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Official Histories.

Tony Lund

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Does anyone have a complete list of all the Official Histories of the Great War? A librarian at the local library has tried and failed to find one, and so have I. I found the title and details of a volume covering Egypt in 1915 that I need at the Naval and Military press website, now that I have the details I can order it from the library. I saw a question about railways on the forum recently and I felt sure I once saw a reference to an Official History of Transport that covered railways on the Western Front, but that is all I can remember, and there is no guarantee that I am right about this. It would be useful just to be able to refer to a complete list. I could also do with a look at what was happening in India, is there an Official History covering India? I assume there will be for Indian Army units at the front but what about garrison units in India? Is it true that there are around fifty volume if you count the Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians? I have even heard that there is a volume covering the veterinary service! I would love to see a full list, if only to find out just what is actually available.


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The titles and details of the American volumes would also come in handy, especially for 1918.


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The American history I have is the "Source Records of the Great War" -it uses contempory accounts from all sides to give an overview of thought.

This below I cut and paste from Tom Morgan's website ( http://www.morganbooks.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/online.htm )


For many years out of print and commanding prices between £50-£150 per volume, these scarce and valuable volumes are available once more. Each has been superbly produced and together they represent an extremely fine investment. Superbly reprinted by the Imperial War Museum.

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1914 VOL. 1. Mons, Le Cateau, , Aisne. Hardback. 577 pages. £35.00 - OUR PIECE £31.45. Order No. A101

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1914 VOL. 2. Armentières, Ypres. Hardback. 593 pages.. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A102

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1915 VOL. 1. Neuve Chapelle, Ypres. Hardback. 488 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order No. A103

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1915 VOL. 2. Aubers, Festubert, Loos. Hardback. 433 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A104

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1916 VOL. 1. Up to 1st July. Hardback. 523 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order No. A105

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1916 VOL. 2. From 2 July. Hardback. 646 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order No. A106

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1917 VOL. 1. Hindenburg Line, Arras. Hardback. 625 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order No. A107

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1917 VOL. 2. Messines/Third Ypres. Hardback. 557 pages. £30.00 - OUR PRICE - £26.95. Order No. A108

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1917 VOL. 3. Battle of Cambrai. Hardback. 437 pages. £30.00 - OUR PRICE - £26.95. Order No. A109

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 1. German offensive. Hardback. 550 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A110

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 2. German offensive. Hardback. 569 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A111

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 3. May-July. Hardback. 385 pages. £35.00 OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A112

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 4. 8 August - 26 September. Hardback. 623 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A113

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 5. 26 Sep. - 11 November. Hardback. 675 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A114

GALLIPOLI. Hardback. Two volumes, 929 pages. £49.50 - OUR PRICE - £44.45. Order No. A115

MACEDONIA VOL. I. Outbreak of War to Spring 1917. Hardback. 365 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order. No. A117

MACEDONIA VOL. 2. Spring of 1917 to the end of the War. Hardback. 365 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order. No. A118

MESOPOTAMIA VOL. 1. Hardback. 402 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order No. A119

MESOPOTAMIA VOL. 2. Hardback. 581 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A120

MESOPOTAMIA VOL. 3. Hardback. 460 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A121

MESOPOTAMIA VOL. 4. Hardback. 447 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A122

TOGOLAND AND THE CAMEROONS. Hardback. 494 pages. Currently out of print with no reprint date decided as yet.

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Well, strictly speaking there are 11 volumes in the French OH: I-XI, with each volume having a set of "sub" volumes.

I think with the annexes, and map volumes the total number of books comes to right around 100+.

I was lucky enough to pick up a copy of this back in the early 90's at a bookshop in London, but to be honest, the annexes have been sitting in the garage in plastic storage bins for most of that time. It's just so much I would have to dedicate an entire room for the set. I've never actually counted them all.

I still remember getting them home and the car literally groaning under the weight, and telling my wife how "lucky" I was to have found them :P.

I also have the American history, "U.S. Army in the World War, 1917-1918," which is (I'm guessing here) 17 volumes. It is also sitting in the garage.

There is a site on the web (I searched and I can't find it again) that gives a comprehensive summary of all the official histories out there. I used it when I was trying to complete my German OH. Google couldn't find it though :(.


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While we are at it, does anyone know EXACTLY  how many volumes there are of the French OH? Thanks.

I got this list some time ago from www.1914-18.org. I have a few of the document volumes but it is far more rare than the British or German OHs and has not to my knowledge been reprinted.



les Armées Françaises dans la Grande Guerre

• Tome I, la guerre de mouvement (opérations antérieures au 14 novembre 1914) :

o Volume 1, les préliminaires, la bataille des frontières. Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1922.

o Volume 2, la manœuvre de retraite. Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1925.

o Volume 3, la bataille de la Marne. Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1931.

o Volume 4, la bataille de l'Aisne, la Course à la Mer. Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1934.

• Tome II, la stabilisation du front, les attaques locales (14 novembre 1914 au 1er mai 1915). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1931.

• Tome III, les offensives de 1915, l'hiver 1915-16. Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1923.

• Tome IV, Verdun et la Somme :

o Volume 1, projet de coalition, offensive allemande sur Verdun (21 février au 1er mai 1916). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1927.

o Volume 2, Verdun, la préparation de la bataille de la Somme (1er mai au 3 septembre 1916). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1933.

o Volume 3, fin de la bataille de la Somme et offensive sur Verdun (3 septembre au 31 décembre 1916). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1936.

• Tome V, l'offensive d'avril 1917, opérations à objectifs limités :

o Volume 1, l'offensive d'avril (1er novembre 1916 au 15 mai 1917). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1931.

o Volume 2, les offensive à objectifs limités (15 mai au 1er novembre 1917). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1937.

• Tome VI, l'hiver 1917-18, l'offensive allemande :

o Volume 1, préparation de la campagne de 1918, offensive allemande (1er novembre 1917 au 30 avril 1918). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1931.

o Volume 2, l'offensive allemande (30 avril au 17 juillet 1918). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1935.

• Tome VII, la campagne offensive de 1918, la marche au Rhin :

o Volume 1, offensives de dégagement (18 juillet au 25 septembre 1918). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1933.

o Volume 2, la campagne offensive de 1918, la marche au Rhin (26 septembre 1918 au 26 juin 1919). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1938.

• Tome VIII, la campagne d'Orient :

o Volume 1, jusqu'à l'intervention de la Roumanie (février 1915 à août 1916). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1924.

o Volume 2, de l'intervention de la Roumanie aux préparatifs d'offensive de 1918 (août 1916 à avril 11918). . Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1933.

o Volume 3, du printemps 1918 à la fin de la même année (avril 1918 à décembre 1918). Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1934.

• Tome IX, les fronts secondaires :

o Volume 1, Égypte, Palestine, Syrie, Hedjaz, la propagande allemande au Maroc. Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1935.

o Volume 2, les campagnes coloniales : Togo, Cameroun, AEF, AOF. Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1930.

o Volume 3, les opérations au Maroc. Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1933.

Tome X, ordres de bataille :

o Volume 1, ordre de bataille des grandes unités. Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1923.

o Volume 2, ordre de bataille des divisions. Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1923.

• Tome XI, la direction de l'arrière. Collectif. Paris, Imp. Nationale, 1938.

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An excellent list of light reading. I found some more at the Naval and Military Press website.


by Sir George MacMunn and Cyril Falls

From The Outbreak Of War With Germany To June 1917. After a brief background to the situation in Egypt in August 1914 and commencement of hostilities with Turkey at the end of October,



by Brig Gen Sir James Edmonds and Maj Gen H. R. Davies

An account of the war in Italy with special reference to the part played by the British troops involved.


by Brig-Gen J.J.Collyer

This is the Official South African History of the War describing a campaign in which S African forces only were involved, hence it does not feature in the British Official History series.


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The American history I have is the "Source Records of the Great War" -it uses contempory accounts from all sides to give an overview of thought.

This below I cut and paste from Tom Morgan's website ( http://www.morganbooks.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/online.htm )


For many years out of print and commanding prices between £50-£150 per volume, these scarce and valuable volumes are available once more. Each has been superbly produced and together they represent an extremely fine investment. Superbly reprinted by the Imperial War Museum.

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1914 VOL. 1. Mons, Le Cateau, , Aisne. Hardback. 577 pages. £35.00 - OUR PIECE £31.45. Order No. A101

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1914 VOL. 2. Armentières, Ypres. Hardback. 593 pages.. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A102

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1915 VOL. 1. Neuve Chapelle, Ypres. Hardback. 488 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order No. A103

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1915 VOL. 2. Aubers, Festubert, Loos. Hardback. 433 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A104

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1916 VOL. 1. Up to 1st July. Hardback. 523 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order No. A105

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1916 VOL. 2. From 2 July. Hardback. 646 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order No. A106

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1917 VOL. 1. Hindenburg Line, Arras. Hardback. 625 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order No. A107

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1917 VOL. 2. Messines/Third Ypres. Hardback. 557 pages. £30.00 - OUR PRICE - £26.95. Order No. A108

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1917 VOL. 3. Battle of Cambrai. Hardback. 437 pages. £30.00 - OUR PRICE - £26.95. Order No. A109

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 1. German offensive. Hardback. 550 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A110

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 2. German offensive. Hardback. 569 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A111

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 3. May-July. Hardback. 385 pages. £35.00 OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A112

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 4. 8 August - 26 September. Hardback. 623 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A113

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 5. 26 Sep. - 11 November. Hardback. 675 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A114

GALLIPOLI. Hardback. Two volumes, 929 pages. £49.50 - OUR PRICE - £44.45. Order No. A115

MACEDONIA VOL. I. Outbreak of War to Spring 1917. Hardback. 365 pages.  £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order. No. A117

MACEDONIA VOL. 2. Spring of 1917 to the end of the War. Hardback. 365 pages.  £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order. No. A118

MESOPOTAMIA VOL. 1. Hardback. 402 pages. £33.00 - OUR PRICE - £29.45. Order No. A119

MESOPOTAMIA VOL. 2. Hardback. 581 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A120

MESOPOTAMIA VOL. 3. Hardback. 460 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A121

MESOPOTAMIA VOL. 4. Hardback. 447 pages. £35.00 - OUR PRICE - £31.45. Order No. A122

TOGOLAND AND THE CAMEROONS. Hardback. 494 pages.  Currently out of print with no reprint date decided as yet.

Those are the Military Operations volumes, but there are also:


Vol 1 - To the Battle of the Falklands 1914

Vol 2 - From the Falklands to the entry of Italy May 1915

Vol 3 - Jutland

Vol 4 - June 1916 to Apriol 1917

Volume 5 - Aptril 1917 to November 1918



AERIAL OPERATIONS - 6 Volumes plus appendices

Medical Histories - 1 Volume


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Thanks for them, including the South African volume the British Official History is up to 42 volumes so far. I wonder how many more there are?

I will tidy it up on to one list when we have all done.


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Just remembered some further additions, Tony! Some of the Military Operations year-groups had further volumes of Appendices. I know there was one for 1917 and 1918 because I have some copies, but I'm not sure how many of the other year-groups had them. These appendices aren't included in the current IWM reprints - the ones which have "Imperial War Museum" at the bottom of the spine, but they were included in the earlier reprints which the IWM used to sell (the ones with "Battery Press" at the bottom of the spine.)


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There seems to be a few volumes of Appendices.

What about these:

Official History Of The War, Medical Services Volume 1.

Official History Of The War, Medical Services, Diseases Of The War.

Volume 2.

Is the volume named below also one of the above?

Official History Medical Services - Pathology volume. Major General Sir W G Macpherson.


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Battery Press

Battery Press still has these for sale they start in the middle of the page and continue onward.

Canadian Official History

The Canadian Official History is available as an Adobe download above.

Paul is correct there is no 'official' US history although the 17 Volume US Army in the World War is close. It's available on CD Rom for under $30 from the Government Printing Office, possibly the best buy in World War I studies.

I wish I could read French well enough to decipher the Official Histories (actually 2 wishes, wish I had 'em and could read 'em). I find the lack of quality historical works on the French in WWI very disappointing and a little surprising.


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The German naval official history series is called Der Krieg zur See 1914-1918 . It's in some 20 volumes:

Nordsee (North Sea), 7 volumes

Ostsee (Baltic), 3 volumes

Der Krieg in den türkischen Gewässeren (Turkish waters, including Black Sea), 2 volumes

Der Kreuzerkrieg in den ausländischen Gewässern (cruiser warfare on foreign stations), 3 volumes

Der Handelskrieg mit U-Booten (submarine warfare against merchant shipping), 5 volumes.

The series is out of print and difficult to obtain, especially the later volumes of Nordsee and Handelskrieg. Volume five of Handelskrieg, for example, would easily fetch several hundred dollars by itself -- if you could find a copy. It is easily the single most essential work on U-Boat operations in 1918 ever produced.

Best wishes,


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Just remembered some further additions, Tony!  Some of the Military Operations year-groups had further volumes of Appendices.  . 

...and then there's all the map volumes which are boxes that look like the text volumes but contain many large scale maps that are referred to in the text. I don't believe that these have ever been re-printed.


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...and then there's all the map volumes which are boxes that look like the text volumes but contain many large scale maps that are referred to in the text. I don't believe that these have ever been re-printed.


You're right, Dave. These aren't available in modern reprints. The IWM does sell a CD-ROM with all the 1914-18 "France and Belgium" Official History maps. Peter Chassaud has written concise notes to amplify each map. It costs £79.99.

This is not fishing for customers. I don't sell it!


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I like the Battery Press site. ISBN numbers for the volumes on Seaborne Trade etc. I would love to have a complete list with enough details on each book to be able to order it anywhere. We seem to be heading in that direction here. I would like a bit more detail on the Merchant Navy’s volumes, and anything on medical, transport, veterinary, Indian and New Zealand’s Official History. The more detail the better.


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Hi Dave,

Battery Press have the 1916 Volume I & II Maps and Appendices, are these the volumes you're referring to? Were there seperate Map VOlumes for each year?



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Hi Dave,

Battery Press have the 1916 Volume I & II Maps and Appendices, are these the volumes you're referring to? Were there seperate Map VOlumes for each year?



Hi Neil.

Yup! Every year had at least one map volume (and the "other theatre" volumes too!).


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This is what has come up so far, it is not a full list, any more anybody???


FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1914 VOL. 1. Mons, Le Cateau, , Aisne. Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds. ISBN: 0-89839-233-0

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1914 VOL. 2. Armentières, Ypres. Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds. ISBN: 0-89839-232-2

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1915 VOL. 1. Neuve Chapelle, Ypres. Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds. ISBN: 0-89839-218-7

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1915 VOL. 2. Aubers, Festubert, Loos. Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds. ISBN: 0-89839-245-4

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1916 VOL. 1. Up to 1st July. Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds. ISBN: 0-89839-185-7

FRANCE AND BELGIUM, 1916 VOLUME 1, APPENDICES, Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds ISBN: 0-89839-226-8

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1916 VOL. 2. From 2 July. Captain Wilfrid Miles. ISBN: 0-89839-169-5

FRANCE AND BELGIUM, 1916 VOLUME 2, MAPS & APPENDICES, Captain Wilfrid Miles ISBN: 0-89839-207-1

FRANCE & BELGIUM, 1917 VOLUME 1 Captain Cyril Falls. Hindenburg Line, Arras. ISBN: 0-89839-180-6


ISBN: 0-89839-202-0

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1917 VOL. 2. Messines/Third Ypres. Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds. ISBN: 0-89839-166-0

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1917 VOL. 3. Battle of Cambrai. Captain Wilfrid Miles.

432 pages. ISBN: 0-89839-162-8

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 1. German offensive. Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds. ISBN: 0-89839-219-5

FRANCE AND BELGIUM, 1918 VOLUME I, APPENDICES Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds ISBN: 0-89839-204-7

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 2. German offensive. Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds. ISBN: 0-89839-223-3

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 3. May-July. Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds. ISBN: 0-89839-211-X

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 4. 8 August - 26 September. Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds. ISBN: 0-89839-191-1

FRANCE AND BELGIUM 1918 VOL. 5. 26 Sep. - 11 November. Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds. ISBN: 0-89839-192-X

MILITARY OPERATIONS, GALLIPOLI, VOLUMES 1 and 2. Brigadier C.F. Aspinall-Oglander. ISBN: 0-89839-175-X


ISBN: 0-89839-242-X Outbreak of War to Spring 1917


ISBN: 0-89839-243-8 Spring of 1917 to the end of the War


Brigadier F. J. Moberly. ISBN: 0-89839-268-3


Brigadier F. J. Moberly. ISBN: 0-89839-269-1


Brigadier F. J. Moberly. ISBN: 0-89839-289-6


Brigadier F. J. Moberly. ISBN: 0-89839-290-X


MILITARY OPERATIONS, Egypt and Palestine, Volume 1, General George MacMunn and Captain Cyril Falls. ISBN: 0-89839-241-1


Sir George MacMunn and Cyril Falls From the outbreak of the war to June 1917.

ISBN: 0-89839-241-1


Falls, Cyril ISBN: 0-89839-240-3

OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE GREAT WAR. MILITARY OPERATIONS, ITALY 1915-1919, Brigadier Sir James E. Edmonds and Maj Gen H. R. Davies.

ISBN: 0-89839-165-2


Official South African History Brigadier J.J. Collyer.

ISBN: 0-89839-273-X



ISBN: 0-89839-256-X

NAVAL OPERATIONS, VOLUME 2 Sir Julian Corbett. From the Falklands to May 1915 ISBN: 0-89839-257-8

NAVAL OPERATIONS, VOLUME 3 (Revised 1940 edition for Jutland), Sir Julian Corbett. ISBN: 0-89839-231-4

NAVAL OPERATIONS, VOLUME 4 Henry Newbolt. June 1916 to April 1917. ISBN: 0-89839-254-3

NAVAL OPERATIONS, VOLUME 5 Henry Newbolt. April 1917 to November 1918 ISBN: 0-89839-255-1


War in the Air. Being the Story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force. VOLUME ONE. Sir Walter Raleigh, The early days of the RFC and RNAS and the first months of the war. ISBN: 0-89839-284-5

War in the Air. Being the Story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force. VOLUME TWO. H.A Jones The air operations of the 1915 Gallipoli campaign; of the Western Front in 1915/1916; and of naval air operations.

ISBN: 0-89839-293-4

War in the Air. Being the Story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force. VOLUME THREE. H.A Jones Covers air operations in German East- and South-West Africa; air raids on Britain in 1914-16; and over the western front in the winter of 1916/17 and during the 1917 battle of Arras. ISBN: 0-89839-292-6

War in the Air. Being the Story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force. VOLUME FOUR. H.A Jones Covers naval air operations in 1917 and early 1918; and over the western front from the battle of Messines in June 1917 down to the German Spring offensives in 1918. ISBN: 0-89839-287-X

War in the Air. Being the Story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force. VOLUME FIVE. H.A Jones The story of German air attacks on Britain in 1917-1918 and the measures taken to meet them. ISBN: 0-89839-283-7

War in the Air. Being the Story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force. VOLUME SIX. H.A Jones This covers operations in the Middle East, Balkans and India, the creation of the RAF in April 1918 and the western front in 1918 down to the Armistice ISBN: 0-89839-282-9

WAR IN THE AIR. (APPENDICES). Being the story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force H.A. Jones Consists of appendices with factual information and statistics. ISBN: 0-89839-277-2


SEABORNE TRADE, VOLUME 1 C. Ernest Fayle ISBN: 0-89839-270-5

SEABORNE TRADE, VOLUME 2 C. Ernest Fayle ISBN: 0-89839-271-3

SEABORNE TRADE, VOLUME 3 C. Ernest Fayle ISBN: 0-89839-272-1

Medical Services.

Official History Of The War, Medical Services Volume 1.

Official History Of The War, Medical Services, Diseases Of The War.

Volume 2.

The volume named below may also be one of the above.

Official History Medical Services - Pathology volume. Major General Sir W G Macpherson. HMSO 1923.


Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4

Maps on CD Rom


Maps on CD Rom


I think that will do for one day, hopefully there will be a few more tomorrow.


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One of the medical volumes is on hygiene at least one other covers surgery; another is "medical statistics" and the latter has been reprinted by the IWM/Battery Press.

Each of the Gallipoli volumes has an associated maps & appendices volume.

There is Henniker's "Transportation on the Western Front" and associated map case.

A one volume history of the war in the air exists as "The Royal Air Force in the Great War.

There is Volume 1 of the East African Campaign (volume 2 exists in draft at the PRO)

There are also two further volumes:

Operations in Persia

The Occupation of the Rhineland

In addition there is a history of the Ministry of Munitions (I don't know how many volumes).

As regards map volumes can I suggest that for completeness these are listed out? Some were reprinted after a fashion by the IWM/Battery Press but by no means all of them.

The Shearer Press reprints some years ago covered 1914 Volume 1 and 1916 Volume 1 and have the advantage that the sketch maps were reproduced in colour.

The War in the Air was reprinted in the 1960's by Hamish Hamilton (but not including the War in the Air Map Volmes as I understand it).

John Buchan's "The South African forces in France" is often considered to be a part of the Official History canon. Monash's "The Australian Victories in France in 1918" might belong with a library of official histories but is not considered part of the canon.

Should one also include the volume covering Official Battle names and the Order of Battle volumes?

The New Zealand set runs to four volumes:

1. The New Zealanders at Gallipoli (Major Fred Waite)

2. The New Zealand Division in France (Stewart)

3. The New Zealanders in Sinai & Palestine (Powles)

4. Minor campaigns in which the New Zealanders took part

Services not fully dealt with in the other volumes

The work at the bases

The four volumes are collectively given the title "The War effort of New Zealand" and all are very readable.

The Australian History runs to 12 full volumes, 3 medical volumes and a short history called From Anzac to Amiens. All except volume 12 (photographic and usualyy the hardest to find and most expensive) are available in PDF format on the Australian War Memorial web site. I believe someone has already pointed out that the Canadian history is available on the web.

The Turkish History is the subject of a seperate thread at present, there being the original set of Ottoman Turkish volumes; a 1990's three volume set on Gallipoli and a later single abridged volume on Gallipoli plus a very recent translation into english of the single volume version which also included additional m,aterial on the war in the air. There are a number of other relevant Turkish General Staff publications which relate to the history of the Great War.

The British Official History for Gallipoli (2 text volumes as per previous posts) is also currently available in Turkish translation in paperback. The maps are also translated and modified for these two volumes.

The 17 American Volumes plus the Battlefields Commission guide has been made available on CD-ROM by the American Government Printing Office and appears on 3 CDs. Last time I looked it cost a mere $20. Worth it for the guide and Order of Battle alone. A real bargain.

I am sure others will add to the canon or provide further details.

Hope this helps.


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Source Records of the Great War.

HORNE, Charles F. & AUSTIN, Walter F. (Editors)

...is 7 volumes.


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  Well, strictly speaking there are 11 volumes in the French OH:  I-XI, with each volume having a set of "sub" volumes.

  I think with the annexes, and map volumes the total number of books comes to right around 100+.

The Bibliographical Essay at the end of "Paths of Glory - The French Army 1914-18" By Anthony Clayton says 102.

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The Australian War Memorial website has 16 volumes on line plus a link to the contents of Volume 12, A Photographic Record of the War, which they have not included because all the images were already on line.


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One more:

TRANSPORTATION ON THE WESTERN FRONT 1914-1918 Compiled by Colonel A M Henniker CBE RE(Retd) originally published 1937, but republished by the Imperial War Museum and The Battery Press 1992 ISBN 0-89839-179-2.

Charles M

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