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10th London Regiment info sought


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Hi all, Im looking for any info anyone has on Soldiers of the 10th London Regiment Hackney during the Great war. Im looking for Pictures, Personal Diaries and Stories etc. This will work 2 ways as I have Lots of information on the Battalion and may be able to help you.



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Hi James,

I have two on my Masonic database;

Lieutenant G W Cranmore, Died 19/07/18,

Captain Benjamin Croft, Died 10/11/1918,

Any info gratefully received.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Just bringing this 1 back to the top. Have had a few pals get in touch with me and I have been able to help them. If anyone else out there has any info or needs info please get in touch.


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  • 1 month later...

Have recieved some great info and some cracking photos from Family members of 10th London men. They are very much appreciated. If anyone else has any info, Photos, Diaries, Medals etc please get in touch.


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  • 1 month later...

Just bringing this back up. Some great photos and info slowly coming through. Jus PM me if you have anything on the 10th Londons or you need help on a soldier. Any info big or small welcomed.


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I have no pictures, but my uncle was in the 10th London Regiment

David Harold Sutton

Pte 422890

(previously/also in 4th London Regt 295543)

Was a signaller - sent back to England suffering from Trench foot

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Hi Jem

Thanks very much for the info. I will send you any info I have on him, Ie Medal rolls and SWB list, I persume he was discharged?



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  • 2 months later...

Hello, my Uncle served with this regiment and I am trying to find out a bit more about his service. His name was ERIC GEORGE and his MIC gives 2 regimental numbers 2087 and 420955. From family heresay i gather that he was wounded/gassed at Gallipoli . He was my late father's older brother but I only met him a few times and he leaves few contactable descendants so my research is slow and painful!!! Sarah h

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Hello Sarah,

I have all the Medal Rolls and diaries, Ill be happy to help you. Ill check the rolls for you later and well go from there. You need 10 posts to contact through PM.

Best regards


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Hello Sarah,

I have all the Medal Rolls and diaries, Ill be happy to help you. Ill check the rolls for you later and well go from there. You need 10 posts to contact through PM.

Best regards


thank you James that would be great. Sarah

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I have a 2nd Lt Reginald Bath on the memorial I am researching - I have an obit and picture if you are interested

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Lt Col (Brevet Colonel) David De Lara Cohen, who I believe commanded 10th London Regimental Depot, from 1915. He had previously been CO of 1st London Division Engineers. I have his 1911 Coronation Medal, privately named to him. He was a stock broker by profession. There is a photo of him in the British Jewry Book of Honour.


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Thanks Terry, Very nice medal you have there. Nice to have it Privately named. He commanded the 3/10th Londons during war time, I also have a group photo with him and NCOs, If you are interested.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Still seeking any information. Photos, Stories and Diaries etc. Please get in touch if able to help.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Hi all, Im looking for any info anyone has on Soldiers of the 10th London Regiment Hackney during the Great war. Im looking for Pictures, Personal Diaries and Stories etc. This will work 2 ways as I have Lots of information on the Battalion and may be able to help you.



Hi James,

My great grandfather, David Martin Vincent, served with the 10th Londons in Palestine and was KIA on 19/9/1918. His number was 424457 and he joined them on 16/2/18 from the Labour Corps in Egypt. Do you have any information on him or photos of other 10th Londons soldiers etc from this capaign? I will try to find his photo for you if you are interested?

Many thanks,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Lee, Pm Sent.

Still looking for any Photos, Diaries, Stories, Medals etc to the 10th Londons. However Big or small the info is please get in contact.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Still seeking information from Forum members. Particulary Photos and Personal Diaries. If anyone can help please get in contact.



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Guest 38thrfus
Lt Col (Brevet Colonel) David De Lara Cohen, who I believe commanded 10th London Regimental Depot, from 1915. He had previously been CO of 1st London Division Engineers. I have his 1911 Coronation Medal, privately named to him. He was a stock broker by profession. There is a photo of him in the British Jewry Book of Honour.



I was told De lara Cohen's 1911 Coronation was in someones collection by a member of a different Forum that I am a member of.

I have His Victorian 'Volunteer Officers Decoration', also privately engraved, in my collection, I am finding it difficult to get any real indepth research on him, although I do know he was very active in the Jewish Boy's Brigade.

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Lt Col (Brevet Colonel) David De Lara Cohen, who I believe commanded 10th London Regimental Depot, from 1915. He had previously been CO of 1st London Division Engineers. I have his 1911 Coronation Medal, privately named to him. He was a stock broker by profession. There is a photo of him in the British Jewry Book of Honour.


Hi do you have a picture or any info on a Lt Rosen MC 10th London i believe this first name is william but dont have the group in front of me he was in the HAC as a PTE before getting a commision ,Hopefully he is in the book as he was a jew.I have his service record at this stage.

Regards MC

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