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Great War books written by conscripts

jay dubaya

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There is a New Zealand one by a conscripted man who was also a conscientious objector. You can read it online here. It's We will not cease by Archibald Baxter.

Possibly not quite what you were after.


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'War Is War - By Ex-Private X' (1930). I forget the authors actual name, but he served in the 1/28th Londons 1917/18. I believe it has been reprinted.

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Allie, many thanks for the link, it is the kind of thing I'm looking for, I'm looking for material from those that didn't necessarily want to be there and how they viewed the war.

Tom, would the book be 'Conscripts' by Ilana Bet-El? If so I read it recently hence the interest in further reading, would like to read some first hand accounts though.

Paul, I'll be looking out for a copy of that one, presumably the chap saw active service.

Can I assume that 'conscript' authors are very few

Thnks for the replies so far

cheers, Jon

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Yes, he was evacuated home with Trench Foot in 1918.

Two other books that come to mind are 'Men of 18 in 1918' by Fred Hodges (1988) and 'Tanky Taylors War' by F.A.J.Taylor (I don't have this to hand but c.1980s).

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There are a couple of excellent ones in French, that give the "poilu's" perspective:

Les Croix de Bois, by Roland Dorgeles

Le Feu, by Henri Barbusse


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Many thanks for the input Angela and Simon, I should add that I am looking for British combatants but would recomend Barbusse's 'Under Fire' as a classic GW read and can be found in a translated form for free download on the Gutenberg site for anyone who is interested.

I'll be looking out for 'Combed Out' which has been added to the list. I'm sure that Voigt's writting will give a very interesting perspective,

cheers, Jon

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Harry Patch was a conscript - Harry Patch -The Last Fighting Tommy Van Emden

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Naval and Military publishing has approx 60plus books written by soldiers of the Great War. Some of these will include conscripts.

Its worth searching on the details of each book on their website.


16th Lancer

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Are you looking for books by any conscripts or books by conscripts who only fought because they were called up.

I would hazard a guess and say over half of those conscripted would have volunteered as quickly as Kitcheners first volunteers if they had been old enough.


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