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France: Obligatory Breath Test Kits


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No. its not April 1st this is serious from our French friends!

New Road Traffic Law

The article does not say whether this applies to the French as well!.

I am assuming that this also applies to ALL drivers (truck and coach etc) plus ALL vehicles driving through or in France and just not the Brits.

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The Mail is excelling itself in bias and the comments are even more xenophobic than usual. If you value your blood pressure or sanity, do not click on the link. :ph34r:

I would like to know where the Mail got its definitive date from. I've been searching on étholytest and so far can't find anything new. Perhaps someone could find a reliable link. Anyway, it's surely a good thing that France is trying to address its dreadful drinking/driving accident rate.



IRONY ALERT Second sentence contains mordant humour.

DISCLAIMER. The author of this comment is not exhorting readers to ignore the content of the link. Advice to avoid clicking on the link is merely offered in the spirit of helpfulness for those who are apt to become easily enraged by the house style of the newspaper in question.

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Dont shoot the messenger just read the message!! If you have proof that this article is inaccurate please share that evidence with us as this is a very important situation.


Another link

Added from the above link:

The roll-back was to allow time for the manufacture of enough devices – there are 30 million private cars in France. Two companies dominate the market – Contralco and Red Line. The first is a French company and has around 90 per cent of the current French market, while Red Line, a South African firm has the rest.They are currently the only testers in France to carry the recommended NF label. Contralco is clearly heading for a big year.

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My comments were solely restricted to the D Mail piece which was slanted to suggest that this was an action biased against UK tourists - a "weapon against holidaymakers" etc. I didn't say I had evidence - I haven't, which is why I asked for someone to provide a reliable link if possible - but I would like the Mail to say definitively where it got the specific date from. After all, in your previous thread on the subject, this was news to forum members who actually live there and a contact I emailed in France hadn't heard of it either. The Mail has previous on inaccuracy (the Amanda Knox verdict, the bodies in Alsace...).

But ultimately, if this is what the French government has enacted, it isn't very much trouble to buy one of the breath analysers and it costs less than two creme eggs (currently on offer all over the entire UK). To read the Mail reader comments (not recommended for the sane) some people apparently intend to change their holiday plans... for the sake of buying a 1€ gizmo.


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Members will have seen the second link that I have posted. As for the newspaper may I suggest that you contact them in order that the dates can be verified. I have contacted the French Tourist Office in London and asked then to verify the proposed new law; if and when I get a reply I will post it here. I completely fail to see what your references to other stories have to do with this current one which if verified will affect all those going to France on battlefield tours and initially those going to the Somme for the 1st July 2012 commemorations which, if correct will be the starting date for the new regulation. I may be wrong but I have not seen this story covered in other UK newspapers and I am sure that the members of this forum keep an open mind with regard to all media and do not accept all that which is reported at face value.


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The comments on the DM article aren't far different from some of the comments about the subject on this earlier thread.


But its their country they can do what they like, getting excited over a cheap bit of kit to add to the yellow jacket, triangle etc won't change things.

I understand the next discussion will be about seat belt cutters and glass breakers.

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I may be wrong but I have not seen this story covered in other UK newspapers

Weeeeeelllllll, that may be true - but the topic has already been covered extensively in another thread on GWF - although I can't find it just now (class to go and teach). This thing to get more detail on is the actual date the law comes into effect - and can you buy these ruddly kits on the approaches to France from, say, Italy, Spain, etc...


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buy one of the breath analysers and it costs less than two creme eggs (currently on offer all over the entire UK).


I have a note from my mum because I hate Creme Eggs.

Am I exempt?

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Seems like even the FRENCH TOURIST BOARD are a trifle confused, this is their response:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your enquiry. Early in the year there was an article saying the law was going to be in April, so please go by that date, it would be safer.Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

Richard FIOLKA

Maison de la France

Lincoln House

300 High Holborn

London WC1V 7JH

Tel: 090 68 244 123 (60p/min at all times)

Fax: 0207 061 6646

Email: info.uk@franceguide.com


It would seem that the general concensus is that this new law will start on 1st July 2012 so be warned, purchase the appropriate breahalyzer kits before driving in France.

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The article does not say whether this applies to the French as well!.

I am assuming that this also applies to ALL drivers (truck and coach etc) plus ALL vehicles driving through or in France and just not the Brits.

Hopefully its only targeted to Brits. The French politicians seem to read the GWF and the respective "where is beer the cheapest"- threads here

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Mandatory Breathalysers in France.Information from Auto Route sources.

Effective from 1 July 2012.

The proposed fine of 11 Euro against defaulters will not be implemented.Defaulters will be cautioned but the policy at this stage is to allow manufacturers to meet deliveries.

Effective from 1 November 2012.

Defaulters will receive an on the spot fine of 11 Euro.

There is also a suggestion that motorists will carry multipacks of the breathalysers.Prices of multipacks are said to reflect the economy of scale of production.

The other point is that already it is mandatory for late night bars and restaurants in France to stock the devices for use by patrons before they drive.

Distinct from our British police is the PR that such devices should not be used by drivers as their accuracy cannot be guaranteed.Having used Draeger gas testing phials before for gas safety tesing,I would say that Draeger could come up with a similar device.

Overall,it can represent job creation.I think I'll tell Dave.

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''Hopefully its only targeted to Brits. The French politicians seem to read the GWF and the respective "where is beer the cheapest"- threads here''

Hopely Ypres is warned too...


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There is a PROPOSAL, to make carrying a breathalyser in your car obligatory. It started last year as proosal by Sarkozy that car manufaturers should investigate making taking a breathalyser a prerequisite of being able to turn on the ignition.

As of this moment there is no requirement and absolutely no date given when it might start. Given that it is election year the politicians will have more to think about than this.

I am certainly not going to get worked up until my local papers and the French TV say its necessary.

What the Daily Mail says or does, I couldn't care less.

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. I completely fail to see what your references to other stories have to do with this current one which if verified will affect all those going to France ...

Because the Daily Mail has a track record for getting things wrong. The Amanda Knox verdict was spectacularly wrong. It was so wrong that it was obvious that the hacks had written the story before the verdict. I've also been in private correspondence this very morning with someone featured yesterday (nothing to do with breathalysers) in a story which has been selectively, and damagingly, reported. You only have to look at the headline, the choice of language and the illustrations to see that this is an emotive story about the French Stasi who pick on innocent holidaymaking Brits for not carrying all sorts of irrelevant ephemera and steal their hard-earned holiday spends for forgetting. It ticks all the boxes apart from asylum seekers and benefit claimants.

Just buy the damn things and stick them in the glove box with the high-viz jacket.

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It ticks all the boxes apart from asylum seekers and benefit claimants.

Just buy the damn things and stick them in the glove box with the high-viz jacket.

I can't find an asylum seeker small enough to fit in my glove box

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Oh go on. There must be a French bat ready to bring rabies and grippe aviaire to our fair shores.

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.......story about the French Stasi who pick on innocent holidaymaking Brits for not carrying all sorts of irrelevant ephemera and steal their hard-earned holiday spends for forgetting....

Ahh, now I have a better understanding of the British questions in various epic threads here for the cheapest available beer when visiting the battlegrounds..... :ph34r:

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Oh go on. There must be a French bat ready to bring rabies

Yes but it appears to already live in the DM newsroom

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In retrospect the price for the French DIY breathalyzers does seem rather cheap, just how accurate are they and what are they just sticks with a bit of reactive cotton wool like DNA swabs? Mind you that is one hell of a coincidence that one of the only two manufacturers (Post 3) carrying the approved NF (whatever that is) label is the French firm Contralco with 90% of the market in France.

Norman :lol:

PS Still waiting to hear of the inaccuracies regarding the dates of implementation in the DM article!

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That Parisien story was published last December and gives no date apart from 'beginning of spring', likewise the item in The Connexion. I do not know where the July 1 date comes from. French official websites like the sécurité routière make no mention of a specific date either, but I will check again when I get into work tomorrow. I'm surprised the Mail didn't tie it to all the Brits coming over to the Somme ceremonies -- in 1916 it was the German machine-guns, in 2012 it's Thiepval ringed by gendarmes lying in wait.

cheers Martin B

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