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Vandalism at German cemetery


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Last year I visited the small German cemetery at Achiet le Petit to find it vandalised. Cross had been smashed and the books burnt. Visited there again on Monday and nothing has happened to clear up/repair. I am not sure who is responsible locally for maintenance of German cemeteries but I have emailed the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge with the information. Hopefully they will deal with it.

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Even after all of these years the German cemeteries are given second class status. They have few visitors and while most I have seen are in good condition I am not surprised by the lack of interest.


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Ralph and Bill,

as an active member of "Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgraeberfuersorge", I took the matter to them in my native language and asked for investigation. I will report back upon answer from VDK!

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Whoever, wherever a cemetery is a place of rest and such acts constitute vandalism against those buried in it, respect to all


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Guest Ian Bowbrick

Exactly John, well said!

It is also worth noting that Adolf Hitler made a decree to his Army before the invasion of France in 1940 that any soldier desecrating an allied War cemetary would be severely punished. In the end only 2 acts of vandalism occured which resulted in one Wehrmacht Lt being shot.

Hitler had the greatest respect for the British soldiers of WW1.



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... (snip) ...I am not sure who is responsible locally for maintenance of German cemeteries ... (snip)

The German cemetery near me has a notice on the door of the equipment hut giving details of a local person who is responsible for keeping an eye on the cemetery. I don't know if this is standard practice.

I find that registers and visitors' books are withdrawn from cemeteries over the winter months to save them from the weather. Often they are slow to be returned.

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I vaguely remember reading about a German officer who was shot for urinating against the Menin Gate - but then again I may be completely wrong and I cannot remember where I read this to check.

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Guest Ian Bowbrick


The Lt concerned didn't actually physically do anything, he was charged with 'incitement' and then failing to stop the men under his command from doing the deed.



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  • 1 month later...
Ralph and Bill,

as an active member of "Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgraeberfuersorge", I took the matter to them in my native language and asked for investigation. I will report back upon answer from VDK!

As promised I want to report back on the vandalism issue at Achiet-le-Petit cemetery! I received an official answer from VdK explaining the situation. They say, it was NOT vandalism but claim a storm, that made a large tree fell on the high cross and several gravestones. This fallen tree had been removed last year. For subsequent repairs they issued a request for proposal. Unfortunately the offer was way too high in cost. They still try to find a less expensive solution, but promised to bring the cemetery back in shape within this year.

Remains the issue with the burned registry. I will call the VdK referent tomorrow, since it’s too late today (7 hrs time difference from here).


It is important that we inform each other on such matters, in order to resolve them by all means, nationally and internationally!

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  • 2 months later...

Unfortunately the damage still hasn't been repaired, due to exceeding costs from local French companies. I will enquire again at VdK per telephone on Monday. This is a photo I took 2 weeks ago!!!


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Thank you for your interest Michael,

I had contact this morning with responsible VdK- representative: he promised me that they take the Achiet issue very serious and also said that he will investigate in person next week at the occasion of a TDY trip to France.

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  • 7 months later...

Now after nearly 1.5 years, I am glad to report back to interested pals, that the destroyed entrance area of Achiet-le-Petit German War Grave site indeed has been repaired. The German War Grave Commission today informed me of this finally succesful work. It was a painstaking process because GWGC was earlier offered overprized repair contracts.


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That's great Egbert, thanks for letting us know and congrats on keeping tabs on this. Good to see it back to its best.


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Yes it's a relief to see, after all this time, the repairs done.

Well done egbert and bmac

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Well done to all those Pals who helped here.


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There has been a general edict issued in France since the great storm of 1999, that in the 'winter' all cemetery registers are withdrawn to the local mairie for safekeeping out of the damp, etc. I don't like it, but there it is.

Anyone wanting to see a register can do so at the appropriate amirie whenever it is open (that may be the problem).

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I assume you mean CWGC cemeteries and French authorities could not do this has to be CWGC, right? And how in hell do you know which Mairie? Is that posted where register was? This is real bad.

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Thanx guys for the positive responses. This is the stuff that motivates me and others to stay engaged for the sake of the common heritage!

P.S. "The Terrier"? Yes what a coincidence, this is what they call me on duty for the very same reason :) Any objections from Chester-famous messenger dog? :lol:

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