*Victoria Cross Forum

This small but specialized forum in both Dutch and English was formed in December 2004. The objectives of the moderators is to give the VC-recipients the honour they deserve and we want to get the Victoria Cross more known in the Netherlands and in Belgium. Currently the forum has about 70 registered members from around the world and 4400 postings. The topics are specific to the VC , the recipients and the actions associated with the events. [CEF Study Group - July 2006 - Updated]


*Somme Battlefields Forum [somme 1916 - Somme 2006]

This discussion forum, which formed in August 2005, is moderated by Paul Reed and works in association with his new Somme website. The forum is specific to the Battle of the Somme in 1916 and/or any aspect of the Somme Anniversary in 2006 and may set the trend for other battle-specific discussion forums. As of July 2006 the site had some 162 members and 850 postings related to the Somme. [CEF Study Group – Oct 2006 - Updated]


*First World War Forum

About 600 members and 83,000 postings.

A Netherlands based discussion forum which is focused on all aspects of the Great War. It has a dedicated membership, mainly from The Netherlands and Flanders and a multitude of topics can be found ranging from all participating countries to a very large list of relevant books and web sites. The main language is Dutch, but there are many articles posted in English as well. Considering the fact that this forum was started only 15 months ago it is pretty amazing that it has attracted such a large audience. More so when one realizes that The Netherlands was not a participating country during the war. [CEF Study Group - May 2006]


*Forum Eerste Wereldoorlog [Mei 2006-05-18]

Dit Nederlands talige forum richt zich op alle aspecten betreffende de Eerste Wereldoorlog en kent een groot aantal leden, voornamelijk uit Nederland en Belgisch Vlaanderen. Alle aspecten van deze oorlog komen aan de orde en het forum kent een zeer uitgebreide lijst van relevante boeken en web sites. De voertaal is overwegend Nederlands, echter, er worden ook regelmatig artikelen in de Engelse taal geplaatst. Gezien het feit dat dit forum pas 15 maanden geleden opgericht is, kan men stellen dat het een onstuimige groei heeft doorgemaakt. Dit is des te opvallender, als men zich realiseert dat Nederland niet deelgenomen heeft aan de Eerste Wereldoorlog.

[Editor – GrandsonMichael]


*21sters - The 21st Battalion CEF Discussion Group

This discussion group facilitates specific exchanges associated with 21st Canadian Expeditionary Force Battalion and its men. The original 21st Battalion CEF was organized in Kingston Ontario during the Great War under Lt Col W.S. Hughes an incorporated men and officers of Eastern Ontario. It was also known as the Eastern Ontario Regiment. This special group was formed on 27 August 2004 and currently has 34 members. [CEF Study Group - May 2006]


The Great War Society

The Great War Society encourages discussion, learning, scholarship and independent research on the events surrounding the First World War. This site is designed to reach those of you who share our enthusiasm and interest in this historical era, to allow correspondence between us and to assist you in your investigations. [CEF Study Group]


The Aerodrome

This website is very extensive in its documentation of the air war including cross-indexing of aircraft, aces, serial numbers of aircraft and pilot victories. Emphasis is visual and with visual statistics. The discussion forum includes about 3800 members, over 215,000 postings with discussion threads tending to be on specific aircraft and airmen rather than historic discussion. Therefore, an excellent site for researching specific topics on Great War aerial combat.[Recommendation by Brett Payne / emma gee][CEF Study Group - Aug 2006 - Updated]


ANZAC Research Discussion Board

This Great War Discussion Board [220 members and 3400 postings] is very exclusive to the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps [ANZAC]. Most of the discussion feature Gallipoli and naturally items of specific interest to ANZAC readers - very limited response to CEF queries. The format of this board is different from the CEF Study Group and the Great War Forum boards, however, it is relatively easy to navigate. One feature which appears to be missing is a "search" feature for new message posts. There appears to be two membership levels with a payment granting access to more information. [CEF Study Group - Oct 2005]


Warchron - Great War on the Eastern Front

The Warchron discussion forum is dedicated to the Eastern Front during the Great War. The subject of Warchron is Russian military (land-sea-air), political-social history. In August 2006 Warchron began reorganizing the Forum Topics to include all aspects of the period 1918-1922 including the Russian Civil War, Wars of National Independence, Polish-Soviet War and the Allied Intervention. An emphasis will now be placed on aviation of all belligerents. As of Sept 2006 there are 55 members and about 450 postings. [An August Blume – Larry Seawell website][CEF Study Group – Sept 2006 – Updated]


Austro-Hungarian Land Forces Discussion Forum

This unique forum is for the discussion of the Austro-Hungarian Land Forces 1848-1938 and includes about 560 members Also see: German & Austrian Great War Websites - Part 24] for a related website. This site offers the unique opportunity to discuss the Great War from the other side of the Line. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


Axis History Forum

This is an apolitical forum for discussions on the Axis nations, as well as the First and Second World Wars in general hosted by Marcus Wendel's Axis History Factbook in cooperation with Michael Miller's Axis Biographical Research, Christoph Awender's WW2 day by day, Dan Reinbold's Das Reich and Christian Ankerstjerne's Panzerworld. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


Legion of Frontiersmen Discussion Forum

Legion-of-frontiersmen.co.uk - Countess Mountbattens Own

This is a new discussion forum specific to Legion of Frontiersmen of the Commonwealth which first formed as a private, volunteer organization with chapters in the Dominions and with the purpose of providing mounted scouts for the British Army. Legion of Frontiersmen (Countess Mountbatten's Own - named for the Patron, this title applies to original Legion and not autonomous divisions and commands) There are some 36 members and the 641 postings in this discussion forum tend to be related to current events of organisational activities. [CEF Study Group – Sept 2006 - Updated]


Central Ontario Branch of the Western Front Association

COBWFA - The Central Ontario Branch of the Western Front Association researches the contribution of the Canadian military forces from Central Ontario and British Forces who served on the Western Front in France and Belgium during World War I. The website includes information on researching on-line, material from a soldier's diary, CBC interviews of veterans, an interesting “data mining” section, large scale maps and “Mapping with the BAYO” cds. This website serves as a focal point for the COBWFA and other sister organizations. [Recommendation by Floyd Low][CEF Study Group - August 2006]


Wooden Propeller Forum

A small, specialty discussion forum site dedicated to the preservation of early wooden propellers. Formed in February 2006, it currently has 294 members and some 390 discussion threads. [CEF Study Group - Aug 2006]


Miscellaneous Great War Websites - Part 8

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


*CBC Great War Re-Enactment Movie Website

A dedicated website from CBC Television and Galafilms, it is part of their project to select descendants of Canadian Expeditionary Force soldiers for a major re-enactment film in the summer of 2006. The website includes general background information, information updates, biographies of selected participants and a small discussion forum. [CEF Study Group - Jan 2005]


Canadian Legion Magazine Website

The website contains both historic and contemporary articles and notices of interest to the military historian. [CEF Study Group]


Canadian Military History Gateway

This is a valuable attempt to integrate all the on-line government sources relating to military history into one search engine. [CEF Study Group]


The Memory Project - Part of the Dominion Institute

The Dominion Institute was established in 1997 by a group of young people concerned about the erosion of a common memory in Canada. In the space of seven short years, the Dominion Institute has had a far-reaching impact on Canadians’ perceptions of their history and shared citizenship, through groundbreaking public opinion research, high-profile Internet, education and television programming, book publications, and meaningful curriculum reform. [CEF Study Group]


The Empire Club of Canada

The Empire Club Foundation was incorporated in January 1969 as a non-profit organization, the principle function being the publication and distribution of yearbooks, containing the texts of addresses to The Empire Club of Canada to the Club's members as well as to libraries across Canada. These addresses are presented in their entirety, with a comprehensive, up to the minute index of speeches, accessible by speaker, title, keyword, topic and or date of publication. Every on-line speech index includes as synopsis and full biographical description. [CEF Study Group]


Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies (CISS)

Established in 1976, the Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies (CISS) has gained wide recognition as the nation's foremost source of independent and balanced information and research on a broad range of issues affecting Canada. It satisfies a need for a body of informed opinion on defence and security issues and stimulates greater public awareness of national and international developments. [CEF Study Group]


*The Regimental Rogue – Canada

This website contains a wide range of information on the Canadian Armed Forces from the Northwest Rebellion to present day. There is a detailed list of the Great War battles and Battle Honours, a small discussion forum and a section on the perpetuation of the units of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (C.E.F.), 1914-1919. The site is undergoing a series of upgrades but remains functional. [CEF Study Group - July 2006 - Updated]


Imperial War Museum - United Kingdom

The Imperial War Museum is a multi-branch national museum founded in 1917 to record the story of the Great War and the contributions made to it by the peoples of the Empire. It maintain collections of works of art, which include over 15,000 paintings, drawings and sculptures and 30,000 posters; objects ranging from aircraft, armoured fighting vehicles and naval vessels to uniforms, badges, personal equipment, and medals and decorations; documents, both British and foreign; printed books comprising a national reference library of over 155,000 items; 120 million feet of cine film and over 6,500 hours of video tape; over 6 million photographs and photographic negatives and transparencies, and some 32,000 recorded hours of historical sound recordings. [CEF Study Group]


The Heritage of the Great War

The is based in The Netherlands and features material in English and Dutch. It provides an interesting and different perspective on the Great War. [CEF Study Group]


The Duke of York's Royal Military School

The Mavor collection is two bound volumes of correspondence, reports and military orders collected and collated by Dr. James Mavor, former Professor of political economy of Toronto University. The correspondence covers a narrow period of the First World War, abbreviated WWI, from August 1914 to September 1915 and covers a wide range of operations in the conflict. This range includes pre-war Germany, France, England, Gallipoli, and Mesopotamia. Mavor's correspondence collected from a wide circle of family, friends, former students and colleagues who were involved in the fighting or directly affected by it as in the case of Mrs. Alfred E. Mavor whose journal, beginning 1 August 1914 and ending 5 August 1914, provides an interesting experience of a non-combatant hoping to reach safety before the fighting began. [CEF Study Group]


The State and the Great War - Newfoundland

A good selection of articles, photographs, videos and audio recordings. I noted a unique series of platoon portraits of many of the men. [CEF Study Group]


The Diggers - Belgium

The Diggers are a team of enthusiasts diggings for World War I relics. We often refer to ourselves as amateur-archaeologists, hoping that the 'real' professional archaeologists will not take offense at this, as our field is a lot more limited. For the past years we have been active especially on a Boezinge battlefield site (near Ypres (Ieper), in the west of Belgium). There is a very well done "animation" map of the various military advances from 1914 to 1918. [Correction and update provided by Michael Thierens][CEF Study Group - Oct 2005 - Updated]


Military Communications and Electronics Museum

The First World War saw the development of spark wireless, buried telephone cable and message rockets, in addition to motorcyclist dispatch riders, messenger dogs, carrier pigeons, and the old reliable lamp and flags. [CEF Study Group]


Canadian Signalling Corps

When war broke out, the 10 officers, eight attached officers and 276 men of the Canadian Signal Corps were attached to the Canadian Engineers for discipline and administration. [CEF Study Group]


Divisional Signal Company Royal Engineers

This website provides general information and photographs of British signallers with specific attention to the50th (Northumbrian) Divisional Signal Company Royal Engineers. [CEF Study Group - Feb 2006]


The Great War Website

This site has been created by Joanna Legg (neé Parker) and Graham Parker and aims to provide an overview of battlefields on The Western Front and the sites of educational interest for the visitor today. The location of museums, sites of interest, cemeteries and memorials are combined with photographs and commentary. The Ypres Salient and The Somme are the two main areas covered at present with more battle sites to be added. An innovative, 98 page Battle Study is a special feature of this site. The detailed story is told from both the German and Allied sides of the wire with the aid of Map and Time-line windows. Maps, previously untranslated German material and original research add fascinating details to the study. [CEF Study Group]


WordIQ Website - The Great War

An interesting and unique encyclopedia-like website with a wide range of document sources and hypertext links to further information. [CEF Study Group]


Canadian Genealogy and History Links

The website contains a wide range of Internet links on the Canadian military and genealogical topics. [CEF Study Group]


Queens University Archives - The Great War

The website provides a range of documents, photographs, postcards including letters related to the withdrawal of the Ross Rifle. Some material is setup for teachers. [CEF Study Group]


Archives of Ontario Remembers Our Canadian War Heroes

Some very interesting letters and photographs on this small website that merit a quick review. [CEF Study Group]


Canadian Veterans Recollect

This website contains several recorded stories from Canadian veterans of the Great War. Tom Wood speaks about his experiences in the artillery, Jimmy Ellis talks of his experiences in the Canadian infantry, Tracy Brown talks about aviation, George Hatch speaks about life in the trenches and Wilfred D. "Dick" Ellis speaks about communications and transportation. [CEF Study Group - July 2006 – Updated]


British Television - Channel 4: The First World War

This British television site, although brief in its treatment of non-British actions does contain a number of interesting sub-sections including a discussion on the start of the war, biographies, a war time-time, use of poison gas on Russian troops near Bolimow in January 1915 and a photograph of the Zimmerman telegram which contributed greatly to bring the United States into the war. [CEF Study Group – Updated August 2006]


Shot At Dawn - Execution of Soldiers in the Great War

A comprehensive website with details on many soldiers who were executed for various offenses during the Great War, detailed articles, biographies, a list of Commonwealth soldiers executed, discussions on pardon of some officers and an extensive list of other websites. [CEF Study Group - April 2005]


Executed For Example

Honouring British and Empire servicemen shot by firing-squad during World War One. There is special emphasis on thirteen soldiers. In addition, there is an extensive background for additional readings and associated “Shot At Dawn” websites. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


Canadians Executed During WWI

While just over 300 British soldiers were executed for capital offences during WWI, 25 Canadians were also executed. This section of the website provides some details on the 25 Canadians who were executed by firing squads. A Stephen Stratford website. [Recommendation by Richard Laughton & Pierre][CEF Study Group - Feb 2006]


Association for World War Archaeology - Flanders

Association for World War Archaeology or “Actiegroep voor Wereldoorlogarcheologie” was established by a group of archaeologists who have recently been dealing intensively with World War archaeological heritage in Western Flanders. Following the formation of a new “World War I department” within the Flemish Heritage Institute (VIOE), the A.W.A. became its research center. It is very detailed and sets a new example of Internet-based information for both the casual reading and the serious researcher. [CEF Study Group - May 2006]


International Red Cross [iCRC] and the First World War

On 12 October 1914 the ICRC began setting up a system for processing prisoner of war information. An index card for each prisoner was classified by nationality, in files which also contained requests for information. As soon as a piece of information was matched with a request, the Agency was able to send a reply to the family or the place of origin of the prisoner of war concerned. During the war the Agency made out 4,805,000 index cards and dispatched 1,854,914 parcels and consignments of collective relief. In some cases, Great War researchers are able to obtain information from the ICRC. [CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]


The Expositor Newspaper Christmas Edition - December 1915

This selection is the 24-page newspaper [brantford Public Library Digital Archive] and contains information on the war in general, military units from the region, nursing sisters, an extensive listing of men enlisted list from the area, the 125th (Brant) Battalion, the 84th Overseas Battalion, and Christmas articles. [CEF Study Group - Sept 2005]

The Expositor Newspaper Christmas Edition - December 1916

The section is a 32 page newspaper with details on the 58th, 125th and 215th Battalions and the 54th Field Battery. In addition, there are battalion photographs , Brant County Honour Roll, promotion, a muster list and invalids who have returned home. [CEF Study Group - Aug 2006][Recommendation by marc leroux]

British and Commonwealth Mining Operations on the Western Front 1914-1918

The genesis of this simple website is based on the undergraduate dissertation of Neil Ashworth and reworked into a web format. Changes and/or additions are promised over time and in response to information and suggestions.

A Neil Ashworth website][CEF Study Group - Dec 2005]


The Halifax Explosion - CBC TV

The Halifax Explosion website brings together a wide range of resources from CBC Television, CBC Radio and CBC.ca; from major research bodies, community groups and individuals. [CEF Study Group - Jan 2006]


BBC Wars and Conflict - World War One

The BBC television website contains a wide range of features including a Western Front, 1914 - 1918 Animation, movies and photographs, many feature articles on battles and personalities. [CEF Study Group - Mar 2006]


Paths of Glory - Croonaert

A World War I website dedicated to the remembrance and research of soldiers of all nations 1914-18. This website includes information on identity disks, trench maps, modern examples of trenches and bunkers, mine craters and ruins, temporary trench maps and campaign and service medals. In addition, Croonaert operates a research service. [A Croonaert Website][CEF Study Group - Aug 2006][GWF]


Lost Poets of the Great War

This simple website contains short biographies and poems of the following “Lost Poets” from the Great War: Rupert Brooke, John McCrae, Wilfred Owen, Issac Rosenberg, Alan Seeger and Edward Thomas.

[CEF Study Group – Sept 2006]


Trench Warfare Information Website

This website, through general text and hyper-text provides a good overview of trench warfare from historic times to the Great War and to the present. The site presents the topic in the following order: Background on Trench Warfare, Development, Implementation of Trenches, Life in the Trenches, Death in Trenches, Weapons of Trench Warfare, Mining, Trench Battles, Obsolescence, Recent Trench Warfare and References.[Recommended by GrandsonMichael][CEF Study Group – Sept 2006]


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While I have my personal favourites, each website is something of a "labour of love" and will be special to someone - as such I do not think it is appropriate for me to make a special selection. The users of this list will make their own choices.

Borden Battery makes a very valid point. Let me say at once that my "off-the-top-of-me-'ead" selection above of Tom's site reflects in no way on the value of other Pals' sites that I have viewed :o - there are a lot of really excellent sites out there. :)


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It is a valid point -- though the same thing can apply to books, for instance, which we cheerfully review and criticise at length, not to mention our own opinions -- I thought BB's list a 'bit Canadian' . ;)

I would hate for anyone to be upset. Thanks for all your input

cheers Martin B

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Naturally, the website list started as a recommended research tool for people with a specific interest in the Canadian Expeditionary Force. However, most Allied units by Armistice were somehow inter-linked and we have been expanding the list to include all units in this Great War.

Borden Battery


Great War Weapons Websites - Part 9

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


Training, Multi-National Formations, and Tactical Efficiency:

The Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigades in 1918

Conference of Defence Associations Institute in collaboration with the Centre for International Relations at Queen’s University and the War Studies Programme at the Royal Military College of Canada. Conference paper presented by Mike Holden, U of New Brunswick, Canada. [CEF Study Group]


The Machine Gun Corps Old Comrades' Association

The Old Comrades' Association was formed by Veterans of the Machine Gun Corps after WW1 and. There are only six MGC Veterans, however, most members nowadays are relatives or descendents of MGC men or those simply interested in the MGC specifically or the Great War in general. The Association provides research assistance and commemoration services. [CEF Study Group - July 2006 - Updated]


The Vickers Machine Gun

At present this is the premier website regarding the Vickers Machine Gun was used by most units in the BEF, CEF, AIF and ANZACS. This website includes a specialized discussion forum, information on the machine gun, machine gunner training, detailed training manuals and photographs. The British Mk. I .303" Vickers Machine Gun was introduced into the British Army on the 26th of November, 1912 by List Of Changes 16217. This was the beginning of its long life with the British Army. It was finally declared obsolete on the 7th of March, 1968. [A Richard Fisher Website][CEF Study Group - Feb 2006]


The Lee-Enfield Rifle

This site was created to provide basic information on the many variations of the Lee-Enfield rifle, with particular emphasis placed on pictorial references. The site is ordganized under the following: Part One - General History, Part Two - Technical Information, Part Three - Rifle Pages, Part Four - Sub-Caliber Training Rifles, Part Five - Sporterized and Commercially Made Enfields, Bayonets, Links Page , Basic Enfield Identification and the Facts about Serial Numbers, Parker’s Rifle Shot’s Register. [Jay Currah Website][CEF Study Group - July 2006]


The Lewis Automatic Rifle

Van Nostrand's Lewis Gun Manual – 1917

The van Nostrand book includes a description of the breakdown and care of the weapon. However, it also contains an extensive discussion of the use of the weapon in trench warfare. The book gives a unique insight into the concepts and practices of trench warfare in 1917. [CEF Study Group - July 2006]


Enfield Rifle Research

The webmaster states the this comprehensive was created for collectors, shooters, and fans of the Enfield rifle, a rifle which in its various forms has seen duty for over 150 years as a main battle rifle, a home guard and constabulary weapon, a competition target rifle, and a game hunting rifle on five continents. There is much material and several links to other sites. A good website on the topic. [CEF Study Group - July 2006]


Great War Photographic and Mapping Websites - Part 10

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


Jack Turner’s War - Photographs

Website provides about 200 original photographs from the Great War. Text is a little weak, however, many photographs will not be seen elsewhere. [CEF Study Group]


Autochromes de la guerre 1914-1918

Website [in French] with photographs from the Great War. [CEF Study Group]


The National Film Board WW1 Film Project

The National Film Board of Canada ( NFB ) continues a program to digitize Canadian films from the Great War. A collection of films that document Canada's participation in World War I, including training exercises, major battles, aviation footage and the war effort in Canada and include the following film clips:

Colonel Sam Hughes Reviews the Troops, Canadian Training School in Bexhill, Sir Robert Borden with Canadian Troops 1, 2nd and 10th Battalions in Training, Cavalry in Training, Canadian Training School in Shorncliffe, Observation Balloons, Fighter Planes, Airplane Casualties, Canadian Journalists Visit France, The 22nd (French Canadian) Battalion, Canadian Generals, Canadian Corps Championship, Hospital Bombed by German Airplanes, German Atrocities in Cemetery, Sir Arthur Currie Being décorated by General Orth, Sir Robert Borden with the Canadian Troops 2, Borden in Ottawa, Canadian Forestry Corps, Canadian Light Railway Section 1, Moving Heavy Equipment On Muddy Roads, Canadian Engineers Laying Field Telephones, Canadians on the Western Front 1, August Offensive 2, Salvage Work on the Canadian Front, Prisoners and Wounded Coming in Dressing Station, Canadians on the Western Front 2, August Offensive 1, Battle of Arras 1, Canadian Troops in Action, To Willie With Compliments, Battle of Arras 4, Battle of Arras 2, Canadians Advance Near Cambrai 3, Canadians Advance Near Cambrai 2, Canadians Advance Near Cambrai 1, September Offensive 3, September, Offensive 2, Canadians Advance East of Arras 2, August Offensive 7, August Offensive 5, August Offensive 4, August Offensive 6, Battle of Arras 3, Canadians Advance East of Arras 1, September Offensive 1, Bourlon Wood, On the Road to Valenciennes, Valenciennes 1, Canadians Moving to Germany, Canadian Victoria Cross Winners, Canadians at Mons and Valenciennes 2. [CEF Study Group - May 2006 - Updated]


Images Canada

Images Canada provides central search access to the thousands of images held on the websites of participating Canadian cultural institutions. Through Images Canada, you can find images of the Canadian events, people, places and things that make up our collective heritage. You can search across all collections from virtually every page on the site by typing in a keyword in the search box at the top right hand corner of each page. There are several hundred images from the Great War. [Recommendation by canadawwi ][CEF Study Group - July 2006]


Great War in a Different Light

Accounts and Galleries from Great War Books and Magazines with more than 6000 Authentic Period Photos, Illustrations and News articles. [CEF Study Group]


Imperial War Museum - Trench Map and Trench Map CD

This selection of 175 large-scale (1:10,000 or approximately 6-inches to 1 mile) trench maps has been made from the collection of the Imperial War Museum, enabling us to provide almost complete coverage of the British section of the Western Front in the 1914-18 war, from the North Sea at Nieuport in Belgium southwards to St. Quentin. They form a most useful database for historians, GCSE and A-level students, battlefield tours, family history researchers, etc., and everyone interested in the First World War. [CEF Study Group - July 2006]


Trenches on the Web - Map Room

Twenty-five general maps of the Great War. [CEF Study Group - July 2006]


Western Front Association Website

Aerial photographs and trench maps of Ypres and Poperinghe area from 4th Field Survey Battalion BEF, Maps Section, RE,. [CEF Study Group - July 2006]


Western Front Association Website - Map Room

A good assortment of maps [approximately 40] from the Western Front. [CEF Study Group - May 2005]


The Geography of the Great War - Frank M. McMurray, Ph.D., New York, The MacMillan Co. 1919

An interesting presentation of the original book in digital form. It is a large document and loads slowly, however, it presents the geography of the Great War from a 1919 perspective. [CEF Study Group - July 2005]


World War I Maps - US Military Academy

The Department of History at the United States Military Academy began developing a series of campaign atlases to aid in teaching cadets a course entitled, "History of the Military Art." [CEF Study Group - July 2005]


Paths of Glory Website - Trench Map Section

This website is part of Croonaert Research and contains a wide range of information and research services primarily for the BEF researcher. However, there is a simple and clear presentation on the type of BEF mapping and trench maps from 1914 until 1918. Croonaert is a regular contributor on the Great War Forum. [CEF Study Group - April 2005]


Australian War Memorial - Gallipoli Mapping

This high quality website contains landing maps, cemetery maps, Turkish maps and Trench maps. The presentation techniques are highly innovative and should be viewed. Quality of this website is exceptional - all other government websites should look at the techniques used on this site. Highly recommended. [CEF Study Group - May 2005]


The New York Public Library - Digital

The NYPL Digital Gallery provides access to over 415,000 images digitized from primary sources and printed rarities in the collections. This section includes a wide selection of German World War I photographic postcards. [CEF Study Group - Dec 2005]


George Eastman House - Still Photograph Archive

This part of a larger photographic website contains an index and access to 510 selected images from Turkey and soldiers of the Ottoman Empire just prior to and during the Great War. [CEF Study Group - Dec 2005]



This website features the Shuttleworth Aircraft Collection photos, Verdun battlefield visit photos, a Verdun map project, the Somme 1916 map project and the 1914-1918 War Memorials (Kriegerdenkmäler) for the Rheingau. Some interesting map-work to be looked at. [CEF Study Group - Mar 2006]


Imperial War Museum – Collections on-line

A photograph search database with access to a very large number of photographs, reference numbers and copyright status. This website will be of value to serious researchers and authors looking for unique and specific photographs. [CEF Study Group - April 2006]


Trench Maps - G. H. Smith & Son

This website lists a series of First World War trench maps which can be purchased commercially from the associated company. The reproductions are 7/10 of the original size. The listing of the maps also provides the reader with an idea of the area of coverage of the Allied trench systems.

[Recommendation by Croonaert][CEF Study Group - April 2006]


National Archives – Great War Videos

This British Archives website contains twelve digitized videos ranging from women munition workers, the Battle of the Somme, a Dressing Station and For the Empire. The server is somewhat slow on the downloading.[Recommended by Spotter][CEF Study Group – Sept 2006]


We Were There Exhibition

This photographic exhibition website celebrates the contribution made by military and civilian personnel from other parts of the British Empire and Commonwealth; particularly those from Africa, the Indian sub-continent, the rest of Asia (including Hong Kong) and the West Indies. [CEF Study Group – Sept 2006]


Great War Art and Paintings Websites - Part 11

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


Canadian Posters from the First World War - Archives of Ontario

This virtual exhibit focuses on a selection of Canadian posters from the First World War and, in particular, those that can be found in the Archives of Ontario poster collection (C 233). [CEF Study Group - July 2005]


Art of the First World War - An Exhibition of 100 International Painters

From the 1914-18 war to the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Armistice of 11th November 1918. An exhibition of 110 paintings brought together by the major history museums of Europe. World War I as seen by 54 painters on both sides. The artists and their work are brought into context in a detailed presentation of the works by art historian and exhibition curator Philippe Dagen. [CEF Study Group]


Canvas of War - Masterpieces from the Canadian War Museum

A recommended site with an important cross-section of paintings from the Great War, the Second World War and more recent campaigns. [CEF Study Group - July 2005]


Sir Alfred Munnings - Horse Painter

Alfred John Munnings(1878-1959) achieved renown as one of England's finest painters of horses. During the First World War his engagement by Lord Beaverbrook's Canadian War Memorials Fund led to a series of prestigious post-war commissions that made him a wealthy man. This website segment contains a very nice selection of unique oil painting of horses, working horses and calvary officers. [Recommendation by Richard Laughton and Chris Wright][CEF Study Group - Nov 2005]


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General Great War Nominal Roll Websites - Part 12

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


50th Battalion 1914-1915

3rd, 12th and 13th Regiments Canadian Mounted Rifles 1915-1916

Canadian Expeditionary Force

These Canadian Expeditionary Force data Nominal Rolls were compiled by AFHS member Lt. Col. W. van der Schee and were published by the AFHS in two volumes in 1994. [CEF Study Group]


Great War Air Force Websites - Part 13

Note: CEF Study Group member websites denoted with asterisk "*"


*Jasta Boelcke - German Squadron of the Great War

This is a very detailed and very high quality website is features and detail beyond what an abstract can outline. The pages of Jasta Boelcke are devoted to Hauptmann (Captain) Oswald Boelcke and his famous Jasta 2. It was Boelcke who realized that the German Air Forces had to get organized in squadrons (Jagdstaffeln) if they wanted to fight effectively against the enemy. Also it was Boelcke who wrote down his tactics and experiences in a document called "The Dicta Boelcke" - a set of guidelines being still followed today by the pilots of modern jet fighter squadrons. On this site you will find historical accurate information about Oswald Boelcke and his Jasta as well as stories about other German Aces and pictures of aircraft on display at various museums. Highly recommended as one of the premier Great War websites. [CEF Study Group - June 2005]


Cross & Cockade International

Cross & Cockade International (CCI) is the First World War Aviation Historical Society with around 1,500 members in 25 countries all over the world. It publishes a quarterly, 72-page journal with an article index back to 1970. There is a detailed research databases on a wide range of items including aircraft and engine serial numbers. There is also a discussion group. [CEF Study Group - June 2005]


The Aerodrome

This website is very extensive in its documentation of the air war including cross-indexing of aircraft, aces, serial numbers of aircraft and pilot victories. Emphasis is visual and with visual statistics. The discussion forum includes about 3100 members, over 195,000 postings with discussion threads tending to be on specific aircraft and airmen rather than historic discussion. Therefore, an excellent site for researching specific topics on Great War aerial combat.

[Recommendation by Brett Payne / emma gee][CEF Study Group - Jan 2006 - Updated]


The Story of World War I Aviation

The history of World War One aviation is a rich and varied story. It was marked by a period of very rapid technological development. This site is quite comprehensive. [CEF Study Group]


First World War Honours & Awards to Canadians in the British Flying Services

This database was prepared by H.A. Halliday and is drawn primarily from a card file now held by the Directorate of History and Heritage, Canadian Forces Headquarters. It includes some awards for services in Russia following the First World War. [CEF Study Group]


Canadian Air Aces and Heroes

The small website has some detailed and distilled information on Canadian Air Aces from the Great War to the Korean War. There are also a large number of additional website links to other air war sites. [CEF Study Group]


Captain Albert Ball - VC, DSO, MC

This elegant website contains a detailed summary of Captain Albert Ball of the Royal Flying Corps. There is a detailed listing of aircraft flown, aircraft shot down, flight history, memorabilia, extensive photographs of Captain Ball and recollections from others. [CEF Study Group - June 2005]


Raymond Collishaw - World War I Fighter Ace

A simple website with a short overview history of a Canadian fighter pilot. Collishaw flew "Black Maria" a Sopwith Triplane from "Black Flight" of 10 Naval RNAS. He remained with the RAF after the Great War, was active in the Second World War with the RAF and finally retired again to Canada. [CEF Study Group - Nov 2005]


William George Barker - World War I Fighter Ace

A simple website summarizing the military life of this oft forgotten Canadian pilot who was one of the most decorated men of the Great War. A recommended book by W. Ralph is "BARKER VC" by Vanwell Publishers. [CEF Study Group - Nov 2005]


Donald Roderick MacLaren - World War I Fighter Ace

Donald MacLaren, the third most successful Canadian ace of the war after Bishop and Collishaw, had 54 kills - 43 coming in just over four months. He was the master of the Sopwith Camel aircraft. [CEF Study Group - Nov 2005]


Alfred Clayburn Atkey - World War I Fighter Ace

Alfred Clayburn Atkey was the highest scoring two-seater pilot of World War I. In May of 1918, Captain Atkey and Lieutenant Gass, as a team shot down 29 enemy aircraft in less than one month. In an epic dogfight known as "Two Against Twenty," Atkey and Gass, together with John Gurdon and his observer, John Thornton, encountered 20 German scouts during the evening of May 7, 1918. In the battle that followed, Atkey and Gass shot down five enemy aircraft. [CEF Study Group - Dec 2005]


The Flying Career of William Avery Bishop

A short summary of the actions and events associated with William (Billy) Bishop and the awarding of the Victoria Cross. (From the Canadian Air Force Office of Public Affairs, courtesy Capt. Darach McDonnell, Air Command Webmaster, webmaster@www.achq.dnd.ca)[CEF Study Group - June 2006]



The Official website of the League of World War I Aviation Historians

The League of World War I Aviation Historians is a non-profit organization whose goals include the accumulation, preservation, and publication of factual data concerning aerial activity of World War I. The website is based on their printed journal and has the start of a discussion forum. [CEF Study Group]


Royal Flying Corps - Patrick Wilson's Personal Site

This site contains a number of personal photographs taken by the late father of Patrick Wilson while an officer with 100 Squadron. In addition, the site contains the scanned "The Annuals of 100 Squadron" and a detailed interview with the last surviving member of the squadron just before he passed away. [CEF Study Group - May 2005]


66 Squadron - Royal Flying Corps - John Grech Personal Site

This website is a detailed, long-term work in progress with a great deal of reference-quality information on the men, biographies and photographs, aircraft makes and serial numbers, medals and memorials of 66 Squadron. Several Canadians served with 66 Squadron including William Barker, VC. Highly recommended as one of the premier Great War websites. [CEF Study Group - June 2005]


The Red Fighter Pilot by Manfred Von Richthofen

This on-line edition of Manfred von Richthofen's 1917 book Der Rote Kampfflieger is based on the English language version originally translated by J. Ellis Barker and published in 1918 under the name The Red Battle Flyer. [CEF Study Group]


The Nieuport Aircraft Page

This is a well presented visual website on the single-seat French Nieuport scout aircraft. The site is organized into the following elements: Nieuport Identification, Aircraft Profiles, Period Nieuport Drawings, Nieuport Survivors, and a long list of WW1 Nieuport Serial Numbers. [Michael Fletcher Website] [CEF Study Group - July 2006]


Fokker Dr1.com

This site is dedicated to the documentation of the pictorial history of the 320 Fokker Dr.I single-seat, tri-plane aircraft built during World War I and the fighter pilot Manfred Von Richthofen. The intent of the webmaster is to research and identify all 320 Fokker Dr1 planes built during the Great War and to produce a coloured illustration of each aircraft. [CEF Study Group - June 2006]


Flieger Album - German Album of Photographs from Great War

All text in German. However, many excellent photographs of German aircraft, pilots and buildings from the Great War. Of special interest to aviation researchers. [CEF Study Group]


Air Force Association of Canada - Air Force Honours & Awards

This section of the larger website contains a very extensive listing of honours and awards for Canadians serving with British Flying Services during the Great War as assembled by Mr. Hugh Halliday. Many of the individual member listings include the award citations. Very good site for specific information on specific personnel.

[Note: The link sometimes takes you directly to the site - and sometimes - one must manually follow the titles on the website.][Recommendation by Steven Dieter][CEF Study Group - Nov 2005]


46 Squadron RAF

This small wiki site contains historical text and photographs of 46 Squadron RAF which first formed in 1916. [CEF Study Group - August 2006]


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  • 1 year later...

Top of my "Favorites" list? Google :D

Closely followed by CEFSG, GWF and BMF, then LAC for soldiers, for war diaries and finally CWGC

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  • 4 months later...

I have to say that I probably find myself with the Australian War Memorial list prominent amongst my regular sites. It's also a good example of what can be done with a set or archives and info the make them accessible and useful for people tracing as well as for hunting out all sorts of material. Just think - embarkation records, linked personal files, red cross records, war diaries etc - and so much of it digitised. Even the full text Aussie Official Histories for download.


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