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MM 8York & Lancs


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14262 L/Cpl J.Sellars 8 York & Lancs was awarded the MM (LG 19/2/17) and KIA 1/7/16 at Thiepval. As this was, so far as I can see, the first action of this battalion, it seems probable that his gallantry award was for that battle. I have been informed that 1/7/16 MMs tended to be awarded to survivors rather than casualties, but would appreciate any information that would indicate one way or the other in this particular man`s case. Phil B

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Hi Phil,

CWGC shows this man with the MM whilst SDGW does not. If his gazette date is Feb 1917 then I would think that the award was made for 1/7/16.

Have you tried looking at the MM Records held at the PRO. This may help you a little more, although I doubt it, or have you tried looking at the Battalion records??



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His mentiuon is in the London gazette...Gazette Issue 29953 published on the 16 February 1917. Page 12, the head of the page says 1760 supplement to the London gazette 19/Feb 1917



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Paul/ Thanks for your reply. I have written Regtl Museum but got negative reply. Unfortunately, I live 200 miles from PRO - however, one day!

Tom/ Thanks for info. It went slightly over my head, though. What is the significance of the mention prior to the "real" LG date? Do you mean "Mention in dispatches"? Phil B

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What Tom is refering to is the date of the London Gazette in which the award of the Military Medal is made. The Volume Number is 29953 dated 16th Feb 1917. Your man appears on Page 12. On Page 11 it states the following;

His Majesty the KING has been graciously

pleased to approve of the award of the Military

Medal for bravery in the Field to the undermentioned

Non-commissioned Officers and. Men,

since deceased, who have been -killed in action

or died of wounds or disease subsequent to the

date of the award of the Military Medal to

them by the Commander-in-Chief in the Field.

His entry is listed alphabetically, along with many others, as;

14262 L./C. J. Sellars, York & Lanc. R.

There is no other information. Military Medal awards are notoriously difficult to research because of the sheer number of awards made during WW1. Your only hope will be to try and get someone to look at the War Diary for the Unit to see if there is any mention of him. Dont hold your breath though.

Next Time I am at the PRO I will see what I can do to help.



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