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Imperial Camel Corps 1917-18


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Arab Command - Peake/Jarvis, page 50.

“It was Lawrence’s famous race across Sinai to meet Allenby after the battle of Akaba 170 miles* in 49 hours (85 miles per day) much the same as Peake’s forced march to Azrak – that established him so firmly in the respect and affection of the Bedouin tribes with Feisal’s force. Such feats of hard riding and endurance performed by British officers on camels won the admiration of the Bedouin who regard themselves as the only race who can make long distance journeys and resist fatigue, and this ability of Englishmen to rival and even out-march them did more to win their allegiance to the cause than any other factor”.

*The accredited distance is 150 miles. Ghazala

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Steve


Is Lt Edward O'Keefe 18 Coy mentioned in your forthcoming book?


Still waiting to hear of a publishing date...




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O'KEEFE Edward 611A Sgt Horsebreaker age 23 Morven Qld Enl 16-9-14 in Prov/Sgt BSqn/9 LHR (217) disch 26-12-14 med unfit ReEnl 12-1-15 Emb Cpl BSqn/9 LHR. Evac 31-7-15 (enteric) Gallipoli. To T/Sgt B Troop BSqn/Comp LHR 11-15 rtn revert to Cpl 18-1-16 to L/Sgt 2-5-16 to 3 LHTR 1-7-16 to T/SQMS (3 double sqn) 6-7-16 to MG/Sgt 4 Cml Regt 2-11-16 to 4Bn 18Co 7-2-17 to T/CSM 4-5-17 to CSM 28-5-17 to T/RSM 4Bn HQ 3-10-17 prom 2/Lt 15-10-17 rtn 18Co 14-11-17 prom Lt 15-1-18 Awarded MC "for operations in the Jordan Valley between 2-4-18 to 3-5-18 and lead his company on the 30-4-18 with great dash" to 14 LHR 1-7-18 to hosp 15-9-18 (malaria) to Adjt DMC rest camp 2-1-19 rtn 4-7-19 RTA 24-7-19 "Dongola" Later WWII (W29048) (WX36777) Capt Z Special unit Enl 26-8-40 disch 16-4-46

Ed O'Keefe led his company to support the 8th Company during the Es Salt fighting, where due to heavy Turkish pressure in the fighting around Es Salt by the Light Horse, the ICC were ordered to attack the Turks along the Jordan to relief that pressure, this resualted in heavy losses in the 8th Company and losses to the 18th Company. This is recorded in the book by Geoffrey Inchbald called "Imperial Camel Corps" as he commanded the British 8th Company at the battle.


Lt O'Keefe took over the 18th Company following the wounding of Maj Kessels at Amman in March 1918.


Sorry but the book was put on hold some time ago to work on other things, I am yet to find the time to get back to it.





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You will find somewhere on this site my article on the Australian Light Horse Composite Regt during the fighting against the Senussi during Nov Dec Jan 1915/16.


That should give you some insight into his work with that Regt during that time.



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  • 5 months later...

Hi Steve.

I think I may have turned up another former Scottish Horse Yeomanry man.

He is named on the Hoddom Parish War Memorial in the village of Ecclefechan in Dumfriesshire, Scotland as:


John Jardine Currie – age 23 – Private (56017) 265th Company, Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)

John was employed at the Dalzell Steel Works in Motherwell, Lanarkshire when he enlisted as Trooper (5137) in the Scottish Horse Yeomanry in December 1914. He landed with the 1/1st Battalion at Gallipoli in September 1915. He then served in Egypt where in 1917 he transferred to the newly formed 26th Machine Gun Squadron (256th MGC) of the 2nd Battalion, Imperial Camel Corps. John was killed near Jaffa in Palestine at the Battle of Bald Hill. (can you confirm this please?)

(Source: SDGW, Dumfries & Galloway Standard 16/12/1914 p.3, Medal Roll/Card and Camel Corps War Diary via the Great War Forum)

Born 1894 in Hoddom. (Source: SNWM and GRoS – Birth Register)

Son of John Jardine Currie and of Isabella Palmer (Laidlaw) Currie of Townfoot, Ecclefechan. (Source: 1901 census)

Killed in Action – 1 December 1917.

Commonwealth War Grave – Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel.

Also named on the Motherwell War Memorial, on the Dalzell Works memorial and on the Imperial Camel Corps memorial in London.





ps I've just noticed that CWGC list him as 265th - is this a typo????


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  • 1 year later...


anything on Thomas W Marlbrough (also listed as D E Marlborough, incorrectly) who I believe was the only Essex Yeoman to serve in the ICC? 729, Essex Yeo, to France in Nov 1914; not sure how he ended up on a camel!



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Yes but possibly from the same sources as you;


Marlborough     Thomas W    51442    Pte    ICC Ex Essex Yeo (729) to 1/1 Hereford Yeo (106481) shown Kew records


The Hereford Regt shed men to the 5th Company


26-5-16  5Co under Capt Wilson (53 Div (Welsh)  - (158 Bde - 1/1 Hereford, 1/5 to 1/7 Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 159 Bde - 1/4 & 1/6 Cheshire & 1/4 & 1/5 Welsh Regt, & 160 Bde - Monmouth, 1/4 Sussex, 2/4 Royal West Kent, 2/10 Middlesex & 2/4 Queens West Surrey Regt) arrived ICC depot (5Co war dairy also shows 1/6 Essex Regt


But if Tom was in the ICC I am unsure?


I did find a man around the same


Adamson    William .T    2320    Pte    Tos batman to Maj Huddleston 3Bn HQ 1-17 Ex 1/1 Bucks Yeo to 1/1 Hereford Yeo (106471)

As likewise I could find no other details on Adamson on how or why he came to be batman to Huddleson?


These are the Hereford men


Martin    Walter    2072    Pte    5Co ICC FGCM 12-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt see (50949) 
Adamson    William .T    2320    Pte    Tos batman to Maj Huddleston 3Bn HQ 1-17 Ex 1/1 Bucks Yeo to 1/1 Hereford Yeo (106471)
Whittaker    Alfred Lewis    2409    Pte    5Co att Newcombes Force PoW 3-11-17 reported captured at Daharryeh on the Hebron road Ex Hereford Regt (2409) (235753) died 11-7-1987 shown in Rory Moore's news letter
Mann    Ernest    50937    Sgt    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (1887) and Hussars
Allen    Edward    50938    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (3747) and Hussars
Birch    Charles    50939    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (3635) and Hussars
Cole    Ernest    50940    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (2320) and Hussars
Clark    John J.    50941    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Yeo (1742) to Gloucester Regt (40646)
Davies    Joseph    50942    Pte    Tos 5Co? 5-16 1/1 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (3870) and Hussars
Deakins    Albert G.    50943    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (1108) and Gloucester Regt (40371) to Gloucester Regt (5172859)
George    William J.    50944    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (2917) and Hussars
Harmer    William    50945    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (3279) and Hussars
Hill    Leonard     50946    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (2322) and Hussars
Hodges    Henry    50947    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 possibly shown A/CSM 5Co to OCS 6-18 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (3158) and Hussars shown Kew records
Martin    Walter    50949    Pte    Tos 5Co 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (2023) and Hussars see (2072)
Morris    John    50950    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (3564) and Hussars
Oakley    Herbert    50951    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (3153) and Hussars
Price    Leonard JW    50952    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (3328) and Hussars
Price    Benjamin    50953    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (8249) and Hussars
Udill    William F.    50954    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (2807) and Hussars
Wadeley    Albert    50955    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (1946) and Hussars shown Kew records
Evans    Frederick    50956    Cpl    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (1309) and Hussars
Holmes    Albert    50958    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (3360) and Hussars
Jones    Jack N.    50959    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 ICC Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (925) and Hussars
Stocker    Thomas G.    51102    Pte    5Co? Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (2949) and Hussars
Leake    William J.    51107    Pte    5Co? Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (3671) and Hussars
Marlborough     Thomas W    51442    Pte    ICC Ex Essex Yeo (729) to 1/1 Hereford Yeo (106481) shown Kew records
Clayton    William    300116    Sgt    5Co KIA 27-3-17 killed at 1st Gaza NKG listed on the Jerusalem War Memorial Ex 1/1 Hereford Yeo and DCo/7Bn Essex Regt

I then looked at the ICC numbers around him (i have on record) but the units are many mixed units?


Dolan    James    51438    Pte    Tos possibly 9Co? ICC? Ex County of London Yeo (14304) and Hussars
Fahy    Joseph P.    51440    Sgt    Tos possibly 9Co? to 5Co MID - reason not stated Ex City of London Yeo (13393) to 17th Lancers (6114)
Smith    Charles V.    51441    Pte    ICC Ex 1/1st Ayrshire Yeo (2316) and Hussars (51411)
Marlborough     Thomas W    51442    Pte    ICC Ex Essex Yeo (729) to 1/1 Hereford Yeo (106481) shown Kew records
Beesley    John A.    51443    Pte    Tos possibly 9Co? ICC Ex 1/1 Warwick Yeo (2657) to Spr Royal Engineers (193477)
Hurren    Charles    51444    Pte    Tos possibly 9Co? ICC Ex 1/1 City of London Yeo (11066) and Stafford Yeo (301840)
White    George J.    51447    Pte    ICC? Ex Lancer (419) and Nottingham Yeo (51447) and Hussars
Kirkpatrick    James    51451    Pte    ICC Ex South Nottingham Huss (2769) and Hussars (51451)
Gisborne    George F.    51452    Pte    ICC? Ex South Nottingham Huss (906) and Hussars
Lawrence    James    51453    Pte    ICC? Ex South Nottingham Huss (1018) and Hussars shown Kew records
Mervill    George Herbert    51454    Pte    ICC? Ex South Nottingham Huss (1899) and Hussars
Foster    Frank    51455    Pte    ICC? Ex South Nottingham Huss (1067) and Hussars
Richardson    George W.    51456    Pte    ICC? Ex South Nottingham Huss (798) and Hussars

As to Essex Yeomanry men in the ICC, I have these others;


Johns     Leslie W    51429    Pte    Tos possibly 9Co? ICC Ex County of London Yeo (81539) and Devon Regt (2609) and Essex Yeo and Hussars
Marlborough (Marlbrough)    Thomas W    51442    Pte    ICC Ex Essex Yeo (729) to 1/1 Hereford Yeo (106481) shown Kew records
Gowlett    Sidney John        2/Lt    Tos 9Co 2-4-17 WIA 28-3-18 with Adjt Capt Hornby & 30 men in attack at Amman - invalided home wounded Ex Pte Essex Yeo (1109) and 2/Lt 1/1 Suffolk Yeo 


Sorry not much out there?



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Sorry mate did I miss your question?


Currie    John Jardine    56017    Pte    Tos 26 MG Sqn (265 MG Co) 10-16 KIA 1-12-17 killed at Bald Hill buried Ramleh War Cemetery Palestine Ex 1/1 Scottish Horse (5137) (served on Gallipoli 1915) and MGC 


I record this on his death


The first day of December was also quite, other then Turkish snipers and between 4.30 and 6 am the men stood to before commencing the days activities. The odd burst of artillery fire which all to often betrayed that intrepid person trying to move around the battlefield was all to be heard as the work continued on the defences, which around Lone Tree Hill was turned into a redoubt and new works were commenced during the day and those men not working tried to rest in the shade of their trenches from the burning sun.


German aircraft were active helping the long range artillery by spotting and one salvo scored hits on the camel lines near Brigade HQ at Ibn Ibrak and Sakia killing Lieutenant Horace Hallam R.A.S.C the Brigade Admin Officer, and a large number of animals which were barracked in close formation near the watering point. The 3rd Battalion still working on the new works was shelled heavily late in the day wounding two men and damaging the posts, Private Harold Cummin 11th Company, was evacuated to the 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance, only to die from his wounds that night. Once darkness came the Turks were heard working on their defences as snipers came out to snipe at the men of whom Private John Currie of the Brigade machine gun squadron was killed. 


Accounts seam to differ between being hit by a shell or shot by a sniper?





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  • 1 year later...

Hi Steve,

 I am looking for information on my Great Uncle, Llewellyn OWENS, No 457. He was one of the original members of "C' Squadron, 10th Light Horse from W.A. and left for the war in February 1915. And was with the Camel Corp for some time as well. Details of what he did are hard to find from disembarking in Egypt to when he left for Gallipoli for The August Offensive. I know he went back to Egypt after falling ill and spent some time recuperating in hospital and camps. It looks like he was transferred to the 4th Aust. Camel Regiment, also shows him with the Reserve Coy. ICC, and 1st Camel Battalion. From here it looks like he then went to the 14th Light Horse Regiment for the remainder of the war. I have the service statements etc.but finding any more detailed information is like pulling teeth.

Any further information would be greatly appreciated. Picture of him attached and I'm not sure if it's from WW1 or 2


Ted Deacon


Llewellyn Owens.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone have anything on Ex Gloucester Yeomanry joining the ICC. In particular 3415 Pte William R Free DCM. ICC number 50891?





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Any information on 1382 Pte. T. Rees. Glam. Yeo. Thomas Rees also 50499 Imperial Camel Corps. Corps of Hussars.  From Kenfig Hill. South Wales,      Thank you.    Lyn.

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Sorry been away for some weeks and saw this so this is what I have on him.


OWENS    Llewellyn    457    Pte    10 LHR    C Sqn B Troop evac to (1 AGH) hosp (hernia) 9-15 (G) to 3 LHTR 6-16 to (3 double sqn) 7-16 to Cpl 8-16 to Troop Cpl 4 Cml Regt 11-16 to Res Co 2-17 to 2Co/1Bn ICC 4-17 to T/Sgt 11-17 WIA 11-4-18 head shot in Turkish attack at Musallabeh to BSqn/14 LHR 8-18 recom DCM awarded MM - for his actions clearing snipers from Salahiye 30-9-18 to Sgt 1-19 to UK leave 5-19 later WWII Sgt 6Bn VDC

If you need more details on his story let me know and I can give you a little more.


The uniform is WWII when he was a Sgt in the 6Bn VDC





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You had me checking here as I had no one known by that name (I've found so far) ?


The Gloucester men I have on record are;


Davis    Albert Edward    2933    Pte    ICC? not confirmed killed with Gloucester Yeo in fighting at Katia NKG listed on the Jerusalem War Memorial Palestine Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2933) and Corps of Hussars    KIA 23-4-16
Mealing    Albert    13575    L/Cpl    att CC (possibly ECC) Sudan Medal 1910 bar Dufar 1916 Ex Gloucestershire Regt to 1 Gar Bn Royal Warwick Regt    
Painter    Reginald Walter Richard     13578    Pte    shown att 5Co 7-17 att Newcombes Force Pow 2-11-17 Ex 1Bn Gloucester Regt (9814) WIA 4-11-14 F&B to 1 Gar Bn Royal Warwick Regt (13578) to 1/4 Cheshire Regt (62978)     Pow 2-11-17
Woodruf    John Elias     50630    Pte    Tos 10Co 5-16 ICC Ex 1/1 East Riding Yeo (1697) + Gloucester Yeo and Corps of Hussars AKA John Woodup    
Barnfield    Edward C.    50887    Pte    Tos possibly 9Co? 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2899) and Corps of Hussars (235561) shown Kew records    
Crew    Albert    50888    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3338) and (235793)    
Collins    Herbert G.    50889    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2905) and Corps of Hussars (235565)    
Dixon    Douglas B.    50891    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2436) and Corps of Hussars (225342)    
Jones    William G.    50892    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC WIA 27-3-18 at Amman Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (1662) and (235030)    WIA 27-3-18
Leyshon    Lionel E    50893    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC to L/Cpl MID - reason not stated Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2389) and Corps of Hussars (235312)    
Parkhouse    John    50894    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3382) and Corps of Hussars    
Pudner    Charles H.    50895    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3395) and Corps of Hussars    
Riddle    John    50896    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3404) and Corps of Hussars    
Rogerson    Eric    50897    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 ICC? Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (Hussars) (2294) and Corps of Hussars    
Sysum    Charles HR    50898    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC WIA 27-3-18 (minor) at Amman Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2864) and Corps of Hussars    WIA 27-3-18
Smith    William CJ    50899    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3387) and Corps of Hussars    
Whiting    Edward J.    50901    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2909) and Corps of Hussars    
Garrett    George    50902    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3130) to Gloucester Regt (235706)    
Lamb    Thomas Edward    50903    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 ICC killed at Amman NKG listed on the Jerusalem War Memorial Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (Gloucestershire Hussars) (2631) and Corps of Hussars (235431)     KIA 30-3-18
Rymer    John A.    50904    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2220) and Corps of Hussars    
Clark    John J.    50941    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Yeo (1742) to Gloucester Regt (40646)    
Deakins    Albert G.    50943    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (1108) and Gloucester Regt (40371) to Gloucester Regt (5172859)    
Saunders    Leonard    51413    Pte    possibly ICC? Ex Gloucester Regt (11831) and Corps of Hussars shown Kew records    
Bailey    FH        Lt    2Bn Ex Gloucester Yeo    
Bailey    Walter Charles Frederick        Lt    Tos 10Co possibly 3-18? ICC Ex 1/1 Shropshire Yeo also shown as (Gloucester Yeo) in 10Co nom roll     
Chisholm    Kenneth        Capt    shown ICC Ex CQMS 1Bn Gordon Highlanders (S/16003) and 2/Lt 5Bn Gloucester Regt to Indian Army shown Kew records    

You may notice that the number given by you is shown with another man?


Dixon    Douglas B.    50891    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2436) and Corps of Hussars (225342)    


But the MIC also shows that number as your man?


Only the Regt number is different


Dixon also is shown as Camel Corps while Free does not. That in itself is not proof one way or another, but needs more research.


Sorry about that, but these show up at times


As to the Gloucestershire Yeomanry in the Camel Corps, I can add only more questions


They all appear to be in the 9th Company ICC but when this unit formed it was like this;


30-4-16  9Co under Maj the Earl Winterton (8th (Yeomanry) Mtd Bde - 1/1 County of London *Middlesex Hussars 1/3 County of London *Sharpshooters, 1/1 City of London *Rough riders & 1/1 West Kent Yeo) arrived ICC depot


So no Gloucestershire Yeomanry in that unit or any sub unit of the Camel Corps, so when they arrived I am unsure of. The date given by me around April/May 1916 is best guess not fact as yet?


Sorry not much for you but a start, let me known what you find.




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Mate sorry I have little on him;


Rees    Thomas    50499    Pte    Tos 6Co 5-16 ICC Ex 1/1 Glamorgan Yeo (1382) and Corps of Hussars

The 6th Company is shown by me as;


25-5-16  6Co under Maj Knoop (4th (South Wales  & Welsh Border Yeomanry) Mtd Bde - 1/1 Cheshire, 1/1 Shropshire, 1/1 Montgomery, 1/1 Glemorgan, 1/1 Pembroke & 1/1 Denbigh Yeo) arrived ICC depot


The 6th Company had a long service during the war and fought in many battles.


I also shown two other men by that name, are they related?


Rees    Richard    50454    Sgt    Tos 6Co? 5-16 ICC Ex 1/1 Pembroke Yeo (2232) and Corps of Hussars shown Kew records

Rees    David John    230243    Pte    Tos possibly 6Co? shown 2Bn ICC killed by bomb reported bombed in air attack near El Kutshan buried Gaza War Cemetery Egypt Ex 1/1 Pembroke Yeo (4307) & 24Bn Welsh Regt (230243) 231 Bde 74 Div    KIA 21-4-17 from St Claears Carmarthenshire


If you need more let me know





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Sorry I should have placed this on the 6th Company;


25-5-16  6Co under Maj Knoop (4th (South Wales  & Welsh Border Yeomanry) Mtd Bde - 1/1 Cheshire, 1/1 Shropshire, 1/1 Montgomery, 1/1 Glemorgan, 1/1 Pembroke & 1/1 Denbigh Yeo) arrived ICC depot

23-7-16   6Co under Maj de Knoop (5 officers 119 men 146 camels) moved to Ismailia (Lt's De Rutzen (2ic) -Tredinnick -Houghton -Pettit)

4-8-16   Camel Bn under Maj de Knoop formed (4Co 6Co 9Co & 10Co) with 4Co (4 officers 108 men 144 camels) & 10Co (4 officers 107 men 136 camels) moved to Bir el Mahadat for Romani operations

5-8-16   Camel Bn moved from Mahadat via Bada to Hill 385 with 6Co engagement at Hamisah

6-8-16   Camel Bn arrived Mageibra and moved to Bir el Aweidiya and engaged the Turks (4Co 6Co 9Co 10Co)

7-8-16   Camel Bn moved from Aweidiya to Bir el Bayud 11LHR captured prisoners, moved to Hod el Muhammam where Camel Bn with 4Co & 6Co attacked and Maj de Knoop & Lt the Barron De Rutzen OC 6Co were killed & Maj Bardwell 10Co took command and withdrawal to Mageibra (reported total columns (LH & Yeomanry and ICC) casualties 2 officers 12 men killed and 1 officer and 37 men wounded)

8-8-16   Camel Bn arrived Mageibra around 0200 bombed by plane & Lt Ashlin replaced Maj Bardwell 10Co & Lt Pettit replaced Lt the Barron De Rutzen 6Co killed at Hod el Muhammam

10-9-16   reported 1st Camel Bn formed from Camel Bn under Maj Langley CO & Adjt Lt Goldenstedt T/QM Lt Matthews (4Co 5Co 6Co 7Co) at Hod el Willegha (war diary 5Co shows 1st Camel Bn (5Co 6Co 7Co 9Co?)

14-9-16  1st Camel Bn 4Co & 7Co with 5Co & 6Co to rest at Mageibra

17-9-16 1st Camel Bn at Battle of Mazar

1st Camel Bn (4Co 5Co 6Co 7Co) & HK&SMB

12-10-16   mixed force mustered at Bayud for Moghara operation 1st Camel Bn under Maj Langley (4Co 5Co 6Co 12Co) + RE Sect + sect HK&SMB + Sig Sect & RFC report centre + Wireless Sig sect + Medical Sect + SAA Column & Camel transport (CTC) with Comp LH Bde (11 LHR 12 LHR 1/1 City of London Yeo + MG sect 160 Bde)

14-10-16  action at Moghara

1st Camel Bn (4Co 5Co 6Co 12Co) & sect HK&SMB

19-10-16  1st Camel Bn (shown 4Co 6Co 12Co in 11 LHR war diary) with 11 LHR at Mageibra patrols to Abu Fileifil and El Bittia rtn 19-10-16

20-10-16   1st Camel Bn moved to El Galss and 4 Sect 8Co to Shusha (Samalut) (1 officer 40 men 70 camels)  and to Baharia

4-11-16  newly raised 4th Sections for companies sent to units with 4th Sect 5Co (1 officer 40 men) 4th Sect 6Co (2 officers 39 men) 4th Sect 7Co (2 officers 45 men)

5-11-16   12Co replaced 7Co at Bayud  with 1st Camel Bn (4Co 6Co 7Co 12Co)

16-12-16   6Co under Capt Pettit with 1/2 Co at El Galss return to remainder of Co with HQ 1Bn ICC at Bir el Abd


28-12-16  Battle at Magdhaba


Camel Bde HQ

BrigGen Smith VC


Bde/Maj Stocker

1st Battalion

LtCol Langley

4th Co 

Capt Denson


2ic Capt Mills

6th British Co

Capt Pettit


Adjt Capt Goldenstedt

7th British Co

Capt Gregory



12th Co

Capt Smith

2nd British Battalion

Maj Bassett

3rd Co  

Capt Naylor


2ic unknown

5th British Co

Capt Wilson


Adjt Lt Pape

14th Co

Capt Tolmer





3rd Anzac Battalion

Maj Huddlestone

1st Co

Lt Cashman


2ic unknown

11th Co

Capt Creswell


Adjt Capt Tod

15th NZ Co

Capt McCallum





HK&S Batty

Maj Moore



2/1 Cheshire Field Troop RE

Lt Drake RE



1/1st Welsh FAmb




4Co (-) under Capt Denson at Bir el Abd during Dec 1916 less one sect under Lt Williams to 1Co

3Co under Capt Naylor & 7Co under Capt Gregory remain at El Arish  Total Casualties 2 killed with 1 officer and 26 men wounded


9-1-17  Battle at Rafa


Camel Bde HQ

BrigGen Smith VC


Bde/Maj Stocker

1st Anzac Battalion

LtCol Langley

1st Co

Capt Wright



3rd Co

Lt Norris



4th Co

Capt Denson



15th NZ Co

Capt McCallum KIA

2nd British Battalion

Maj Bassett

5th Co

Capt Wilson


2ic unknown

6th Co

Capt Pettit


Adjt Lt Pape

7th Co

Capt Deas





3rd Battalion

Maj Huddlestone

11th Co

Capt Creswell


Adjt Capt Hemphill

12th Co

Capt Smith KIA



14th Co (det)

Capt Tolmer





HK&S Batty

Maj Moore



2/1 Cheshire Field Troop RE

Lt Drake RE



1/1st Welsh FAmb





16-2-17  Hassana operation by Maj Bassett's 2Bn ICC (5Co 6Co 7Co) + sect 14Co + sect HK&SMB + Scottish FAmb & 2/1 Field Troop RE att Maj Greenwood & Lt Herbert (DMC Intell) to Hassana *captured 3 officers & 20 men rtn  21-2-17

26/27-3-17  Battle at 1st Gaza

Camel Bde HQ 1Bn ICC (1Co 3Co 4Co 15Co) 2Bn ICC (5Co 6Co 7Co 9Co) 3Bn ICC (11Co 12Co 14Co) HKSMB 26 MG Sqn (265 MG Co) 1/1 Scottish Horse FAmb


19-4-17 Battle at 2nd Gaza


Camel Bde HQ

BrigGen Smith VC


Bde/Maj Stocker

1st Battalion

LtCol Langley

1st Co

Capt Cashman


Maj Mills (2ic)

2nd Co

Capt Campbell



3rd Co

Capt Naylor KIA



4th Co

Capt Denson

2nd British Battalion

LtCol Gardner

5th Co

Capt Wilson


Maj Winterton (2ic)

6th Co

Capt Houghton


Adjt Capt Tod

7th Co

Capt Gregory



9th Co

Capt Orchardson KIA

3rd Anzac Battalion

LtCol De Lancey-Forth

11th Co

Capt Creswell


Maj Donovan (2ic)

12th Co

Capt Norris


Adjt Capt Hemphill

14th Co

Capt Tolmer



15th NZ Co

Capt Priest KIA

HK&S Batty

Maj Moore



26th MG Sqn

Maj Millar



1/1st Scottish Horse FAmb

Maj Mason




Total casualties 4 officers and 41 men killed with 19 officers and 271 men wounded (killed Capt Naylor Capt Orchardson Capt Priest with Lt Chapman HK&SMB) with Lt's Fender and Hill died of wounds

19-5-17   ICC Bde escorted by Imperial MD moved to Rafa for the Auja Raid along with Asluj Raid by Anzac MD arrived 21-5-17

21-9-17   6Co left Kantara to relieve 10Co at Sollum (4 officers 165 men)

9-18   6Co Pte Hughes & Gross WIA 9-18 reported wounded by arabs/senussi at Bir Jip near Solum

10-18    6Co sent 60 men to capture Sidi Achmed Chief of the Senussi

1-11-18  shown 2Bn ICC 5Co & 8Co at Tul Keram 6Co at Sollum 7Co at Port Said & Ferry Post

6-1-19   6Co disbanded to 5Co


That's the unit history during the war.




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On 05/04/2020 at 00:08, stevebecker said:



You had me checking here as I had no one known by that name (I've found so far) ?


The Gloucester men I have on record are;


Davis    Albert Edward    2933    Pte    ICC? not confirmed killed with Gloucester Yeo in fighting at Katia NKG listed on the Jerusalem War Memorial Palestine Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2933) and Corps of Hussars    KIA 23-4-16
Mealing    Albert    13575    L/Cpl    att CC (possibly ECC) Sudan Medal 1910 bar Dufar 1916 Ex Gloucestershire Regt to 1 Gar Bn Royal Warwick Regt    
Painter    Reginald Walter Richard     13578    Pte    shown att 5Co 7-17 att Newcombes Force Pow 2-11-17 Ex 1Bn Gloucester Regt (9814) WIA 4-11-14 F&B to 1 Gar Bn Royal Warwick Regt (13578) to 1/4 Cheshire Regt (62978)     Pow 2-11-17
Woodruf    John Elias     50630    Pte    Tos 10Co 5-16 ICC Ex 1/1 East Riding Yeo (1697) + Gloucester Yeo and Corps of Hussars AKA John Woodup    
Barnfield    Edward C.    50887    Pte    Tos possibly 9Co? 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2899) and Corps of Hussars (235561) shown Kew records    
Crew    Albert    50888    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3338) and (235793)    
Collins    Herbert G.    50889    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2905) and Corps of Hussars (235565)    
Dixon    Douglas B.    50891    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2436) and Corps of Hussars (225342)    
Jones    William G.    50892    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC WIA 27-3-18 at Amman Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (1662) and (235030)    WIA 27-3-18
Leyshon    Lionel E    50893    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC to L/Cpl MID - reason not stated Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2389) and Corps of Hussars (235312)    
Parkhouse    John    50894    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3382) and Corps of Hussars    
Pudner    Charles H.    50895    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3395) and Corps of Hussars    
Riddle    John    50896    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3404) and Corps of Hussars    
Rogerson    Eric    50897    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 ICC? Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (Hussars) (2294) and Corps of Hussars    
Sysum    Charles HR    50898    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC WIA 27-3-18 (minor) at Amman Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2864) and Corps of Hussars    WIA 27-3-18
Smith    William CJ    50899    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3387) and Corps of Hussars    
Whiting    Edward J.    50901    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2909) and Corps of Hussars    
Garrett    George    50902    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (3130) to Gloucester Regt (235706)    
Lamb    Thomas Edward    50903    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 ICC killed at Amman NKG listed on the Jerusalem War Memorial Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (Gloucestershire Hussars) (2631) and Corps of Hussars (235431)     KIA 30-3-18
Rymer    John A.    50904    Pte    Tos 9Co? 4-16 ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2220) and Corps of Hussars    
Clark    John J.    50941    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Yeo (1742) to Gloucester Regt (40646)    
Deakins    Albert G.    50943    Pte    Tos possibly 5Co? 5-16 Ex 1/1 Hereford Regt (1108) and Gloucester Regt (40371) to Gloucester Regt (5172859)    
Saunders    Leonard    51413    Pte    possibly ICC? Ex Gloucester Regt (11831) and Corps of Hussars shown Kew records    
Bailey    FH        Lt    2Bn Ex Gloucester Yeo    
Bailey    Walter Charles Frederick        Lt    Tos 10Co possibly 3-18? ICC Ex 1/1 Shropshire Yeo also shown as (Gloucester Yeo) in 10Co nom roll     
Chisholm    Kenneth        Capt    shown ICC Ex CQMS 1Bn Gordon Highlanders (S/16003) and 2/Lt 5Bn Gloucester Regt to Indian Army shown Kew records    

You may notice that the number given by you is shown with another man?


Dixon    Douglas B.    50891    Pte    Tos 9Co 4-16 shown ICC Ex 1/1 Gloucester Yeo (2436) and Corps of Hussars (225342)    


But the MIC also shows that number as your man?


Only the Regt number is different


Dixon also is shown as Camel Corps while Free does not. That in itself is not proof one way or another, but needs more research.


Sorry about that, but these show up at times


As to the Gloucestershire Yeomanry in the Camel Corps, I can add only more questions


They all appear to be in the 9th Company ICC but when this unit formed it was like this;


30-4-16  9Co under Maj the Earl Winterton (8th (Yeomanry) Mtd Bde - 1/1 County of London *Middlesex Hussars 1/3 County of London *Sharpshooters, 1/1 City of London *Rough riders & 1/1 West Kent Yeo) arrived ICC depot


So no Gloucestershire Yeomanry in that unit or any sub unit of the Camel Corps, so when they arrived I am unsure of. The date given by me around April/May 1916 is best guess not fact as yet?


Sorry not much for you but a start, let me known what you find.





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Many thanks for that I have a note of some RGH joining the ICC around Apr 17. I’m away from collection at mo though, what is interesting is on the BWM and Victory roll they have the same 50891 number and ICC. What is annoying is his DCM is marked 1/1 Glouc R. With his yeomanry post 17 regimental number, he didn’t serve Inf and the R instead of Yeo this is a medal roll mistake. There is also no mention of him in RGH histories with regard to winning his DCM, so was hoping it was with the ICC.

Thanks for the info, and much appreciated. Kind regards 

Matt Pittaway 

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Mate, I checked my sources for Free with a DCM, and found him possibly?


Shown in the Gloustershire Regt rolls a


Pte WR Free 235825


I'll check later to see if that is your man as its late down here in Australia.




Edited by stevebecker
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On 09/04/2020 at 14:01, stevebecker said:

Mate, I checked my sources for Free with a DCM, and found him possibly?


Shown in the Gloustershire Regt rolls a


Pte WR Free 235825


I'll check later to see if that is your man as its late down here in Australia.




Hi Steve,

Yes, that’s the chap. The 235825 is his Glouc Yeo number. He never served Glouc Regt, it was a clerical era on his MIC and subsequently impressed on his DCM! 
cheers mate 


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The first time the camels heard the bagpipes they stampeded.  Highland regiments and camels did not get on.

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On 05/04/2020 at 06:49, stevebecker said:



Sorry been away for some weeks and saw this so this is what I have on him.


OWENS    Llewellyn    457    Pte    10 LHR    C Sqn B Troop evac to (1 AGH) hosp (hernia) 9-15 (G) to 3 LHTR 6-16 to (3 double sqn) 7-16 to Cpl 8-16 to Troop Cpl 4 Cml Regt 11-16 to Res Co 2-17 to 2Co/1Bn ICC 4-17 to T/Sgt 11-17 WIA 11-4-18 head shot in Turkish attack at Musallabeh to BSqn/14 LHR 8-18 recom DCM awarded MM - for his actions clearing snipers from Salahiye 30-9-18 to Sgt 1-19 to UK leave 5-19 later WWII Sgt 6Bn VDC

If you need more details on his story let me know and I can give you a little more.


The uniform is WWII when he was a Sgt in the 6Bn VDC





Thanks Steve,


I would like to know more of his story if available.







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I am sorry but just some back ground.


Lew was sent to the 2nd Company after it had been almost destoryed at the 2nd Battle of Gaza. 


The 2nd Co was part of the 1st Camel Bn which was in Reserve on the Canal till Dec 1917 when it was returned to the Camel Brigade.


During 1918 it was involved in a number of actions and Battles, these are some I wrote on



By Steve Becker



With the fall of Jericho on the 12 March 1918 the Jordan Valley was now firmly under British control and this victory along with the success of the Arab Army under the Emir Feisal with the capture of Aqaba had enabled General Allenby to make plans to draw the Turkish Army away from his exposed northern flank by a raid on the Turkish supply and communications base at Amman.


This raid would have many benefits to the Allied cause, first it would unite both British and Arab forces which up too now had been fighting a separate war, secondly it would help Feisal by drawing the present Turkish forces engaged in fighting the Arab Army back to Amman leaving Feisal free to capture Maan and to advance on Amman, thirdly draw Turkish forces away from any planned offensives and lastly it could destroy enough of the Hejaz Railway to put this vital line of transportation out of the war for some time.


General Allenby entrusted this important operation to General J.S. Shea (commander of the 60th Division) which was christened Sheas Force. It consisted of the Australian and New Zealand (Anzac) Mounted Division under General Chaytor, the 60th Infantry Division, with the Camel Brigade and the IX Mountain Artillery Brigade. General Shea was instructed by General Allenby to first secure the passage of the Jordan River by the 19th March then to bridge the river and advance on and capture Es Salt with his infantry then push his cavalry onto Amman to destroy the railway with particular attention of the Viaduct bridge and tunnel with other bridges both north and south were also to be destroyed, some 20,000 men were promised by the Beni Sakhr Arabs to assist the operation nevertheless at no time did any arrive.


The Camel Brigade since the disastrous months of November and December had under gone an urgent period of rest and recovery. The men in preparation for the coming operations had been sent on long route marches into the desert in order to build up their endurance, while the Brigade formed a number of demolition teams under Royal Engineer (RE) officers for the coming offensive. The Brigade also underwent a period of reorganization as a number of companies were reduced from the untenable strength of six officers and 179 men to five officers and 129 men by reducing the number of soldiers within the sections, the Battalion Headquarters still retained a strength of five officers and 22 men while demolition teams were formed from the surplus of one officer and 24 men.


The Brigade at this time consisted of the following troops;


Camel Bde HQ

BrigGen Smith







1st Anzac Battalion

LtCol Langley

1st Co

Lt Nicholson


Maj Nobbs (2ic)

2nd Co

Capt Mills



3rd Co

Capt Hogue



4th Co

Capt Denson





2nd British Battalion

LtCol Buxton

7th Co

Capt Deas


Maj Day (2ic)

8th Co

Capt Tredinnick



9th Co

Capt Newsom



10th Co

Lt Lyall





4th Anzac Battalion

LtCol Mills

13th Co

Capt Howard


Maj Hemphill (2ic)

16th NZ Co

Capt Yerex



17th Co

Capt Hampton



18th Co

Maj Kessels






Maj Moore



26 MG Sqn

Maj Millar



Camel FAmb

LtCol McLaren





On the 10 March the Camel Brigades advance party left Sheial and moved up to Bethlehem with the balance of the Brigade following over the next few days, theyre concentrating on the 18th March, this short stay enabled the men to visit the many Christian sites in the area.


The Turkish Armies since November had been steadily rebuilding their forces along a wide front from Jaffa to Amman, however General Liman Von Sanders had little to stop any British advance directed on Amman whose garrison called the East Jordan Group or to the Turks, the Seria Group of the 48th Division HQ under Lieutenant Colonel Asim Bey consisted only a few companies of the 3rd Battalion 150th Regiment (48th Division) which also manned a number of guard posts along the Hejaz Railway. These forces were divided into two areas, the Northern group under Lieutenant Colonel Omer Lutfu Bey (Argeso) attached commanding officer of the 126th Infantry Regiment (11th Division) covering Es Salt and Ghoraniye with only the second battalions from the 150th (48th Division) and 159th Regiments (24th Division) with a battery of guns, and, the Southern Group under Captain Ahmet Bey covering south of Ghoraniye with some irregular Circassian Cavalry with the 48th Divisional Cavalry Squadron and a Camel Company covered the area from Amman to the Jordan River.


The largest Turkish Forces in the area were in the south fighting the Arabs, known as the Tafila Force this was a formidable unit strong in machine guns and contained the German 703rd Battalion of the German Asia Corps, which unknown to British was returning to Amman on the 21 March, the Turkish forces arrayed to stop Allenby numbered not more then two thousand fighting men and 10 guns, however with the railway working reinforcements could be quickly rushed to any threatened point once its direction was known.


As the time of the raid approached the weather began to turn difficult with heavy falls of rain over the area of operations flooding the Jordan River, this caused delays as the pontoon bridge could not be started by the Engineers and the Light Horse Field Troop Bridging Train till the waters had slowed down enough to lay the pontoons, this transpired late on the 20 March and all was ready on the night of the 21 March.


On that date General Shea concentrate his forces and during the next few days while the 60th Division battled for a crossing over the Jordan River, the Anzac Mounted Division rested at Talat ed Damm in reserve.


The Camel Brigade had begun moving from Bethlehem on the 21 March arriving at Talat ed Dumm on the 23 March, where the Brigade rested and prepared of its turn to cross the Jordan River, it had twelve companies all of which were up to strength from the reorganization and reinforcements, most men were in good sprits having visited the birth place of Jesus. The troops were under strict orders to be careful of the Arab tribes, many of who were being won over to the Sheriff of Mecca, this was hard on some of the cameleers as they had been robbed and seen their mates killed and stripped by these jackals of the desert. At 7.30 pm the Brigade started to move towards the Jordan River, passing Jericho till they reached the assembly area in the early morning.



By the 24 March all was ready and the Anzac Mounted Division crossed the Jordan River with the Camel Brigade crossing before midday. Once over the river Sheas Force split into three groups in which to carry out their tasks. The Camel Brigade was concentrated by 5.30 pm at Tel el Muslim and moved off with the Anzac Mounted Division HQ and 2nd Light Horse Brigade and the New Zealand Mounted Brigade towards Amman on the Na'ur and Ain es Sir track while the 1st Light Horse Brigade and 179th Brigade of the 60th Division took up a blocking position in the Jordan Valley while the 180th and 181st Brigades of the 60th Division along with the 10th, 12th and 16th Mountain Batteries of the IX Mountain Artillery Brigade Royal Garrison Artillery moved north to Es Salt.


As the lead units pushed on at 6.15 pm, the track to Na'ur soon disappeared under the hoofs of the Light Horse and Mounted Brigades till it resembled only a goat path, an unfortunate delay occurred. It had been reported that the Naur track was fit for wheeled vehicles, however it was soon apparent that the many stores, ammunition limbers and guns could not travel on the track and had to be sent back to the river to be loaded on animals of the Camel Transport Corps of which the Anzac Mounted Division had been supplied with three half Companies each of 550 camels. What is interesting here was all British Intelligence reports during March 1918, stated that these trails (Ghoraniyeh via Na'ur and via Es Salt to Amman), were only fit for pack animals, not wheeled traffic. Where and who reported that it was fit for wheeled Vehicles came from is unknown. Meanwhile the Mounted troops pushed on to Ain el Hekr south west of Naur, while the Camel Brigade waited until eight pm for the stores to be packed before starting up the trail, the rear of the column leaving after 10 pm The rain began to fall as the brigade moved slowly along the narrow path while the Light Horse moved briskly ahead arriving in Ain el Hekr at 4.30 am on the 25 March. 


The terrain between Amman and the Jordan Valley was known as the Moab it was made up of a number of deep Valleys cut by centuries of rain with steep hills rising to 4000 feet, a number of small villages dotted the area the largest of which was Es Salt with a pre-war population of around 10,000. This rugged terrain was in March dry however the late rains had filled the waddies and turned the tracks to mud which quickly dissolved with the movement of large numbers of troops and animals.


As the Light Horse and Mounted Brigades arrived in Naur (Rujm Naaur), the Camel Brigade was still struggling up those terrible mountains with the wind, rain and sleet blowing into their faces which dropped the temperature and made the going difficult for the men and animals. Through this mud and slippery rocks on which the camels had trouble maintaining their footing and where the camels often fell "splitting themselves in two", and forcing a large number to be put down, while others collapsed and fell over the cliffs, falling to their death. All this presented the most distressing sight as the Camels could barely move and had to be pushed along by the men who now walked by the side of their tormented mounts in mud up to their knees as they slipped, staggered and floundered up and down the mountains.  One Veterinary Sergeant was in tears in seeing the suffering and having to dispatch a crippled camel with a knife as no shooting was allowed. Onwards they went through the night in single file leading and dragging the animals, and at 7.30 am the leading companies staggered into Naur in an exhausted and dirty state. It had taken more than twenty-four hours to cover the 16 miles from the Jordan River when the head of the column reached the plateau around two am the rear did not catch up till 7.30 pm


At Naur the 5th Light Horse Regiment along with all the 2nd Light Horse Brigade, had arrived short of forage and food, the men having consumed there available rations over the last few days and with their supplies now held up on the track, the Camel Brigade kindly gave two days supply of its doura to feed their hungry animals and rations for the men from the limited supplies carried on their camels. The men said this food distribution was levied on them, however all were glad to give to their brothers in the Light Horse, this levy would continued through out the campaign leaving the Camel Brigade without rations by the end of the battle, and then all went without.


Warrant Officer class 2 George Hughes the Temporary/Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant of 4th Anzac Battalion and now temporary Quarter Master, was over the next few days kept busy trying to move supplies up to the troops and to make sure the men under his charge had enough food, ammunition and stores to continue the fight.  This Herculean task by the supply units broke down later in the week with the sad result of leaving few units with food or ammunition.



During the night of the 25 March the forces pushed on to the Ain es Sir cross roads with long columns of cameleers travelling in single file trying not to lose the rider in front while others succumbed to their exhaustion and were asleep, yet the animals continued to saunter onwards taking care not to wake their riders. Arriving by the morning of the 26 March with a heavy rain still falling and the Camel Brigade again drenched and worn out, where an exhausted cameleer said that 1000 acres of this country wasnt worth a hot glass of Cairo beer while another mentioned that he was surprised the Jews wanted it back another said it was the most trying time he had ever known such was the morale of these fine troops that even in this fatigued state they could find time for a joke.


This last movement to Ain es Sir had been made along the high plateau know as the Gilead where the ground had now levelled out and notwithstanding this General  Chaytor GOC of the Anzac Mounted Division decided it was impossible to push on to Amman that day as both men and animals were exhausted after three consecutive night marches. The troops, saturated through were allowed to rest on the sodden ground, no fires were allowed and while these men rested the remainder of the Camel Brigade slowly struggled in. One officer from the 2nd Battalion told how after 72 hours on the move he was one of the lucky few who managed to sleep for 17 hours that day while others were fortunate to get four hours.


On the morning of the 27 March the sun came out as the force set off at 8.30 am. The Camel Brigade had detached the 4th Anzac Battalion (less the 18th company) to follow in the path of New Zealand Mounted Brigade along with their demolition party for a strike on Quseir Station which lay three and a half miles south of Amman, while the main body of the Brigade moved past Ain Amman with the 2nd Battalion arriving outside Amman at 10 am.


The approach march to Amman was made along the old Roman road known as the Ain es Sir - Amman track which follows the Wadi Amman to the Citadel, an old Roman Fort in the middle of the City of Amman, on the right of the advance was Hill 3039, this large feature dominated the area south of Amman and it was separated from the road by the Wadi Amman which continued up to Ain Amman, Hill 3039 was made up of the high point and a number of smaller hills the largest of which was Kh Aishe. While on the left of the road was a long plateau which rose to the height of 2828 feet along which ran the Es Salt - Suweile track to the north, another wadi separated the road from the plateau in which were cut a number of natural caves.


Lieutenant Colonel Robin Buxton dismounted and deployed the 2nd Battalion up on the level plain near Kusr, which was around 2000 yards from Amman, while the 1st Battalion under the acting command of Captain Herbert Denson OC 4th Company deployed to its rear with the attached 18th company in support. Two companies of the 1st Battalion were still on the track, the 1st company had been detached as escort for the supply column and as flank guard, while the 3rd company was retained back on the Jordan to protect the column from attack in the direction of Madaba and guard the vehicle park which was unable to climb the hills, while half of the 2nd company was at Ain Amman with the Camel Field Ambulance and Brigade HQ acting as escort and guard, only the 4th company and two sections of the 2nd company were available to support the 2nd  Battalion in its attack.


When Camel Brigade deployed it moved all its animals back into the Wadi Amman for protection as the Turks gave warning with a few rounds of artillery which came as some surprise to the men as they had been briefed that Amman was only lightly occupied by a few Circassian irregulars with no artillery!


The only artillery to arrive to support the Anzac Mounted Divisions attack was six 2.75 inch Mountain guns of the Hong Kong and Singapore Mountain Battery, of which four pieces moved into position to cover the attack and to give what little support they could with their light guns and limited ammunition supply while the two remaining guns were in reserve to conserve ammunition and act as Anti Aircraft guns. The 2nd British Battalion formed up on the open ground to assault using the old roman road as a centre line with the 7th company on the left and the 10th company on the right under the direct command of Lieutenant Colonel Buxton, the 8th and 9th company were in support under Captain Arthur Newsam and the 4th company was held as Brigade reserve.



At 3 pm the Cameleers began their attack advancing in artillery formation spread at intervals of three lines over the exposed ground, under the supervision of the 2nd Battalion Intelligence officer Lieutenant Robert Rowan, and led by Captain James Leadbetter of the Brigade Machine gun Squadron who carried out a reconnaissance ahead of the attacking troops and provided fire support with the guns of his Squadron from the flanks during which Private John Pearson was killed.


The companies advanced slowly along the ridge line moving by section rushes as the Turks with held their fire until the last minute when the men had become fully exposed. Drawing near they came under a heavy concentrated enfilade fire from three sides, as this bare crest was open to the Turks on Hill 3039, where they had their trenches arrayed in tiers at different heights, from the Amman Citadel in front and from to the caves to the north on the 2828 ridge.  The 10th company was the hardest hit and quickly lost the company commander Lieutenant Joseph Lyall along with Lieutenant Alfred Wallbank and the Company Sergeant Major wounded, while Sergeant George Clarke along with a number of men were killed. The Hong Kong and Singapore Mountain Battery also came under fire from a number of Turkish 75mm guns which soon caused much concern as they struggled to maintain the support of the advance by firing at a slow rate.


Meanwhile the attack was progressing in rushes as the assault endeavoured too cross the open plateau cut by bare fields and small stone fences where the men were constantly falling after being hit. As the fierce firestorm increased, the 7th and 10th company were soon shattered as they reached to within 600 yards of the city however the fire was too strong and soon the troops became bogged down and forced to find cover as the men struggled to survive on the exposed slope of the ridge. The attack now died away with Privates Norman Oliver, Arthur Bennett, Philip Evans, Leslie Lyons, Victor Blackwell and Sid Howard among the many fallen.


As the Camel Brigade fought in front of Amman the 2nd Light Horse Brigade had attacked to the north, yet they to found the Turks well entrenched and supported by machine guns and artillery forcing them to break off the attempt with heavy losses.


The Turkish defenders on this front were elements of the 2nd Battalion 126th Turkish Infantry Regiment (11th Division) with its machine gun company. These soldiers had not long arrived from Damascus and along two companies of the German 703rd Battalion had dug in along the approaches to Amman. The 703rd Battalion counted the attacks to the north made by the 2nd Light Horse Brigade, while the balance of the 126th Regiment covered the approaches to Amman and Hill 3039 who along with the soldiers of the Seria Group divided between the northern front under Lieutenant Colonel Omer Lutfu detached from the 126th Regiment and southern defences under Major Sait Bey. Over the last few days the Turks had sent reinforcements to Amman in mixed units these included those mentioned and also included elements of one battalion of the 191st Infantry Regiment 59th Division, a Mule Mounted battalion, the 59th Divisional Cavalry Company and the 46th Divisional Storm Company, as well as the Divisional Engineers and one field Battery and a mountain Battery of the 48th Division,


Late in the afternoon the 18th company was committed under Major Leonard Kessels to assist the advance, yet the impetus was not push forward after Kessels was wounded and because of the heavy fire, Lieutenant David Fairweather assumed command and the troops joined the 2nd Battalion in the dirt. There the men waited trying the escape the intense volume of fire directed on them as men hid behind small rocks till the welcome blanket of darkness closed in.


At the end of the day with the Camel Brigades defeat and the failure of the 2nd Light Horse Brigades attack to the north made it all to plain to General Chaytor that Amman was strongly defended and would not fall to any quick attack made with the limited forces available to him, and a fixed Battle would now have to be fought to have any chance of capturing this important objective. Chaytor also knew he didnt have the troops or guns for such an attack and sent back to General Shea to send up the required men and guns.


While the 1st and 2nd Battalions struggled in front of Amman, the 4th Anzac Battalion with its demolition party had moved down to Quseir around 8 am, the few Turks guarding the Railway ran off on their approach and destroyed between three and five miles of track and succeeded in blowing up a number of culverts without any interference from the Turks. With the objective demolished the 4th Anzac Battalion came under the command of the New Zealand Mounted Brigade and moved at 5.30 pm to the right of the New Zealand Brigades line near Hill 3039 to support them in taking the key to Ammans defences while also watching the destroyed brakes in the Hejaz Railway.



As night fell on the 27th the exhausted companies of the 2nd Battalion began to dig trenches advancing their posts further in the dark to confuse the Turkish gunners.  The troops were arranged from left to right with the 9th, 7th, 18th, 10th and 8th companies, the Brigade Machine Gun Squadron and 2nd company were utilized as a reserve line using their Lewis guns while the Brigade Machine Gun Squadron was also used to extend the firing line with their heavy Machine guns. The 7th company was the closest to the foremost Turkish defences on hill 400" in front of Amman and was kept under continued harassment during the night.


Once darkness had fallen, the soldiers of the medical corps came into their own risking their lives rescuing wounded men trapped in no mans land. Corporal Ernest Eatock of the Camel Field Ambulance attached to the 1st Battalion went out with his stretcher bearers recovering wounded almost up to the Turkish trenches and under heavy fire, while Captain Reginald Andrews the 2nd Battalion RMO was wounded during the day from shell fire. The 4th company was also used as stretcher bearers to help recover the wounded during the night and as many as three officers and 70 men from the 2nd Battalion and one officer and 11 men of the 18th company were brought in before morning.


The daybreak of the 28th dawned with the knowledge that Amman would not fall till there was more artillery and troops, General Shea had sent reinforcements of two Battalions of the 181st Infantry Brigade and elements of the IX Mountain Artillery Brigade, during the night which arrived around 10.30 am, all had little ammunition or rest during the night and against the advice from their leaders to attack at dusk and allow these new troops to recuperate, instead General Chaytor ordered a General attack at 1 pm by all units. 


The Camel Brigade planned to advance with the 7th company under Captain Edwin Deas, which was closest to the Turks, supported by the 9th company, they would be helped on the left by the 181st Infantry Brigade and a squadron from the 5th Light Horse Regiment who would attack along the 2828 ridge, while the New Zealand Brigade was to attack Hill 3039, these attacks would it was hoped secure the Camel Brigades flanks from enfilade fire which had so devastated the 2nd Battalion on the 27th.


At the appointed time the Cameleers advanced, however instead of the expected support on their flanks little could be seen, yet despite this the men pushed on to within 250 yards of the Turkish line on the hill 400" yet could advance no further against heavy machine gun fire and shell salvos, three times Captain Deas lead his men forward only to see them cut down by a heavy barrage directed onto them from three sides and again the rank and file were forced to find what little cover was around and go to ground. The 9th company bore the bunt of the enemies fire and Lieutenant Sydney Gowlett was wounded with Lance Corporal William Temple and Private John Proctor among the dead. At 4 pm Captain Denson led the 4th company forward to strengthen the right flank of the 7th company and to draw the Turkish fire. The 4th company advanced quickly across the open ground and soon a heavy cross fire was directed onto them where they promptly lost a number of casualties in a few seconds, one man Private Harry Trevaskis had two bullets in the stomach. Captain Deas seeing the trouble in moving this company forward ordered them to stop and remain in position as the Turks fire was too strong. Company Sergeant Major Arthur Hermon from the 8th Company on several occasions under heavy fire greatly assisted in rallying his company and kept it together. Once darkness arrived, the advanced line of the 7th company was withdrawn with the 4th and 9th companies back to the previous positions as its present location was found to be exposed, the woeful result of the days efforts was the further loss of two officers and 30 men killed or wounded within the British companies and with only a few men lost in the 4th company.


During the day the Hong Kong and Singapore Mountain Battery again supported the attack and suffered for its bravery, as two of the Turkish batteries took them under a sustained bombardment. At this time the battery was still using only four guns because of ammunition shortages and these guns were observed to knock out two of the Turkish guns while receiving a large number of shells for the effort which wounded one officer and three men and damaging the gun shields with shell splinters. During the day the New Zealand Brigade requested assistance and the two reserve guns were moved to support them.



A conference of leaders was held at dusk by Captain Deas and Captain Denson who knew a frontal assault on the Turkish defences in broad daylight was sheer murder instead they proposed to try a bombing raid on the Turkish line that night. This plan was sent to General Smith who approved only he recommended the attack would best be attempted on the following night giving the men time to rest and reorganize. The 2nd Battalion now held a frontage of more than 1000 yards with only 210 men remaining in the four British companies while only 90 Australians remained of the 18th and 78 men from the 4th company, the Turks still held a strong position with enfilade fire from three directions which controlled all the approaches and the garrison was believed to be considerable with many machine guns and a large number of German soldiers.


The reason for the lack of support on the Camel Brigades flanks during the day became clear once it was dark, as strong Turkish counterattacks on both the New Zealand Mounted and the 2nd Light Horse Brigades had occurred during the day.  The 4th Anzac Battalion had continued with the demolition of the railway when at 11 am the 13th company under Captain Howard was attacked by a strong force of Turks, who reached to within bombing distance of the lines, yet were driven off with loss by Corporal William Black and Private Albert Footner, then a counterattack under Lieutenant Robert Tree, Corporal Tom Bantoft was found shot in the head after the Turks were gone. Then in the afternoon the company took part in the counterattack with the New Zealand Mounted holding the exposed right flank of the assault. The 13th company lost during the day five killed and 21 wounded, among those killed were Lance Corporals Fred Ellis, John Dunn, Privates Eric Jarrett and Dave Muir.


At 1.30 pm the New Zealand Brigade had attacked Pt 3039, advancing by rushes to within 800 yards of the Turkish line and suffered heavy casualties from the Turkish defences, not to be deterred the intrepid kiwis quickly reorganized and tried again at 4 pm this attack with some difficulty reached no further than 500 yards from the Turkish line were they could advance no further, yet this excellent position allowed a line to be formed on some low ridges at the foot of Pt 3039 which could be exploited on the morrow.


On the morning of the 29 March it was still raining and General Chaytor decided not to attack till more troops could be made available, he proposed and issued orders for the attack to be resumed at 2 am on the 30 March preferring a night attack to the folly of another daylight assault.  The Camel Brigade spent a quiet morning as the Turks had withheld its fire thus allowing General Smith to visit with all officers to discuss the attack that night, he placed Lieutenant Fred Matthews in command of the 4th company allowing Captain Denson to command the 1st Battalion as Lieutenant Colonel Langley had been wounded in the face by shell fire.


In the afternoon two companies of the 2/18th (London Irish Rifles) Battalion of the 181st Brigade, under Captain Crossby, arrived to reinforce the Brigade for the night foray.


Because of the shortage of ammunition in the Hong Kong and Singapore Mountain Battery, Major Moore was forced to send back to Es Salt for some of the reserve ammunition in addition as the Turks continued to shell the battery positions with one man killed and two wounded yet thanks to the British we did secured a little from the two newly arrived batteries of the IXth Mountain Artillery Brigade to continue the battle till more should arrive.


During the night the 179th Infantry Brigade and the remainder of the IX Mountain Artillery Brigade had been ordered by General Shea to Amman and were due from Es Salt during the day and while these new troops rested Turkish reinforcements were seen arriving by train from the north. 


These fresh Turkish troops included two battalions of the 23rd Turkish Infantry Regiment 8th Division, those units were all weak in strength, about 300 plus men, these quickly replaced the casualties and extended the defences to the north and south. The British reinforcements which had arrived (it was hoped) offset any Turkish build up, this and the intercepted wireless messages which said that the Turks would evacuate the city (although it proved to be false), had convinced General Chaytor to continue the contest.



During the night of the 29 March the soldiers continued preparations till 10 pm when the attacking troops worked there way forward from the 7th companies old position keeping low and moving in line, the men managed to crawl to within 50 yards of the Turkish trench without being discovered.  At midnight the sky was suddenly lit by flares and a heavy fusillade was sent at the old trenches however keeping low the exposed troops made no reply to this fire and it presently died down without any casualties. It was a cold and dark night as the rain fell and a slight wind was blowing the rain into the faces of the Turks while the men tried to rest soaked through with the Turks only a short distance away and waited apprehensively for the word to go.


During this time the fatigued troops 4th Anzac Battalion, were also moving into positions when a High Explosive shell exploded among the men wounding Lieutenant Leslie Williamson in the wrist and Lieutenant Aubrey Reynolds in the leg and killing Sergeant Harry Robinson.


The morning of the 30 March did not brood well for the Allied cause as rain fell heavily over the battlefield and as preparations continued the Camel brigade had moved into position in the dark. General Smith had ordered the assault to be carried out by a mixed force from the Brigade under command of Major Day, he assembled two sections from each of the 4th, 7th, 9th and 18th companies in the first wave under Captain Newsam, while the remainder of the companies under Captain Deas formed the second wave, in all about 200 men. The first lines in both waves were Cameleers while the two companies of the 2/18 London Battalion under Captain Crossby formed the second lines in both 1st and 2nd waves they also had about 200 men, the 8th and 10th company under Captain Tredinnick were in support with 120 men and the 2nd company and the Machine Gun Squadron were held in reserve to provide fire support.  On the Brigades left flank the 2/18th London Battalion (less the two companies detached to the Camel Brigade) were to attack along the ridge towards Pt 2828 to pin down Turkish fire while the New Zealand Brigade with the 4th Anzac Battalion would attack Hill 3039.


Promptly at 2 am the limited artillery fire fell on Amman and the surrounding area, this time the advance would not start till news came that the attacks on both flanks had been successful and were now clear, as the troops waited in their exposed position the limbs of the men cramped as they waited in the cold till the word came at 3.30 am and the signal was given by Captain Newsam with a blast on his whistle.


The troops rose quickly (shaking out their cramps) into the assault and at once gained the first line of Turkish trenches on hill 400 showering the confused and surprised Turks with bombs, the fighting was short and deadly as the Turks fought hand to hand, some stayed to fight, more raised their hands while others ran taking pot shots as they disappeared into the darkness yet thankfully the fighting lasted only a few minutes before taking between 28 and 60 prisoners including two officers of the 126th Turkish Regiment and killing the remainder. Captain Arthur Newsam was killed, shot in the back by a Turkish soldier who it was said had surrendered, and a machine gun was captured by a soldier in the 7th company who having lost his rifle was armed only with two tins of bully beef, while Private Archie Searle shot down five Turks with five rapid shots.


The men having secured the first trench now pushed on to capture the second line acquiring it as the Turks broke and ran back into the city, Lieutenant Fred Matthews of the 4th company rushed after them with a collection of men and entered the city. There in the dark and rain they hid in the outer buildings however the hail of fire from the Citadel stopped any further advance and Privates Carl Pearce in the 4th and Bill Thornton from the 18th company was killed during the fighting.


On the left flank the attack by the 2/18th London along the 2828 ridge had at first succeeded yet had broken down under heavy fire and the lack of pressure from this battalion allowed a number of Turkish guns to be turned on the exposed Camel Brigade these inflicting many causalities with their enfilade fire which soon forced the abandonment of the city by Lieutenant Matthews, whose men could not be reinforced because of this fire, he ordered the men back to the positions won during the night where the remainder of the troops had consolidated in the enemies trenches and waited until dawn. While taking a message back to HQ Private Gus Jennison was shot in the head and killed



At 2 am the 4th Anzac Battalion was to advance with the New Zealand Brigade to attack Pt 3039 which required them to advance over 1500 yards of exposed ground, along the way the troops had to bypass a strong Turkish position on the route before assaulting the first Turkish trench. The men of the Battalion were all fatigued most not having rested for the last few days yet despite the bitterly cold and wet night all were ready for the attack.


The attacking force deployed along the form up point on the Quseir track with the Auckland Mounted Rifles and 4th Anzac Battalion in the front wave and the Canterbury and Wellington Mounted Rifles in the second wave.  The 4th Battalion had the 16th New Zealand Company under Captain George Yerex in front for the attack with the 17th company under Captain John Hampton in support both deployed in two lines while two sections of the 13th company was held in reserve, with the remainder of the company with the demo party watching the breaks in the Hejaz Railway.


The advance went well from the start General Meldrum had planned his attack skilfully and the wind and rain helped by blowing into the faces of the Turks.  Two troops of the Auckland Mounted Rifles secured the strong point in front of Pt 3039 allowing the remainder of the force with the 16th company to assault the foremost trenches which were captured at the rush with the bayonet taking the Turks by surprise, the garrison (who stayed) were all killed while the others ran away in the dark and 23 prisoners of the 126th Turkish Regiment and five Machine guns taken. Lieutenant George Sanderson the Battalion Intelligence officer, who had been ill and advised to remain behind, however had insisted on joining in the attack was killed during the assault. Veterinary Sergeant Matthew Kirkpatrick of the 16th company who in the last days had been busy caring for the many injured animals took part in the assault doing excellent work with the bayonet and clearing a section of trench allowing the objective to be gained by 2.40 am. Private Eric Tapfield of the 13th company had the misfortune to be accidentally killed during the advance when he progressed too far in front of the line and was mistakenly shot in the dark; he was found dead when the line reached him.


As the men consolidated the captured position shooting came from the second line of Turkish trenches 300 yards ahead and the second wave of the Canterbury and Wellington Mounted Rifles moved up and captured them with 14 prisoners and a machine gun, more machine guns and prisoners were taken as the New Zealand troops concentrated while others moved around the hill to clear it of all the Turks. The 16th  company as per orders was moved up to join the second wave and with troops of the Canterbury Mounted Rifles attacked the third trench, the Turkish fire was heavy yet mostly high and as the troops secured this last trench on top of hill 3039 the Turks fled towards Amman, the casualties thankfully during the assault were light.


The warming rays of dawn showed to General Chaytor that the only success during the night had been limited to Hill 3039, a number of trenches captured by the Camel Corps in front of Amman and 181st Infantry Brigade to the north of the city and all were in danger of destruction as the Turks quickly organized a number of counterattacks against the ground lost during the night, the first of which came in on both sides of Hill 3039.


The defence of the Hill had placed the 4th Anzac Battalion on the far right or eastern flank of the NZ Mounted Brigade with the Wellington Mounted Rifles on the Battalions left flank. All the Battalion worked on stone sangers during the night, these were built for protection as the rocky ground allowing the shallowest of holes to be dug as the troops had no entrenching tools and once daylight came it was found that the soldiers were too exposed on the top of hill so most were withdrawn to the rear trenches leaving only one section of 10 men and two Lewis guns of the 16th company to hold it.


At 5 am the first attack came in supported by shell fire which smashed the stone Sangers the men had built for protection as shell and rock fragments sprayed the area. The shelling lasted an hour at which point the exposed section of Cameleers were withdrawn. By 9 am 500 Turks were seen massing to the north and at 9.30 they attacked yet despite their bravery the attack was beaten off by New Zealand troops with the help of captured machine guns. The Hong Kong and Singapore Battery had attached a section of guns to support the New Zealand Brigade in its attack however counter battery fire had smashed one of the guns sights and ammunition now ran out and the section was forced to retire to the main position.



Despite this setback the Turks tried again and during this attack someone was heard to order a retirement this allowed the front trenches to be abandoned and the New Zealand trenches were lost as the troops fell back to their second line. This order was reported by the New Zealand Mounted to have come from the Camel Brigade however it was more probity a German or Turkish officer who spoke English which fooled the fatigued troops.


This mix up was soon sorted out by the officers and a counterattack by the New Zealanders drove the Turks out of there ill gotten gains and down the hill at the point of the bayonet and the use of the bomb, the Adjutant Captain Alex Watt and the Regimental Sergeant Major Bob MacLean were wounded in the counterattack and Lieutenants Charles Thorby and Arthur Crawford of the 16th company inspired their men in the charge who with Sergeant Harold Jones as they coolly rallied their men and led them back into the Turkish trenches. Captain Stan Howard advanced with elements of the 13th company as the Turks made a fight of it however the men would not hold back and soon the Turks was driven off and despite the casualties the men stood on top of the hill shooting down at the panicked Turkish survivors as they fled back to Amman, the 16th company lost Sergeant Colin Campbell and Privates Carl Bailey, Roland Wilkie killed during the fighting. In the 17th Company Lance Corporal Stan Campbell was manning a Lewis gun when he was shot down, his brother Norm was the No 2 on the gun and quickly took his place only to be killed soon after, the Campbell brothers had enlisted in the 6th Light Horse Regiment in 1915 from Scone NSW before transferring to the Camel Corps, they died together on the barren heights of hill 3039.


The Turkish troops used in these counter attacks were largely from the 23rd Regiment 8th Division under Major Ahmet Fuat (Bulca) Bey and the 46th Storm Company. Who had not long arrived and took time to sort out where the allied line was and the bravery of these men advancing in the open was acknowledged by the New Zealand troops who fought them. The veteran 23rd Regiment (8th Division) had been fighting in the Caucasus against the Russians for some years only with the revolution had moved down to the Syrian Front, to be detached and sent to Amman the day before.


While the New Zealand Brigade fought gallantly for there hard won gains on Hill 3039 the Camel companies under Major Day in front of Amman were subjected to attacks in force as the Turks were only 200 yards away, Major Julian Day was severely wounded in the arm and shoulder as the men sheltered from enfilade fire from artillery and machine guns under which a force of over 100 Turks attempted to recapture their trenches and reached within 30 yards before our fire cut them down and repulsed the attack with substantial loss, this assault was repeated again during the day as attacks continued without respite, the 10th company lost Sergeant Stuart Craggy (reported MIA) and Lance Corporal Wilfred Lyth killed during this attack.


Meanwhile Lieutenant Leonard Brothers of the 9th company help organize the defence after Captain Newsams death as the Turkish fire increased killing Privates Stan Stanfield and Herb Thoday and under this intense fire Private Bob Robertson carried messages from company HQ to Captain Deas however despite the courage of the men they were ordered to hold the captured trenches as the supporting artillery ran short of shells while some batteries had ran out. The Hong Kong and Singapore battery was now down to only three guns as one had been put out of action with shell splinters and with no ammunition left little could be done to support the men.


At 2 pm General Chaytor had ordered one last attack be made by the Infantry in the north yet it had little hope of success and with its failure the exhausted troops could do no more yet hold on. Lieutenant Herbert Denley was killed and Lieutenant Thomas Smith mortally wounded while attending to the defences, Private Arthur Mills of the 7th company found him self cut off with a number of wounded men as Turkish counterattacks came in, he held the line encouraging the men around him and providing first aid to the wounded. At 4 pm the troops were ordered to retire back to the original positions abandoning the captured works however because of the danger this was not attempted till dusk. Once it became dark the troops departed under Captain Deas direction back to the lines having buried the dead and carrying back the many wounded. This was accomplished without the enemies knowledge even though they were only a few hundred yards away with Lieutenant Matthews commanding the rear guard with the 4th company, as the worn out troops moved back in the darkness all the wounded were recovered however a few may have been left behind as some were reported missing later. The total Cameleers casualties in the attack were four officers and 40 men in the 2nd Battalion killed or wounded with about 20 Australian casualties.


The 2/18th London battalion reported the lost of five men killed and two officers and four men died of wounds with the wounded unknown while supporting the action on the 30 March.



Meanwhile on Hill 3039 the Battle still went on as the enemy kept throwing attack after attack at the New Zealanders.  The next came at  4 pm and fell on the Camel Battalion where the Turks of the 46th Storm company out flanked the Cameleers line on the right and managed to gained a lodgement, Lieutenant Charles Thorby a butcher from Dannevirke NZ gathered a few men about him and led a counterattack to drive the Turks out yet was killed in the valiant attempt, meanwhile Corporal John McMillan carrying a Lewis gun advanced on the Turks firing his gun from the hip however he was soon killed, then Private Dave McConnell who had joined the attack by garbing a sack full of bombs, threw them with deadly effect until shot down, as Private Len Pask went out rescuing the wounded however thanks to the support of New Zealand reserves which in turn out flanked the Turks the attack was driven off.  The casualties continued to mount in the battalion and the 17th company lost Corporal Bert Lincoln (reported MIA), Lance Corporals Bill Brown, Eric Cheney (reported MIA), Privates Cliff Jenkins (reported MIA) and Percy Collins killed, while the 13th company lost Corporal George Haag (reported MIA), Lance Corporal Les Delaney (reported MIA), Privates Bill Temple and Will Trenaman (reported MIA) killed, the 16th company lost Sergeant Charles Lovett, Privates Gilbert Alexander, Tom Bowman, John Craig, Rupert McKenzie, Sid Mills and Doug Walker killed.


During the day communication between Battalion HQ and the forward companies was constantly broken by shell fire which fell regularly over the exposed hill, Sergeant Albert Hooper was kept out continually repairing broken telephone lines at great risk to himself. Communications were accentual to the defence which enabled reinforcements to be switched from one threaten point to the next and under the able command of Lieutenant Reg Jephcott never failed. At 5 p.m. another attack came on with the support of three Turks batteries yet again it was stopped with assistance of the recently arrived Somerset battery using the last of its available ammunition.


As the long day wore on General Shea on hearing of the progress of the Battle asked General Chaytor his chances of success if he could take the city which he replied little to none and only if reinforced with more guns and troops these were now not available to Shea and he knew the battle was lost.  The word was sent out at 5.45pm that the contest was over and all troops were ordered to be prepared to retire back across the Jordan.


In the late afternoon a supply column had arrived bring a little food and ammunition and a soldier was dispatched up the hill with a camel carrying a bag of rations and two fantasies of hot tea, he also carried the battalions withdrawal order which was gladly received as well as the tea.


That night the Army began to move back as the New Zealanders and 4th Anzac Battalion received their orders around 6 p.m, they began moving down from Hill 3039 at midnight with the many wounded carried in blankets as the rear guard covered the withdrawal however the Turks did not bother them.


The Camel Brigade began its return movement at 4.30 am Lieutenant Bob Love commanded the rear guard and once the troops began to move he was informed that a man was missing, he retraced his steeps in the dark to search for the missing man who in the meanwhile had returned and found instead a four man post over looked in the darkness.


The Brigade reached Ain es Sir by 7.15 am on the 31 March and although the Turks pressed the rear guard causally, the Camel Brigade was ordered to get clear acting as escort to the supply train and the wounded who were suffering terribly. The column moved slowly as there were not enough cachalots for all the wounded and some had to be strapped to the backs of horses until they could be placed in ambulances. At 10 am the troops continued threw rain and mud some men of the 1st Battalion picked up refugees struggling along the track helping the many local women and children, many Armenian Christians fleeing Turkish oppression, while Lieutenant Colonel Mills told how he carried a four year old girl sleeping in his arms. The Brigade finally crossing the Jordan on the 2 April after eleven days from the commencement of the raid, the camels had not had the saddles off their backs for eight of those days and when they did their flesh came away with them.



The Raid on Amman was tactically a defeat in which the main objectives of the raid were not all achieved although it was claimed as a victory by General Allenby. There were many reasons for the failure of the Amman Raid these included the delayed crossing of the Jordan River, the foul weather and the unexpected strong defence of Amman all had contributed to the result, the men as always fought well yet had suffered from the conditions with the march up to Amman and the battle, all the animals and men had suffered much and were worn out by fatigue and heavy losses. One of the success of the raid was that the enemies reserves had been drawn to Amman, enough troops had been moved north from the Tafila Force to help the Emir Feisal in his campaign against the Maan garrison and attention was drawn east away from Allenbys future planned offensive.


However the Turkish resistance at Amman had restored their confidence in its troops which had been low following their defeats in November and December 1917 and allowed the Turks to plan a major offensive aimed at the reorganizing British Army in April.


The Casualties for the Camel Brigade were reported in the War Diary as five officers and 56 men killed and 17 officers and 232 men wounded while 11 men were reported missing total 321.


The casualties by Battalion were the Australians of the 1st Battalion with two other ranks killed and one officer (Lieutenant Colonel Langley) and nine men wounded.


The 2nd (British) Battalion reported losses as three officers (Captain Newsam, Lieutenant s. Denley and Smith) and 24 other ranks killed and seven officers, 112 men wounded of which nine other ranks died from wounds and one man was reported wounded and missing.


The Anzacs of the 4th Battalion had two officers (Lieutenants Thorby (NZ) and Sanderson) and 29 other ranks killed with five officers and 117 other ranks wounded of which one officer (Lieutenant Adolph (NZ) and five other ranks died of wounds while 10 men were reported missing. Of this total the New Zealanders of the 16th company had lost one officer and 12 other ranks killed with one officer, two other ranks died of wounds while the wounded were not recorded whereas the Australians lost one officer and 17 men killed with five officers and 99 men wounded which six men died of wounds.


The Hong Kong and Singapore Battery had one other rank killed and one officer and five men wounded, the Brigade Machine Gun Squadron had one man killed and two wounded.


No soldier in the Camel Brigade was known to be captured during the four day Battle in front of Amman and the missing were all believed to have been killed or wounded and or later accounted for. The large number of missing came from the loss of their grave sites after this battle, which had been lost or destroyed by time, or human hand, when they couldnt be found post war.





On the 2 April the exhausted Camel Brigade recrossed the Jordan River at the Ghoraniye bridgehead following the disappointing end of the Amman Raid. However, due to tactical reasons General Allenby needed the Ghoraniye Bridgehead kept open for prospective operations on the east bank of the Jordan River. General Chaytor was placed in command of all forces in the Jordan Valley and tasked with its defence. These forces included the Anzac Mounted Division of the 1st and 2nd Light Horse Brigades, New Zealand Mounted Brigade and the Camel Brigade.


While the major units of the division deployed around the bridgehead the Camel Brigade was allocated the line from Abu Tell to the Wadi Mellaha, north of the bridgehead which included the Musallabeh feature, attached to the brigade were two regiments of the 2nd Light Horse Brigade supported by the 301st Artillery Brigade RFA (60th Division) and a section of 10th Heavy Battery.


The Camel Brigade was at this time comprised of the following Companies;


Camel Brigade HQ

BrigGen Smith VC







1st Anzac Battalion

LtCol Langley

1st Co

Capt Wright


Maj Nobbs 2ic

2nd Co

Capt Mills



3rd Co

Capt Hogue



4th Co

Lt Love





2nd British Battalion

Maj Buxton

7th British Co

Capt Deas



8th British Co

Lt Inchbald



9th British Co

Lt Brothers



10th British Co

Capt Patterson





4th Anzac Battalion

LtCol Mills

13th Co

Capt Nobbs


Maj Hemphill (NZ)

16th NZ Co

Capt Yerex



17th Co

Capt Hampton



18th Co

Capt Howard






Maj Moore



26 MG Sqn

Maj Millar



Camel FA

Mc Laren





General Smith was given a large area to defend with his battered and diminished brigade he deployed the 2nd Battalion on Musallabeh Hill or Pt 603 and along the Abu Tellul who relieved the 2/4th Royal West Surrey and 2/4th Royal West Kent Regiments of the 160th Infantry Brigade 53rd Division at 6.10 pm on the 2 April, while the 4th Anzac Battalion took up positions along the Wadi Mellaha and the 1st Battalion was in reserve with the two Light Horse regiments of the 2nd Light Horse Brigade when they arrived of whom the 7th Light Horse Regiment reported on the 3rd April. The 301st Brigade RFA (60th Division) and a section of 10th Heavy Battery along with the Hong Kong Singapore battery supported the force along the Wadi El Audi.



The key in the defence of Ghoraniye Bridgehead was Musallabeh Hill lying approx 10 miles north, this large feature jutting out from the Judaean foot hills was 400 yards long and from 150 to 200 yards across extending from the southeast to northeast, the valley sides were steep on its east side as they contoured to the south, on its west side the steep sides limited observation from the top into the wadi below while to the north and west the ground was cut by a number of deep wadis which allowed the Turks some freedom of movement and two large hills named Brown and Green gave the Turkish positions for artillery observers to look onto the Musallabeh position. To the south the position extended throughout the Abu Tellul which had four large features veering in height to 343 ft and from Musallabeh to the Wadi Aujah the distance was more than 2 miles.


The Wadi Mellahah on the eastern side of Musallabeh Hill proved a difficult obstacle by its steep sides which after the recent rains contain enough water to discourage direct attack in that area while the upper reaches of the Wadi contained a swamp and the muddy ground allowed only limited movement, the position from the Wadi Aujah along the Wadi Mellahah to Musallabeh was more than 5 miles.


On the 9 April the 1st Battalion relieved the 2nd Battalion on Musallabeh Hill at midnight, Langleys Battalion was by far the strongest in the Brigade having suffered fewer casualties during the raid on Amman and so was given a large area to defend. Lieutenant Colonel George Langley still recovering from a wound placed Captain Ernest Mills MC with his 2nd Company on top of Musallabeh Hill, replaced the 8th company, which had completed limited work on the defence. The position was restricted and could hold only one company while the remainder of the Battalion were placed along the Abu Tellul with the 3rd and 1st Companies in posts on the four highest points to cover Pt 603 to the Wadi Auji in the south. The 4th company (less one section attached to the 2nd company) was held in reserve near the Bluff a small hill to the rear of Musallabeh along with Battalion headquarters. All posts along the battalions line was ordered to be placed about 500 yards apart and were to be held at least two officers and 40 men where possible.


The 4th Anzac Battalion had deployed three companies in line along the Wadi Mullaha from Musallabeh Hill to the Jordan River with the 18th company on the left flank and the 13th company in reserve, the position was long and could not be entirely covered with the troops at hand, Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Mills instead relied on a number of section posts with interlocking fields of fire to cover the area and the reserve company to counterattack.


The 2nd Battalion had all four depleted companies around the crossing of the Wadi El Audi with the 6th and 7th Light Horse Regiments to their rear. Both Light Horse Regiments provided patrols to cover the gap between the 1st and 4th Anzac Battalions north of the Bluff as well as patrolling on the flanks. On the 9 April the 10th company sent three sections under the command of Lieutenant Thomas Nottidge to support the 1st Battalion and occupied a number of posts on the Abu Tellul while one section of the 9th company under Lieutenant Alexander Worth was sent to the eastern end of the wadi Aujah overlooking the Jordan River.


The Brigade at this time was in a sorry state with many of the animals suffering from the effects of the weather, terrain and disease and well below strength from its losses during the Amman Raid both the 2nd and 4th Battalions had shouldered the brunt of the fighting during this battle and more than half their companies were lucky to muster 80 men, each camel holder being required to hold twelve animals instead of the normal four allowing more men for the firing line. 



General Smith ordered the defences constructed with all work to be finished as quickly as possible, as an attack was expected on the bridgehead and all battalions tried to work on the trenches yet the ground was rocky and little impression could be made with the tools available to a mounted Brigade, some wiring was done on the hill however not to any extent. 


While Allenbys Army had slipped back across the Jordan river, the German Commander Liman Von Sanders was busy moving troops of the 4th Turkish Army from Amman down to the Ghoraniye Bridgehead this was held by the 8th Turkish Corps just south of Es Salt which included weak units of the 48th Turkish Division and the East Jordan Group known to the Turks as the Seria Group now organized as a below strength mixed Division called Lutfu Murettep, also elements of Pasha II Group of the German Asia Corps and two Turkish Cavalry Regiments (6th and 7th) of the 3rd Turkish Cavalry Division, while to the north in the 7th Turkish Armies sector west of the Jordan River, the 20th Turkish Corps of the 53rd Division moved south of Nablus to threaten Musallabeh and the Ghoraniye bridgehead from that direction.


During the 1st week of April Colonel Selahattin, commander of the 53rd Division, pushed elements of his division down towards Musallabeh into the Wadis north of that hill and carried out a reconnaissance with the attached 8th Turkish Cavalry Regiment 3rd Cavalry Division of the area to be attacked.


The 53rd Division were old sparing partners of the Camel Brigade having first met during the 2nd Gaza Battle in April 1917, there the Camel Brigade come off second best in a long day fight and suffered their highest casualties of the war.


The 145th Turkish Infantry Regiment (46th Division) attached to the 53rd Division led the forces supported by the experienced 163rd Turkish Infantry Regiment and a number of batteries of the 14th Artillery Regiment. Also possibly supporting this force was the Austrian 20th Motor Mortar Battery under Major Alexander Von Thurnwerth. These units moved into the hills north of Musallabeh and prepared for the assault while the 8th Cavalry Regiment moved down along the Jordan to threaten that flank.


The success of which all these preparations that the Turks being ready by the 10 April. With the limited artillery available the main weight of the attack would fall on the defence around Musallabeh as its capture would compel the British to abandon the Ghoraniye Bridgehead, attacks would also be made on that bridgehead to pin the British and hasten their departure with the success at Pt 603.


The Light Horse patrols from B Squadron 7th Light Horse Regiment were in contact with small groups of Turkish Infantry and Cavalry during the 8 and 9 April and A and B Squadrons of the 6th Light Horse were sent up the Wadi Auja and Wadi Abeid to protect the open left flank. The Turks started shelling Musallabeh from the 5 April looking for the movement of troops along the Wadi Auja and their Air force came over dropping a large number of bombs in the area which killed a number of animals and disrupted the supply services of the Camel Transport Corps.


On the 10 April Turkish artillery fire increased in strength searching for the Camel Corps posts on Musallabeh, the men were busy working on the defences yet the ground was full of clay and rocks and made work difficult with the summer heat, still with the Turks ever observant a number of men were soon hit inflicting heavy casualties on the exposed soldiers. Among those killed were the defenders of an isolated post of the 4th company, manned by Privates John Souter, Claude Jackson, Herbert Garland, Francis ORourke and Walter McAuliffe and a number of others from 2nd company who were hit by shell fire, killing John Souter, while from the 2nd company, Privates Joe Osborne, William fatty Miller and William Taylor were killed, Taylor was No 3 with Souter when hit in the buttocks, he died of these wounds later in the day at the Camel Field Ambulance, as did Joe Osborne, who had been hit by shrapnel in the throat.


One thing remembered about the Musallabeh position were the flys, which swarmed in large numbers, getting into every thing from food to drink, it was said that they were worst then those on Gallipoli, only bigger, while these were smaller, and you could get more on a slice of bread and jam. At night the mosquitoes came out to the discomfort of the troops which with the resiant rains had provided ample areas for there breeding and malaria would soon become a major problem.


Once night had fallen the section posts heard movement to their front and soon calls of Allah could be heard in the darkness, all posts were stood to and some nervous fingers fired a few rounds which was taken up by a number of posts however the Turks did not show them selves, much to the disappointment of the men. The troops knew an attack was coming as many of these men were old hands most having been under arms for three years and there were still many Gallipoli veterans in their ranks and knew the signs that the Turks were coming to get them.



At 4 am on the 11 April the Turks made no attempt of surprise when a heavy bombardment was opened on Musallabeh Hill and surrounding posts, this lasted for an hour with one shell falling every second on the hill during which the Turks crept up close to the 2nd companys posts before launching their assault. At 5 am heavy formations of the 145th Turkish Infantry Regiment under Major Ali Riza attacked from the east and north of Musallabeh under the cries of Allah, soon the first soldiers were held up on the thin barb wire screen and shot down in large numbers as more pushed forward, only the men of the 2nd company meet them with rifle fire and bombs. The bravery of the Turks was impressive, shouting Allah, they threw themselves at the defences with abandon, despite the intensity of fire directed on them they came on again and again looking for the weak spot in the defences.


The Turks during this time were having to struggle up the steep slopes of the hill which made them visible to the Australians on Musallabeh and Abu Tellul, and once they became exposed on top, the Cameliers opened an effective fire, yet couldnt engage those further down the slope without themselves becoming vulnerable to Turkish return fire, which by standing up the Turks would pick off any man raising his head above the trench.


Captain Mills was wounded early in the fight and forced to control the battle from his HQ, while Lieutenant Arthur Mackenzie took over the company in the forward area directing fire and encouraging the men, as the Turks closed in on the posts manned by the 2nd company, throwing bombs and firing at the exposed heads of the Cameliers, yet as long as the ammunition and bombs held out they knew the posts could be retained. Private Roy Woodhead was killed while carrying bombs from company HQ, when a shell hit him, his pay book and a piece of tunic was all that was found two days later.


Lieutenant Harry Malcolm was in charge of one of the most exposed post on Musallabeh, this post on the far right flank and was attacked by over 100 Turks from all sides, still Lieutenant Malcolm and his small garrison crushed every assault directed at them, inflicting heavy casualties on the Turks, Malcolm was wounded late in the day, yet this isolated post held on.


In another post, Private George Spring was the last man left in his Lewis gun section, and while wounded, held off attacks with his Lewis gun all day constantly exposing himself to the Turks, and when his gun was knocked out, he calmly fixed it and continued fighting. While Private Tom McGrath in command of a section of the company bombers, moved from post to post, throwing bombs until he was hit in the head, his work and bravery helped the defences during this critical time.


As the struggle developed Private William McGrath, Captain Mills orderly ran messages from company HQ to the isolated posts when the telephone lines were cut, eight times he exposed himself to fire running up and down the mountain with messages and guiding reinforcements without being hit.


Within an hour of the start of the battle the first wave of the Turks appeared broken however the Turks had only gone to ground and opened a intense fire at close quarters on the trenches pinning the 2nd company with machine guns dragged up the hill and from snipers which appeared to be all over while a second assault was organized.



The 4th Company at this time was committed as the Turks pushed around Musallabeh from the north as fighting spread to the Pimple with the 4th Company and the flank of the 18th company which became engaged as it directed fire at the Turks trying to attack the hill on three sides. After 3 hours of fighting the ammunition began to run low and at one stage one of the posts were throwing rocks down on the Turks yet the Cameliers mastered every situation with the skill of Captain Mills and Lieutenant Bob Love of the 4th company who commanded a section post under heavy attack and where his skill at handling the Lewis gun teams broke up two Turkish assaults.  At 8.45 am the worst of the fighting appeared over and the 7th Light Horse alerted earlier to support the 1st Battalion was withdrawn other then one Troop of B Squadron under Lieutenant Ducker instead a Troop from B Squadron 6th Light Horse was sent to the right flank of the 4th Battalion to support their open flank.


During this interval the 2nd Battalion was ordered to send a company up to the 1st Battalion as the remainder of reserve 4th company had been committed to support Captain Mills.  The 7th Company had been alerted at 6.30 am and moved up as the Turks now hiding behind what ever cover they could find still inflicted casualties on the Cameliers, Lieutenant Arthur Nield was killed shot in the head trying to observe over the trenches for his Lewis gun teams as was Private Bob Quinn while Private Walt Feebry was shot in the neck, Private Tom McKenzie-Campbell from Chicago South Australia was mortally wounded by shell fire, as was Private Bill Raynor and Arthur Brown who were killed.  Private Turlough OBrien was almost hit by a shell only to suffer concussion and suffering from shell shock was comforted by his mates as the Turks cut off any hope of evacuation, the Camel Field Ambulance tried to extract the wounded however the Red Cross was no protection from the fire and the wounded had to wait till dark to be recovered. At 9 am Captain Deas took temporary command of his position on Abu Tellul while the Turks continued to shell the area.


By midday the Turks now suffering from the heat were desperate for water many were spared by the Cameliers when trying to find water a habit not reciprocated by the Turks whose snipers were kept busy shooting at any movement. The Battalion signallers had been working all day repairing lines cut by the heavy shell fire, these signallers Corporal Stanley McCallum, Privates John Bond and Lewis Gitsham were on their feet for over 70 hours during the next few days repairing telephone lines and helping out with the defence while under the able command of Lieutenant James Holland the Battalion signal officer.


By the afternoon the Turks foiled in their frontal assault directed troops towards the Wadi Auja and the 3rd and 10th companies on Abu Tulul or Pt 343, B Squadron of the 7th Light Horse moving from Tell Et Truni checked them on the upper reaches of the Auja and a mixed force of the 7th and the remainder of the 10th companies were sent to Abu Tulul with a number of Machine gun sections of the Brigade Machine gun Squadron as the 3rd company was now drawn to the north to support the defences around Musallabeh.


At 3 pm the Turks were seen massing in the Wadis Bakr and Mereighat to attack the positions on Abu Tulul and at 4 pm a heavy bombardment fell around Musallabeh under cover of which elements of the 163rd Turkish Infantry Regiment assaulted, this time they gained a hold at the base of the hill and still were unable to maintain there position, Sergeant Charles Ledingham of the Brigade Machine gun Squadron beat off one attack after other as they rushed his position, his section using their Vickers guns and bombs held them off enabling a quick counterattack which drove the Turks out of their limited gains and down the slopes by the aggressive used of the bayonet and bomb. At 4.30 pm the remainder of the 10th company was moved up to support the 7th company while Lieutenant Walkers troop of C Squadron 7th Light Horse supported by moving around Musallabeh from the south to help clear snipers from the sector, this pressure stopped the Turks in the threaten area and relieved the danger from that flank.



By dark the Turks had enough after three separate major assaults on the Musallabeh Hill position they had failed to gain any ground and had squandered many lives. Despite the courageous attempt the Turks were now exhausted by the battle and had no water all day, furthermore the attacks around the Ghoraniye Bridgehead had also failed and during the night the Turkish commander ordered the assaults stopped and withdrew taking with them theyre many wounded.


As blackness fell over the battlefield the stunned soldiers of the 1st Battalion searched for their mates and waited for the battle to be resumed, however despite the silence of the night there was much movement in the dark as the Turks withdrew. This allowed the Medical Corps to remove their own wounded and supplies to be brought up. The casualties were heavy amongst the engaged companies and the men were exhausted by their experience, the 2nd company whose strength never numbered more than 100 men had lost around 60 casualties.


With the coming morning patrols of the 2nd Battalion and A Squadron 7th Light Horse Regiment were dispatched covered by the A Squadron 6th Light Horse, they found and counted over 170 dead Turks around the Musallabeh position and discovered they had withdrawn into the hills to the north, one Turkish Cavalry soldier was captured by C Squadron 7th Light Horse Regiment. On the 12 April the Brigade changed its positions as the 2nd Battalion took over the left flank along the Abu Tellul and the 1st Battalion concentrated in the centre, the 4th Battalion remained in its present location. One company of the Patiala Imperial Service Regiment moved up to assist the 2nd Battalion.


Patrols continued during the week to encounter groups of Turks and the Hill was shelled however there was no serious fighting in this area, a number of deserters came in and on the 15 April the Commander and Chief General Allenby arrived to inspect the Brigade, he complemented the men on their actions and recommended that Musallabeh Hill or Pt 603 should be renamed the Camels Hump in Honour of the Brigade for their stout defence.


This was to be the last major action by the Camel Brigade and the casualties again reflected the aggressive bravery of the Camel soldiers.


The casualties to the Australians of the 1st Battalion were one officer (Lieutenant Nield), 18 men killed and four officers and 82 other ranks wounded of which two men died of wounds, principally all in the 2nd Company.


The 2nd Battalion reported three men killed and nine men wounded while the Brigade Machine Gun Squadron did not record any casualties.


The 4th Anzac Battalion reported their losses as three men wounded while New Zealanders of the 16th Company were not engaged and recorded no casualties"



I am sorry to say I have not writen much on the 14th LHR and its actions during the Great Ride during which he won his MM outside Damascus in 1918.


But I hope this helps you.




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