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Cemetaries and miscellanious


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I'm plannig off to Ypres in the summer for a 7 day break, and just have a couple of questions:

1. Is there opening and closing times for the cemeteries?

2. Are there any interesting sites that we could visit off the main tourist route?

3.How easy is it to get to Ypres from Manchester? and can anyone give me a guestimate of the cost?

Thankyou in advance for answers and advice.


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The cemeteries are "open all hours", you,ll get a ton of responses on 2) and re 3) how are you planning on travelling, self drive or looking for trains or flights? Have you been before or this a maiden run?


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Is Ypres Town cemetery locked at night?

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Dunno! Many have just an open gateway with no gates. Not unless they have a particular set of ornamental gates but even then i couldnt imaging someone coming out every night and morning to lock and unlock.

Certainly i took a group for an evening walk around Ypres recently away from the bustle of the Gate and took them into the Ramparts cemetery around 9o'clock so can't imagine any CWGC cemeteries being locked.


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I've been on a couple of guided tours before but this is the first time that I'm planning everything myself. We aim to travel down by train. The last time I drove abroad I ended up in a tree, so I don't want to repeat that again.


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Nick, for a good basic starter that will give you lots of off-the-beaten-track places, buy yourself a copy of "Before endeavours fade" by Rose Coombs.

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Thank you for that, I'll see what I can do.


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Whilst CWGC cemeteries are open all of the time, graves located within municipal cemeteries close early evening.

By train - Manchester Euston, Eurostar to Lille or Brussels - Ypres. You can find many out of the way places by walking or cycling in the area. The local buses are also good.

Cost !!! - depends on what you stay in etc.

Have a look on www.ypressalient.co.uk

steve m

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We plan to camp at the camp site just out of Ypres as we reckon this'll keep the cost down, we are also umming and arring about renting a couple of bikes, for one of the days.


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i live in rochdale and travle to ypres many times the way we go is down the m6 then the m6 toll 0n to the m42 then m40 until you get to the m25 go the bottom way round passed heathrow on to the m20 then down to dover ,from calais take the a16 until junction 28b the road is signposted to ypres then e42/a25 come off at junction13 the road should be open by then follow the signs to ypres the cost will be about 2 tanks of petrol, ferry at the moment £56 hotel as much as you want to pay

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Not all CWGC cemeteries are 'free to roam' as it were.

Boulogne Eastern is locked during the hours of darkness and Meerut at St Martin-les-Boulognes, is permanently locked with the key being available on production of ID from the Mairie at St Martins.

I am sure there are others as well, though not in the Ypres area.


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Thankyou for that.

Another question that I meant to ask is it possible to get a decent walking map of the Salient Area, as at the moment all we've got to plans the routes on are; A road map, the pen pictures in the Walking the Salient and my trench maps.


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