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British school registers and rolls of honor


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Alan: Can't tell you much. 2nd Lieut. William Cardwell Lockwood, RGA SR; commissioned 22 May 1917. He evidently never made Lieutenant. His papers are at TNA under WO 339. Regards, Dick Flory

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Alan: Can't tell you much. 2nd Lieut. William Cardwell Lockwood, RGA SR; commissioned 22 May 1917. He evidently never made Lieutenant. His papers are at TNA under WO 339. Regards, Dick Flory

Many thanks Dick - I will have a look when next up there. I am trying to work out which Battery he was with on the 21st March 1918. I think it was just behind the Flesquieres salient..........

best wishes


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Many thanks Dick - I will have a look when next up there. I am trying to work out which Battery he was with on the 21st March 1918. I think it was just behind the Flesquieres salient..........

best wishes


Also googling the full name came straight up with this reference:stating he was in 142nd SB (From the Absent Voters list, his home was No. 1 Elvey Street Wakefield).

And from a separate topic I see the Battery was in V Corps in Mar 1918 so this ties in. A letter he wrote is in the Imperial War Museum.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Dick,

Please could I request a copy of a photo (plus any biographical information that may accompany it) from the University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour - Captain Albert Fitzroy Sandeman, 11th border Regiment.

Many thanks,


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Captain Albert Fitzroy Sandeman

Educated at Edinburgh Institution and University of Edinburgh (Student of Law 1914-15).

Cadet,U of Edinburgh OTC (Infantry) from Nov to Dec 1914

2nd Lieut, 9th and 11th Bn, border Regt., Jan 1915

Went to France, 1915

Wounded near Albert, 1915

Salonika, 1916

Lieut and Captain 1917

Killed in action on 2 December 1917

Photo attached.

Regards, Dick Flory


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Thanks Dick, much appreciated.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Do you have anything additional to the gleanings below on Second Lieutenant Maurice Gelli.

HAC then commissioned into the RGA and joined 122nd Heavy Battery - probably on around the 17th March 1917.

Came from Liverpool probably.

NA service file is at WO 339/75667 which I will check when next up at Kew.

He was wounded around the beginning of September 1917.

best wishes


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Do you have anything on Francis John Lindley Mitchell, RGA? A bit of googling has found that he matriculated at Clare College in 1914, and was commissioned into the Royal Garrison Artillery in March 1915.

.............For info, I have occasional contact with a cousin, the elder son of your subject. Don't know what it is you want to know, or if he could or would help, but if thought useful, I could approach him.

Martin Mitchell.

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Good to hear from you. As I explained in my initial post about him, I'm researching all those named on the Surrey Association of Church Bel Ringers' roll of honour. Basically I'm trying to put together as much info as possible on the 152 men in the roll so taht they are more than just names on a piece of paper.

I have now looked at the service record of Francis Mitchell, photos of the various parts of it are at http://www.flickr.com/photos/11226331@N05/sets/72157626468470332/ (though looking over them again now, I see several didn't come out very well at all, I may have reshot them, and just not got round to uploading the replacements). A photo of him was also published in the Ringing World newspaper on 18 February 1916, part of an ongoing series during the war of ringers who held commissions. This may well have been supplied by the family initially, but if it's lost I will try to get a copy to you if it would be of interest, or if it's still in the family a higher-res copy would be nice, the published image was fairly grainy.

My suspiscion is that his arm wound meant he did not ring again after the war, if it would be posible to confirm that one way or the other it would be helpful. I've tried contacting the Cambridge University Guild of Change Ringers, but no-one seems to quite know where the records for that era would be.

Francis's father, John Christopher was also a well-known ringer, I don't know if you've seen this http://www.cccbr.org.uk/biographies/records/display_record_image.php?imagefn=MitchellJC&addendum=no&name_string=Mitchell,%20John%20Christopher&heading_name=%20John%20Christopher%20Mitchell at all (I have copies of two of the articles mentioned at the bottom of the page). He also rated at obituary in The Times.

When you have three more posts we can exchange private messages off the main boards. Obviously I'm more than happy to pass on anything I've gathererd during my research to family.

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Thanks for that, David.

Francis John Lindley Mitchell has been no more than a name and some dates hitherto. I've learnt a lot more from your info. I note a reference in his Service record to a compound fracture of the left arm, but one can't know what sort of shape the limb was in when finally healed. I'm afraid I can offer no help in your main area of interest, from my own very thin record.

His father, John Christopher Mitchell, my great-uncle, I have a fairly full picture of, despite never having met him (I'm guessing at some inter-sibling tensions). I have the Times obit, but the Ringing World extract is interesting and carries a better photo than any I had.

Bell-ringing must have been in the genes - my grandfather was also a bellringer, and took a an active and constructive interest in St. Albans Abbey.


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Alan Jones wrote:

Do you have anything additional to the gleanings below on Second Lieutenant Maurice Gelli.

Alan: I don't have anything else on him other than that he was commissioned in the RGA SR on 21 January 1917 and promoted to Lieutenant on 21 July 1918. Regards, Dick

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We're getting a little off topic for this thread, so I've set up http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=167564 where we can discuss the Mitchells in a bit more detail until you have sufficient posts for private messaging (you could always just post a few one word posts there)

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Alan Jones wrote:

Alan: I don't have anything else on him other than that he was commissioned in the RGA SR on 21 January 1917 and promoted to Lieutenant on 21 July 1918. Regards, Dick

Many thanks Dick

best wishes


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I would be very grateful for any information about Second Lieutenant Eric Henry Lloyd Clark, 1/5th Staffordshire Battery, 3rd North Midland Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. He attended St Lawrence College in Ramsgate from 1906 to 1915. Eric is listed on the war memorial at Collier Street in Kent, although I've not been able to establish what connection he had with the village.

Many thanks


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According to the CWGC records his parents were Francis John and Lily L. Clark, of "Gulmarg", 12, Albemarle Rd., Beckenham, Kent. Dick Flory

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Hi Dick,

Just wondering if the 'Inns of Court OTC...' has any reference to Second Lieutenant Stanley Frederick Gabb, MGC?

Many thanks,


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Andy: The Inns of Court OTC during the Great War has the following on 2nd Lieut. Stanley Frederick Gagg:

Joined the Inns of Court OTC on 4 October 1915 (No. 6617)

Posted to No. 11 Officer Cadet Battalion on 7 May 1916

Commissioned 2nd Lieut., MGC on 4 September 1916

Died of wounds on 8 December 1916

Regards, Dick Flory

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have over 400 British school, college and university registers and rolls of honor and will be happy to do lookups as long as you can give me the school your man attended - I do not have the time nor inclination to accept requests to look for a particular name when the school is not known unless they are Great War Royal Artillery officers (I have a database indexing all of those officers who are listed in the school registers). Please give me the man's name, school attended and general time frame when making your request and indicate what type of information you are looking for.

Regards. Dick Flory

Hi Dick

I would be most grateful if you could have a look and see if youv'e any information relating to JAMES MOORE who was a student of BEDE COLLEGE, DURHAM 1913-15?

He was born in DENBY, WEST YORKSHIRE and enlisted with 1/8th Btn. Durham Light Infantry and crossed to France 17/04/1915, only to be killed a month later in the Ypres Salient... He features in the college's Roll of Honour and on various memorials but I have no other information other than his medal index card

Thanks for your consideration

Steve Davies

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Steve: Unfortunately I do not have anything on Bede College, Durham. Regards, Dick Flory

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  • 2 weeks later...


Do you have any record of Lieutenant Lionel White, 10th Btn Welsh regt. He was studying at Cambridge at the time of his enlistment, he was entitled to a 1915 star so I presume he must still have been at university 1914 early 1915.


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Thank you for the information you have posted on Arthur Carr Glyn Lonsdale. I am from St Michael and All Angels Church, Colehill, just outside Wimborne. The Further House where his mother lived after the death of Arthur's father is a short distance away. We have a memorial to Arthur in our church and also have his battlefield cross as well. I visited his grave near Fleurbaix last year. I am just putting together an article for our church magazine about him prior to our issue for November and your information has been very useful.


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Re: Lionel White. I am afraid thatThe War List of the University of Cambridge 1914-1919 gives very little information: White, L. 2nd Lieut. Welsh Regt., Killed in action 19 March 1916. Matriculated at Christ College,Cambridge in 1913. There is a Biographical Register, Christ's College but I only own the volume for 1666-1905. He transferred to Cambridge from another school but I have not been able to identify which one. Regards, Dick Flory

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