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Book cataloguing


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Not sure if shouldn't be in Chit-Chat, but as it's to do with books, I've put it here. Those of you who like to organise your collection of valuable volumes might like Book Collector from Collectorz.com, about £25 to buy as a download. Very comprehensive, searches on ISBNs etc, all sorts of info can be input, great fun. I've no vested interest, only that it's the best program I've looked at.

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Interesting idea, I checked it out here:


But what about books of our research era (circa 1914) that have no bar codes or ISBN?

Oops, they missed the collectors!

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Alternatively, you can go online with LibraryThing - you can catalogue 200 books for free, or unlimited if you buy a membership. According to the blurb, members have catalogued over 30 million books to date. Great way to see what other people with similar interests are reading.

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I have book collector. It's not too bad, but it doesn't find all ISBN; however, you can enter books 'manually'

Overall, I am content (if not ecstatic!)


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But what about books of our research era (circa 1914) that have no bar codes or ISBN?

I have found this a really effective package. It also works with author (surname only)/title, and the programme will look for old books on British Library, Lib of Congress, French Biblioteque Nationale etc. I would estimate that it finds 95% or more of books that predate barcodes/ISBNs without trouble.

I should add that it does find most ISBNs. Some of the oldest ISBNs (c. early 1970s) are less reliable as they have fewer digits than todays ISBNs. However, I have found that if you insert a leading digit (usually a 1 or a 9) the offending volume will often turn up. If that doesn't work switching to a search by author/title will usually do. I have entered a couple of thousand books and would estimate that I have had to do a full manual entry on only 20-30.

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