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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Bully Beef & Biscuits - new book now out.


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My latest book, "Bully Beef & Biscuits - Food in the Great War" is due for publication, by Pen & Sword, at the end of Febuary.

Chapter titles:


Bully Beef & Biscuits

Supplying the Front

Officers Food

Away from the Western Front

Back Home

Better Times

Lots of quotes from letters and diaries to tell the story of food during the war - from grabbing what you could on the retreat from Mons, through the struggles of hauling rations to the front line and the monotony of corned beef, to celebrations of Christmas and the Armistice. The home front isnt left out, with rationing and Womens Land Army both covered. And, yes, there's some fighting too. And even recipes at the end of each chapter - you're going to want to try Devilled Sausage Pudding.

You can use the Forum's Amazon link to pre-order


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  • 3 months later...

Pen & Sword tell me the book is now in stock with them - so the 100s or 1000s of you who have it on pre-order with Amazon should be receiving it very soon.

Hope you enjoy the read as much as I enjoyed the writing.


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  • 1 month later...

By the by, I'm being interviewed by BBC Radio Manchester on Saturday morning. I should be on, live, at around 8.40am.

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My copy arrived this morning. I used John's Amazon link and got one 'second hand' for £10.84. Odd, it looks brand-new to me...

I have to say, on first flick through, it looks an absolutely splendid article - profusely illustrated, substantial (at 376 pages) and includes mouth-watering recipes for things like mutton broth along with less inspiring ones such as the one for an 'Italian Spaghetti Savory'. (And I always thought they were on our side.)

A rare confection - buy one today! :thumbsup:

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Blimey. I can't even buy at "authors discount" from Pen & Sword at anything like that price. Which is why I'm not directly flogging any - buy it from Amazon using the forum link and earn the GWF the odd penny or two.

By the by, the BBC interview went well. If anyone is sufficiently interested, look up this morning's Andy Crane breakfast show - it runs for 3 hours - scroll through to about 2:47.

Ian - try the Gillege pudding. 'Tis rather tasty.

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  • 1 month later...

Khaki - I understand it's now definitely released in the USA (folk on a foody board I use tell me their copy has just arrived)


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Its an excellent read!

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  • 2 months later...

I'm popping this up to the top - it finally reached the top of my 'to read' pile and I'm halfway through. Excellent stuff! A huge amount of research referencing sources completely new to me. It is easy to read, yet authoritative. Did I say "profusely illustrated"? Well, I meant it. What held Tommy's attention through the long hours of boredom and the few minutes of stark terror? Grub. John does an excellent job of drawing together, in an eminently readable way, all the strands pertaining to this. Excuse me while I knock up a few bully beef rissoles.

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