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Calling RFA experts


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Can anything be gleaned from an RFA number...

the man in question is

106887 Dvr F Cann D17 BDE RFA

anything special about his enlistment number? or even the D17 bit...I know he got the MM...even a pointer to the actual gazette would be a great start



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anything special about his enlistment number? or even the D17 bit...

D17 is 'D' Battery, 17th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. There were four batteries per Brigade, lettered 'A' to 'D'.


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17 Brigade were serving at Allahbad, India at the outbreak of war. They were mobilized on 19th of January 1915, serving in Gallipoli and France as part of the 29th Division. In October 1922 they joined the 28th Division in Turkey.

Terry Reeves

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cheers folks....thanks for that...so i take it that they were made up from guys from all over...spotted an MM to this fellow but as I can't pin him down I'll leave it.



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By all means buy it! Here is the recommendation for the award from the "29th Divisional Artillery War Record and Honours Book, 1915-1918":

106887 Dvr F W Cann, D/17 Battery RFA

Flanders, 1917 - on the 20th July on the Elverdinghe-Boesinghe road, Driver Cann was wheel driver of a wagon taking ammunition to his battery under heavy shell fire and gas barrage. A shell kiled the off-leader and wounded the NCO in charge of the wagon. Though himself wounded subsequently by another shell he assisted the lead driver to deliver the ammunition to the guns with four horses, and returned with the empty wagon to the wagon line. (MM-immediate

28 Sep 17).

Regards. Dick Flory

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Thanks so much to everyone!..I did see his MM for sale...so I guess this info makes it a bit more special....therefore what's a decent price for it!! £350?...for a single MM?

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