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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

D Battery 72 Brigade Royal Field Artillery


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On the 30 May 1917, 26 year old Gunner 118652 Fred Crabtree “D” Bty. 72nd Bde. Royal Field Artillery died in a hospital from the effects of gas poisoning, he is interred in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Poperinge, Grave Number XII. B. 36A.

I'm trying to identify the whereabouts of his 'battery' when he was gassed, can any pal help me?

According to the mother site the 72 Bde became an Army Field Artillery / Army Brigade in January 1917. There is also some confusion as to which division the 72 Bde was a part, I have seen it as part of the 6th Division as well as part of the 15th Scottish Division.

Any clarification would be very helpful as it would enable us to provide clarity at our forthcoming exhibition. The location would also help us to include maps as well as photos.

Bernard P.


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72nd Army Brigade, RFA served under the 15th Division until 17 January 1917. From then until the end of the war the brigade served as an Army Brigade, RFA. From 23 May 1917 to 15 June 1917 the Brigade was supporting 41st Division in the X Corps area.

The History of the 72nd Brigade, RFA 1914-1919 by Lt-Col. F W Richey, DSO, RGA indicates that on 23 May 1917, 72nd Brigade came under the orders of 41st Division. From 15 May 1917 to 28 May 1917 they marched from Hermes, to Wittes, to Morbeque, to Hardifort, and to Reninghelst on 28 May 1917. On 28 May 1917 the Brigade HQ was on the south bank of the Ypres-Comines Canal, 100 yards west of Lock 8. On 28 May 1917, D/72 "was grouped with another brigade (he does not indicate which brigade) and went into action on the 29th."

"D/72's position was west of Scottish Wood. The area all around was packed with batteries and was shelled most of the day and all night, a lot of gas being used." " There casualties on the whole were remarkably light, but they all suffered considerably from gas."

Regards, Dick Flory

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Paul and Dick

Very many thanks for the information. Have checked with CWGC and SDGW and both advise Gunner Crabtree died on 28.05.17 (which ties in well with the information) and NOT 30.08.17 as indicated in my post.


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