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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Uniform identification request


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Dear all,

I'm afraid that I've come across another photo of an unidentified relative amongst some family documents. It's not the best of images, but can anyone suggest what regiment he belonged to? I've tried to enlarge the image of the cap badge, but I'm afraid that, even in a high resolution scan it's rather fuzzy. I've adjusted the contrast in case that helps.

Any information would be gratefully received as it may help in identifying him.



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I agree with Scott, Royal Artillery, impossible to say if it's Field, Horse or Garrison though. Do you have some possible names?


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Thank you for your replies.

I think his name is likely to have been either Schofield or (O')Connor (or possibly even Rice) and it's likely that he came from the east end of London: Limehouse or Poplar probably.

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