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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Captain William Leefe Robinson's Grave


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The grave of William Leefe Robinson VC, Royal Flying Corps, who shot down the German airship SL11 on the night of 2/3 September 1916, the first 'Zepp' (although technically not a Zeppelin) to be shot down over the UK. He was shot down in 1917 over the western front and following ill treatment in German captivity, following his return to the UK after the war he caught Spanish Flu and in his already weakened state succumbed on 31st December 1918.


The Great War Society attended his grave on the anniversary of his death and laid a wreath to the young man. The grave describes his deed on the side of it - incorrectly describing the airship as Zeppelin L21 which was believed to have been the airship he shot down for a good few years after the event

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Please excuse my ignorance but which one was shot down at Cuffley Essex the L21 or the SL11......thanks Colin

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It was the SL11 shot down at Cuffley although it was believed to be the L21 during the war

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post-75644-0-04186100-1357218397_thumb.jRobL, This is my first attempt at attaching a photo so I hope it works.......This postcard is in my small collection of Great War bits and pieces, apparently small parts of SL11 were attached to postcards and sold to people for momentos...the money raised being used for the war effort, the initials to the left of the card I assume gives it its authenticity.... regards Colin
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  • 3 years later...
Guest Percy Mandible

After Leefe-Robinson's downing of airship SL11 in 1916 he acquired Lord Nelson's laudatory phrase of 'The Nelson Touch', in suitably modified form as 'The Robinson Touch'. Who originated the term in Leefe-Robinson' s case (perhaps some newspaper). I am unable to find anything on this - even on the Internet!!!




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