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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

CBC Radio Program - Request

Borden Battery

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The Morning Edition of CBC Radio in Canada wants war time memorabilia for its website. They are requesting people to send them a photo of something from the war that means a great deal to you, be it a medal, a photograph, a piece of shrapnel or letter. It's all part of their commitment to never forget the sacrifices brave men and women have made to keep our country free.

They are requesting people to email them at morningedition@cbc.ca and attach a photo of your memorablia and include a short story about why the item is so important to you. If you've sent a photo of a letter, please transcribe the letter so they can post the story on their website. It is all part of an effort to help people remember those who gave for our freedom.



Borden Battery

PS You will also see my family's treasured military heirloom, a silver cigarette case which saved my Grandfather's life on 6 November 1917 while engaged at the Battle of Passchendeale.

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