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10th Duke of Wellingtons


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I am seeking information on the fate of 2nd Lieutenant Roland Herbert Brindsley-Richards who was killed with this battalion on the 30th of July 1916

According to Westlake the battalion were at Scots Redoubt (where ever that might be) on the Somme. According to his old school records he was killed in a night raid on the German trenches.

Would anyone have a war diary/history of the battalion or regiment which could give some detail or confirmation of this?

Thanks in advance John

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John, the only (limited) help I can give is the 23rd Division History (10th Dukes were in 69 bde). It reports a raid by the 10th Duke's, but on the night of 28/29 July; it was intended to capture Munster Alley and part of Gloucester Alley. It was quite a desparate littel affair, it seems: one Coy attacked Munster Alley, one was to bomb up Gloucester Alley until it reached the German switch line, while the other two Coys were in support and reserve.

The Munster Alley attack - one platoon bombed its way along the trench, while the other 3 went over the top; all the officers, the CSM and most NCOs were hit by mg fire and the coy was forced back.

The Gloucester Alley attack was more successful, with a post finally established 25 yards short of the objective, but with a good view over Martinpuich.

Casualties: 2 officers,31 or killed, 1/44 missing, 5/127 wounded.

Looking at Officers Died, I see two 10th Bn officers are given as killed on the 30th, so I wonder if there was a delay in reporting, an error in reporting, or whatever?

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I have copy of 69div war diary.he is listed as missing after the raid along with 44 other ranks

He is listed on the monthly casualty return as missing.

The rest is as explained in earlier posts


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Thanks so much to you both

Putting the two replies together it does seem that the fact that he was missing led to the confusion over his date of death

All the best and thanks again John

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