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Collishaw on Little


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Can anyone provide me with a scan of the piece Collishaw wrote in Keith Isaacs "Military Aircraft of Australia 1909-1918"? I'm interested in what he says about Little. ;)

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Yes. I have your email address through ASWWIAH, and I'll scan and send it directly.



Thank you very muchly. I'm interested because he really upset Little's family by his comments!

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I wonder why? (He says with a touch of irony).


And Collishaw only knew him 5 minutes (says the family).

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Ref : Collishaw on Little

Can someone throw some light on this particular topic for me as I know nothing of it?


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Ref : Collishaw on Little

Can someone throw some light on this particular topic for me as I know nothing of it?


Although the "appreciation" of Little generally speaks well of him it does make some disparaging remarks about his flying ability, his toying with hypnotism and his leadership (or lack there of). Needless to say the family were far from impressed.



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Is it a long article? I'd like to see it too.


If you PM me with your email address, I'll see what I can do.



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"some disparaging remarks about his flying ability"

Well, Collishaw wouldn't have been the first or the last. Bob Little's propensity to "break" aeroplanes was, if memory serves, well known. He was obviously, as was the case with a VERY senior ace on the other side, not a natural pilot. BUT he shared the same extraordinary marksmanship as the other fellow and both of them seemed to get up and down without breaking their necks.....

I have flown with all kinds of pilots, good, indifferent and (on one occasion), a downright dangerous one. Comments by pilots on relative "skill" can be taken with a grain of salt. Firstly there is the issue of "pride"...no pilot is better than you, second, there is the fact that, essentially, Scout pilots were primarily employed to shoot down other aeroplanes, the task of flying one's own being rather secondary to that. Some brilliant arielists never scored a single victory.

(and some antipodean comentators had a much less substantiated victory list than R A Little!!)

Respectfully submitted,


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"some disparaging remarks about his flying ability"

(and some antipodean comentators had a much less substantiated victory list than R A Little!!)


And who might they be :rolleyes:

Actually it is interesting that all 47 of Little's victories seem unqestioned by some.

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And who might they be :rolleyes:

Actually it is interesting that all 47 of Little's victories seem unqestioned by some.


I really couldn't say.

On a COMPLETELY different subject though, I once had a "border" dog whom I named after a very famous Irish playwrite (not Oscar) and he, that is to say the dog, often barked along with the Lord's Prayer. I got the impression he was distinctly eclesiastical.....

Can't imagine what made me remember that.....

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I really couldn't say.

On a COMPLETELY different subject though, I once had a "border" dog whom I named after a very famous Irish playwrite (not Oscar) and he, that is to say the dog, often barked along with the Lord's Prayer. I got the impression he was distinctly eclesiastical.....

Can't imagine what made me remember that.....

Oh well, at least he wasn't barking up erroneous vegetation :P

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"some disparaging remarks about his flying ability"

Well, Collishaw wouldn't have been the first or the last. Bob Little's propensity to "break" aeroplanes was, if memory serves, well known. He was obviously, as was the case with a VERY senior ace on the other side, not a natural pilot. BUT he shared the same extraordinary marksmanship as the other fellow and both of them seemed to get up and down without breaking their necks.....

I have flown with all kinds of pilots, good, indifferent and (on one occasion), a downright dangerous one. Comments by pilots on relative "skill" can be taken with a grain of salt. Firstly there is the issue of "pride"...no pilot is better than you, second, there is the fact that, essentially, Scout pilots were primarily employed to shoot down other aeroplanes, the task of flying one's own being rather secondary to that. Some brilliant arielists never scored a single victory.

(and some antipodean comentators had a much less substantiated victory list than R A Little!!)

Respectfully submitted,


Ah the sandgropper lives.....long live the sandgropper.

I might be visiting the King of Bunbury soon. Early 2009.


I take by Little's relos you mean LB. I notice she has taken offence to most articles about Bob that dare to even show him as a human. I have had some interesting discussions of late about LB,,,,,,good luck in dealing with the "Family".


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