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NILI centenary


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Yesterday evening [14th Dec 2015] the Israeli Postal Company launched their new stamp to mark the centenary of the NILI spy ring. The new stamp was launched at the NILI Museum next to the Aaronsohn's House in Zichron Jaacov, where some of the group's dramatic events took place one hundred years ago.

Those making the ceremony's opening remarks included the British Defence Attaché, Wing Commander Paddy O'Kennedy and our own GWF Pal, Eran. The event's principle speakers included the former Israeli spy-master Mr. Ephraim HaLevi, who commented approvingly on the 'professional' nature of the work done by the young amateurs one hundred years ago.

The stamp may be seen here http://www.israelpost.co.il/Mall.nsf/B1A58C49863A728FC2257F020027B012/$file/16880_l.jpg

This stamp marking the centenary of NILI is one of several being produced to mark events during the Great war; others issued so far include those marking

The Ottoman railway's wartime expansion http://www.israelpost.co.il/postboolaee.nsf/Allbulim/6940BAA3178E7F8DC2257E60002A18BD/$File/alon%20World%20War%201.pdf (scroll down for English)

and the formation of the Zion Mule Corps http://www.israelpost.co.il/postboolaee.nsf/Allbulim/1CC93D6458D5A540C2257E170024B505/$File/alon%20Mule%20Corps.pdf (scroll down for English)

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Hi all,


In the photo sent by Drew-1918 a palm tree can be seen, in the background. In fact, there is a palm tree just next to Avshalom Feinberg's

grave, and there's a fascinating story behind that tree: Avshalom was murdered by a group of Bedouins, near Rafah. They buried him in

the sand dunes and a palm tree grew there, from dates he had in his pocket. The tree was nicknamed by the local Bedouins as "Kubur El

Yahudi" (The grave of the Jew). After 1967, an Israeli investigator was able to find one of those who participated in the event, and as a

result, the tree was found. the remnants of the body were checked and forensics were able to validate that these were indeed the remnants

of Avshalom Feinberg (Hight, age, teeth, older wounds, the bullet hits that led to the death).


Several locations were suggested for the reburial - Hadera, Zichron-Yaakov, Atlit, Rishon-LeZion (Stations in the life of Avshalom).

The decision was to drive through these sites, on the way to Mt. Herzel in Jerusalem, where he was reburied. Shoots from the Palm

tree that grew from Avshalom's cloths were planted in several places, one of them next to his grave on Mt. Herzel.  


Great War connection - that area (Where Avshalom was reburied) was a part of the Ottoman trenches that defended Jerusalem. These

trenches were captured on December 8th 1917 by the 2/16 battalion (Queen's Westminster Rifles), 179th Brigade, 60th (London) division.

A part of this trench system still exists, a bit to the west.




Edited by Eran Tearosh
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I posted the picture of the tree in reference to that story, but didn't know all that detail. Thanks. Also, the other details about the trenches and the 2/16th Bn. London Regiment are really interesting, too.


Many thanks,



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