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263 Brigade RFA in Palestine


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I have received a very interesting email from Israel. A group of hikers have found what I can only describe as rather ornamental graffiti on a rock face, drawn by 263 Brigade RFA

Image: https://picasaweb.google.com/Ephraim.Borow/Pesach2011#5598364052607318498

I would like to try to date when this item was created. I will look up the diary next time I am in Kew if no one responds here, but if anyone does have it it will save me a job.

The location is near the town of Halamish. Other places close by are Dayr Nizam and Nabi Saleh. Both are NE of Ramla. I would be grateful if anyone with a copy of the brigade diary could check to see if any of these are mentioned.

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Yes. I've got the diary for Jan 1916 through to November 1918 (though, for some reason, I've missed August 1917). Will take a look later today, but have a feeling that some of those places get a mention several times throughout. (bet it was carved in August '17 ! :unsure: )


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They were constantly at Nabi Saleh between April and June 1918 and then on-and-off until the first week of September 1918. Halamish isn't mentioned in the diary but several places (hills, ridges, etc) are under their British names so will have to double check on this. Several map references are also noted. Presumably these will be covered on the 1:50,000 scale 'Jerusalem road map' so i'll take a look at this later too and see if the references match anywhere near Halamish.

Whatever, the approx date will be April - Sept 1918 anyway.


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Good Lord. Well, I didn't think that our ramblers were necessarily the first to ever see the carving but am really amazed to see it has been on GWF before! Thanks very much for pointing it out.

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. Presumably these will be covered on the 1:50,000 scale 'Jerusalem road map' so i'll take a look at this later too and see if the references match anywhere near Halamish.

I presumed wrongly (my geography was way out!). Possibly on the Ramallah map? (unfortunately, I haven't got this one though). Any ideas of the exact location (or even the 'British name' for the location)?


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Could not have been carved before 10th March 1918, thereby confirming the April to September 1918 date range...


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Thank you very much. I am sure our friends in Israel will be delighted to get it down to just a window of a few months.

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