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Major-General Sir Cecil Edward "Pinto" Pereira


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Does anyone have service/any information for Major-General Sir Cecil Edward "Pinto" Pereira. I am mostly interested in the period pre 1916.


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Cecil Edward Pereira was born July 1869, educated at the Oratory School, Edgbaston and commisioned into the Coldstream Guards on 29 January 1890. Promoted Lt 6 Jul 93 and Capt 1 Feb 99. Took part in operations on the River Niger 1897 and awarded East and West Africa Medal with clasp 'Niger 1897'. Served in Uganda 1897-98 and awarded 3rd Class Brilliant Star of Zanzibar and East and Central Africa Medal with clasp 'Uganda 1897-98'. Served in South Africa 1899-1902 and awarded Queen's Medal with 4 clasps and King's Medal with 2 clasps. Promoted Brevet Major 20 Nov 05 and Lt Col 29 Nov 13. Commanded 2nd Coldstream from the outbreak of war and promoted to command 85 Bde in May 15. Wounded in trenches near Vermelles 26 May 15 and reassumed command 10 Jun 15. Wounded a second time on 27 Sep 15 during Battle of Loos. On recovery assumed command of 1 Guards Bde in 1916 and subseuqently commanded 2nd Division. CMG 1917, CB 1918 and KCB 1919. Also awarded Belgian Order of the Crown 3rd Class, Belgian and French Croix de Guerre and was mentioned in despatches eight times. Retired from the Army in 1923 and died in 1942.

Charles M

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Thanks very much Charles. Old Cecil certainly had a very interesting career and from the ops reports that I have was very much a hands on type commander.

I am interested in him primarily because the 85th Brigade was initially very involved in the 28th Divs attempts to wrest the Hohenzollern Redoubt away from the Germans at the Battle of Loos. Pereiras wounding seems to have been a watershed moment in this localised struggle as when he left the field, and the Brigade in the hands of Col. Roberts, everything seemed to go a bit pear shaped.

Thanks again for the background


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Guest Desmond6

Is this guy a relation? from 'Ireland's Unknown Soldiers' Terence Denman

The 16th Division took on the raiding phase of the war with enthusiasm, thinking it particularly suited to the (supposed) special attacking qualities of the catholic Irish soldier. Hickie and his brigadier generals were intent on their division aggressively 'dominating' any area of the line it was given, and gaining an ascendancy in terms of morale, it was hoped, over the Germans. The 16th Division believed in 'tormenting the enemy'.

As early as 3 July, the divisional war diary was proudly recording that 'the Hun has been reduced to almost complete quiet'. An exaggeration no doubt, but the remark testifies to the spirit now animating the 16th Division.

Of the brigade commanders none was more aggressive than Pereira of the 47th Brigade. George Pereira took over the brigade in January 1916 and led it until November 1917. A catholic, educated at the Oratory School in Birmingham under Newman, and originally commissioned into the Grenadier Guards, Pereira was one of the great characters of the 16th Division. He had previously served as a military attache in China, was fluent in Chinese, and had made many adventurous journeys in China and Tibet. Known to the men as 'Hoppy' because of his lameness after a riding accident, he was an irascible fire-eater and firm disciplinarian; characteristics he combined with an obvious concern for the welfare of his men. 'Every officer and soldier of his brigade swears by him', one of his battalion commanders wrote.

He constantly informed his troops, an officer of the 7th Leinsters recalled, 'that it was our duty to beat up the enemy and give hirn no rest'.

Pereira was not without a sense of humour: on Saint Patrick's Day 1916, he told his men that the holy saint's favourite beverage is well known to have been a good glass of sparkling pure water. Moreover, we have it credibly reported that he had a great aversion from government rum.

Pereira, as might be expected, took a close interest in raiding, and insisted on thorough investigations of all raids conducted by his brigade, especially those that misfired or failed to achieve their full objectives. His battalions were remorselessly instructed to 'dominate' no-man's land.

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Hello Des, thanks for that.

I don't know if these two are related but the fact that they were educated at the same school and having such an unusual name certainly suggests that they may have been.

I will look into it.

Thanks again


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