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Wipers Times


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Possibly not for the signs are promising with Ian Hislop being involved. In my opinion his series “Not Forgotten” was one of the best of its genre in recent times. My only concern is that this particular subject may be better covered in pure documentary form but we shall see in time.


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Interesting little bit on making it here:


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Thanks for that, very interesting, I wonder do any artifacts connected with the printing of the Wipers Time survive?.


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Will this be something else to be roundly criticised on here for its historical inaccuracies http://www.bbc.co.uk...t-arts-23128507


Perhaps I could start the ball rolling? "The paper's subversive humour proves popular with soldiers on the front line but goes down less well with their superior officers." Really?

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Must say I have often wondered about that. "Wipers Times" is funny but it seems to me to have been a rather public school / grammar school / cliquey type of humour. Is there any evidence that the ordinary Tommy actually got to see it? What did he think of it?

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Always strikes me as a GW version of Private Eye so Hislop is ideal to be involved.

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Must say I have often wondered about that. "Wipers Times" is funny but it seems to me to have been a rather public school / grammar school / cliquey type of humour. Is there any evidence that the ordinary Tommy actually got to see it? What did he think of it?

That is my reading of it as well. Ian Hislop bodes well but I'm not sure who Michael Palin is playing.

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I'm not sure who Michael Palin is playing.

Nothing on IMDB, but they do quote Paul Kennedy as playing "Winston Churchill", stretch of the imagination???????


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Do we know when it's o be aired (I didn't see refernce to it in the article).

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It says it will be aired on the BBC "later this year"


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  • 2 weeks later...

"It is hoped that the Wipers Times will follow Blackadder as one of the classic First World War comedies". :w00t:

In fairness, it does go on to say:

' Historians believe it will also address one of the great inaccuracies of the conflict: the sacrifice that British Army officers made alongside their men. Far from the buffoonery and cowardice of Captain Blackadder and co, it is estimated that one fifth of old boys from public schools were killed in the war.

“Blackadder does give a very distorted view of the experience of the officers in the war and that has been largely accepted,” says Dr Anthony Seldon, master of Wellington College, whose book The Great War and The Public Schools is published in November.

“One of the great untruths about the war is in this very area. These officers were not port-swilling men moving characters around a board miles from the frontline. They were sweating blood and suffering in very similar conditions.” '


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A nice plug for Seldon there and his upcoming book. I'm tempted to dash off a letter to the Telegraph:


"Whilst I admire Dr. Anthony Seldon's desire to redress the 'Blackadder'-influenced view of the First World War, I was unaware that 'sweating blood' was a part of the British officer experience. Shedding it would surely be more accurate.

"Yours sincerely,"

That said, I assume Seldon contributed more but was edited down.

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Palin is 70. Even if he was to play a crusty old 'Dug out' officer, it would take a suspension of rational thought to make it believable.


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Of course not all 'Public Schoolboys' were officers. As I pointed out to Dr Seldon in the information I supplied for his book just over half of Bury Grammar School's war dead were NCOs or Privates. I suspect that this was true of a lot of provincial day schools.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm very much looking forward to this having read the Wipers Times from cover to cover a number of times, and each time getting more of the jokes. I recently read in an online newspaper article, that Roberts and Pearson served with the 12th Sherwood Foresters (correct) which was a pioneer battalion (also correct) which meant that they were an elite unit who led the army into battle....... er.... :doh:


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According to next weeks Radio Times published today it is a 90 minute one off drama which according to Ian Hislop, they had to make up very little with some material incorporated from an unpublished memoir supplied by the Roberts family. So it will be upto those who have read the originals to comment on accuracy. Michael Palin is playing a sympathetic officer they named after a General Mitford.

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Who knows ... we might enjoy it.

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The Sherwood Foresters were pioneers to 24th Division. B.R.Mitford,born 1863 and distinguished in the Sudan and South Africa, commanded 72nd Brigade in the same division from 1914-17. He was then promoted to command of 42ND Division, where he seems to have made himself unpopular as a driver rather than a leader. He was replaced in autumn 1917.


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Who knows ... we might enjoy it.

That would be novel :glare:

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Having read some copies of the "Wipers Times" I found them amusing, so I shall look forward to the programme.

Cheers Roger t'other one.

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