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The German Army on the Somme 1914-1916


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Trenchrat said:

Has anyone read this book and if so, what was your opinion of it? Also, I'm curious about a book entitled

"Pals on the Somme, 1916"?


Hi John,

A forum search came up with this. Some of our experts are giving their views on it.


I hope this helps,



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This is the one John!




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Hi Tony,

Thanks for the quick reply. I just saw the book on the German army on the Somme and was wondering if it was worth getting. Any recommendation on good Somme books? My interest is with the 18th Battalion of the Liverpool Regiment.


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I'm I afraid that I can't help you much more on that subject as I am pretty green on this myself.

I can only advise on searching this site for any information.

There are sure to be some answers from the real experts shortly.


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Jack Sheldon's book is well researched from German sources such as unit histories and the work produced by the Reichsarchiv. Buy it.

Chris Henschke

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I have just about finished the book,first book I have read from the German Army side ,very interesting,you should purchase a copy.


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As already advised - buy The German Army on the Somme 1914-1916. It has just been issued in paperback, so this ground-breaking account of the German presence on the Somme is now even more accessible (though the hardback is still definitely worth considering, as this is a book which will get a lot of use once you own a copy!). Highly recommended.



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I'll second all of the above. We owe Jack Sheldon a lot; he's given a new perspective to the battle. No longer should English-speaking authors simply quote a bit of Junger when they write about the Somme. When you consider that 99 per cent of the source material was in Fraktur :unsure: (a problem I face writing a book on the fall of Poland too), then we should doubly take our hats off.

I would also recommend Christopher Duffy's book, very much a companion volume; I know there are people here who weren't overly impressed by it, but it is a work of scholarship. Probably more for the serious military historian.

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"One of New York's foremost designers and a leading exponent of the rococo revival style" - oops, no that's not right.

"Someone who lives in those sections of the United States, especially in the South and Middle West, where Protestant fundamentalism is widely practiced." - oops, no that's not right either.

"Really great!!!" - phew, got there in the end.


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? Belter ?

a very good read.


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As always, many thanks to you all for your kind words which are doubly appreciated as I sit here with a wet towel over my head constructing the Index for The German Army at Passchendaele. It is no secret that I write very much with Forum members' interests in the forefront of my mind, so I hope that you get something out of the new one too when it appears.


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Really looking forward to the Passchendaele volume, Jack.

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Trenchrat - the book is first rate, an interesting perspective of the battle, full of information-a good read.

I look forward to your new book, Jack....

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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for helping me decide to get this book. Any recommendations for books about the British on the Somme? I'm particularly interested in the part played by the 18th Battalion of the Liverpool Regiment.

Jack when will your Passchendaele book be out?


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Yum Yum, anywhere near as good as the last volume and it will be a real asset for all.



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Yes. The last one was set in Ellington; this one is Sabon - it is a little more 'rounded' in appearance. Only 50 pages more of indexing to do (thank the Lord).


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Jack. Just thought I'd say it...Excellent books, thanks.


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