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Roll Call: The Delville Wood Story

Robert Dunlop

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The very moving story of the South African Brigade's defence of Delville Wood in July 1916. Over six days of virtually constant bombardment or counter-attack, the South Africans were reduced to 3 officers and 140 ORs. It is an extraordinary feat that is well presented. There are numerous maps, photographs and anecdotes to illustrate the many details of the story. Uys has also included a section entitled 'Lessons learned', illustrating how the experiences of the survivors were gathered together at the time and used to inform subsequent tactics.

The last third of the book is a Roll of Honour, which I would be very happy to lookup of behalf of anyone with an interest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent read, always moving, that and the hell they called High Wood by Terry Norman are fascinating and compulsive reads.


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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi Robert,

I've just come across this book and am thinking of buying a copy. (It costs an arm and a leg :(

My great uncle Pvt William Wood 9701 (South Staffs) was killed at Delville Wood, and I wondered if you wouldn't mind doing a look up for me to see if he's mentioned.

thanks very much


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I have a copy of the book and although the casualties are listed for the action, the list is only for the South Africans.

I scanned the index and could not find the name you asked about. Sorry....



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Dr B

Is there much about a 2nd Lieut Aylmer Templar Wales SAI ?

I have a letter written by him to his mother not long before he died, he is no relation to me

I'm trying to get hold of a copy of this book

This is his entry from CWGC


Initials: A T

Nationality: South African

Rank: Second Lieutenant

Regiment: South African Infantry

Unit Text: "C" Coy. 2nd Regt.

Age: 22

Date of Death: 17/07/1916

Additional information: Son of Lt. Col. A. T. G. Wales and M. A. C. Wales, of 71, Pietermaritz St., Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Commissioned on the field.

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: II. B. 15.



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Iona, there is only the mention of his death. There are no other references to 2nd Lt Wales in the text.


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For carylw....Quoted from the book: Delville Wood, Ian Hays

"Second-Lieutenant A T Wales, 23, was the son of Col Wales VD, of Pretoria. After schooling at Pietermarizburg, he worked at the Primier Mine. Wales joined the Natal Light Horse then transferred to the NMR for service in SWA. He joined the 2nd SAI as a lance-corporal and served in Egypt. He had just been commissioned when he was mortally wounded at Delville Wood and died on 17 July."

Sorry, but that was all that was furnished. It is on page 144 of the book which I have.



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Iona...sorry, I don't think this book is for you. Nothing in the index regarding any Staffs regiment.


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  • 1 month later...

I have Ian's books - thre is also Rollcall which is also on DW. I dont understand why someone thought it cost 'an arm and a leg'. I ordered more copies directly from him about six months or so ago and it cost me about 120 south african Rand per book, which is under ten British pounds. I suppose he would also charge for postage.

I think his books are great. All the military inofrmation and then as much from survivors and letters home to get one involved. I have used this book on several trips to DW over the eyars.

Ian Uys email address is fortress@iafricas.com


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  • 1 year later...
I have Ian's books - thre is also Rollcall which is also on DW. I dont understand why someone thought it cost 'an arm and a leg'. I ordered more copies directly from him about six months or so ago and it cost me about 120 south african Rand per book, which is under ten British pounds. I suppose he would also charge for postage.

I think his books are great. All the military inofrmation and then as much from survivors and letters home to get one involved. I have used this book on several trips to DW over the eyars.

Ian Uys email address is fortress@iafricas.com


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I have Ian's books - thre is also Rollcall which is also on DW. I dont understand why someone thought it cost 'an arm and a leg'. I ordered more copies directly from him about six months or so ago and it cost me about 120 south african Rand per book, which is under ten British pounds. I suppose he would also charge for postage.

I think his books are great. All the military inofrmation and then as much from survivors and letters home to get one involved. I have used this book on several trips to DW over the eyars.

Ian Uys email address is fortress@iafricas.com


Kathie can you tell me if a Daniel Alborough is mentioned in Ian Uys`s book.He was with 2SAI from Natal and was a sharpshooter at Delville Wood.He was one of the 140 survivors to come out.I dont want to buy the book if his name is not mentioned.Is there anyway of finding out their service number.Daniel was wounded at Delville Wood he lost a finger and had shrapnel wounds in his head.By the way I emailed the fortress address but it came back undelivered,maybe the power had gone off again,eish.

Thanks Derek

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Good Evening Everyone.

Please could you tell me where this book can be purchased,and how much it costs please?

Regards Andy

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Derek, two D. Allboroughs are mentioned by Uys in the Delville Wood Rollcall

Pte D G Allborough, 2nd Battalion, wounded 18th July 1916

Pte D W Allborough, 2nd Battalion, wounded 20th July 1916

Uys discusses the role of the sharpshooters in Delville Wood, but does not mention your man by name in the body of the book.


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Robert thank you very much.The DW stands for Daniel William my grandfather.I dont suppose Ian would have mentioned my grandfathers service number.You see his medals were left to a son.These medals were stolen and dumped in a dam in South Africa.In order to get duplicate medals we DW service number.Once again many thanks for your help.

Regards Derek Austin
Derek, two D. Allboroughs are mentioned by Uys in the Delville Wood Rollcall

Pte D G Allborough, 2nd Battalion, wounded 18th July 1916

Pte D W Allborough, 2nd Battalion, wounded 20th July 1916

Uys discusses the role of the sharpshooters in Delville Wood, but does not mention your man by name in the body of the book.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Forum Members,

Does anyone know the up-to-date email address for Ian Uys.



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  • 4 weeks later...


I was last in touch with Ian about a year ago. His email then was fortress AT iafrica.com (replace AT with @) We have never met but been in touch quite a bit and hes very helpful.


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Kathie, are you able to edit your message and replace the @ symbol with something like (at) please? This will stop Ian's email from being picked up by things that automatically crawl the Internet looking for email addresses, which then get reused for Spam emails. Thanks.


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I was last in touch with Ian about a year ago. His email then was fortress AT iafrica.com (replace AT with @). We have never met but been in touch quite a bit and hes very helpful .


Thanks Kathie I tried that email address but it just keeps coming back as address has permanent fatal errors, but thanks for your help anyhow.

Kind Regards


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