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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Douglas Morris Harris

Roy Evans

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I have a reference to Douglas Morris Harris, Hero of the 'Floandi' who was killed by enemy gunfire in the Adriatic, 1917.

Does anyone have the full story?

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Roy, have you looked up Morris on the CWGC website ?

There's a Able Seaman Douglas Morris Henry Harris, Wireless Operator, of HM Drifter "Flandi" (a scanning error ?)

Buried at Taranto Town Cementry Extension, Italy.

Parents from Watford, Doug born Wolverhampton.

From Wolverhampton and World War 1-http://www.wolverhamptonarchives.dial.pipex.com/local_ww1_recruit_2.htm

Douglas Harris of Pennfields, Wolverhampton, was a wireless telegrapher on board the Italian drifter Floandi. These armed drifters were used to blockade the port of Cattaro (Kotor) to prevent the Austrian Navy's use of the Adriatic.

On the night of the 14th/15th May 1917, the drifters came under attack from three ships of the Austrian Navy, the Helgsland, Saida and the light cruiser Novara.

Harris remained at his post during the battle and was killed: he was just 19 years old. For his bravery he was awarded one of Italy's highest honours.

A memorial to Douglas Morris Harris stands in St Peter's Gardens.

There's a photo of the memorial on the website.

Hope this helps.


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Additional items from the cemetery register.

Service Number BZ/9359

Quote "Killed in action in Taranto Bay 15th May, 1917".

Son of Leo. E. and Mabel Harris, of Winsmore Lodge, St. Albans Road, Watford. Born at Penn, Wolverhampton.

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Thanks to you both, that saves me from doing another bit of research!


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  • 2 years later...

There's a fantastic article in the Black Country Bugle (24th March 2005, page 13) on Douglas Morris Henry Harris.



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  • 1 month later...

Just wondering, whether there was any form of commemoration on 15th May this year at Douglas Morris Harris's memorial.



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I've not seen the local paper this week and so don't know if anything has been reported but am going past his memorial tomorrow and will look for any signs of a new wreath or whatever.


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I've not seen the local paper this week and so don't know if anything has been reported but am going past his memorial tomorrow and will look for any signs of a new wreath or whatever.


A visit to the memorial on Sunday proved fruitless - no sign of any commemoration at all. This morning I also looked in the back-copies of the local rag for any mention of the anniversary, nothing.

"Their name liveth for evermore" - (not around here it don't.)


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This would be the battle of the Otranto Barrage right?



See posts #2 and #3 above.

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Quote – Richard/richpics5174: This would be the battle of the Otranto Barrage right?

Yes Richard, at least that’s what Michael Phillips calls it

In my post above there is a link to a previous thread

And from there, a further link will take you to his article on this action


Michael D.R.

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