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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Mauser auto rifle

alex falbo

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I started a thread about auto rifles in the equipment section but I thought it more appropriate for the forum to ask,

what was the level of use of Mauser aerial rifle? Were balloonists equipped with them and did observers cease their use once the LMG 14 became widespread?


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German Observers seemed to be glad to change the Mauser Selbstlade Gewehr for the LMG 14, because they complained about the rifle being unreliable and prone to jamming.


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The rifle was used as aircraft armament in 1916. After that I believe it was used briefly by ground troops and by the German Navy until the end of the war. This is off the top of my head I will post more info when I find my notes. By the way the German Navy during WW I used a grab-bag of captured and obsolete weapons, like the French Lebel, Russian M1891s and the Mauser 1871/84.

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Hi Gents, :D


is the weapon in this picture above, the same as mentioned in this post?

Connaught Stranger :D

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I suspect not. The weapon in your photo has a straighter magazine and a fitted cleaning rod. The original isn't fitted for a cleaning rod.

Don't know what it is though!


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I believe I read on GWF that limited numbers of a high-capacity magazine were made for the Mauser G98 rifle. Supposedly they made firing the rifle from the prone position all but impossible.

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I agree with Nigel about the ID of the weapon.

Pete I believe I've seen these before. I would imagine that firing the Mauser Auto Air rifle wasn't any easier. Is there any more info about its distribution to infantrymen?

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A few of the Mauser semi-automatic rifles were tested in the trenches but, most were used by air units and later the Navy . Only 1000 to 2000 were made. The weapon was also very unreliable and jam prone. There was an order put out directing all airplanes be equiped with automatic Mauser rifles by 1 May 1915. Units that used it include BAO, SFA 1, MFFA 1, and FFA 32. as well as the Observer school at Schleibaum.

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