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Major William F.Beattie M.C kia 3/10/18

Derek Robertson

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William was the son of Thomas and Annie Kate Beattie, of 41, Lothian Rd., Edinburgh.

He was born at Hawick, Roxburghshire and the sculptor of the 1514 memorial in the town.

Gazetted April, 1915.

Does anyone know of the circumstances of the award of the Military Cross or the action in which he was killed?

Any help would be appreciated.

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The MC citation in the London gazette should give a good clue as to the circumstances of the award. You may well need to dig up the war diary, though.


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Beattie's MC was gazetted in the London Gazette of 26 November 1917 and his citation for the award appeared in the London Gazette of 6 April 1918. I do not have the citation at hand but can get it for you if you do not have access to the gazette. He died of wounds at Joncourt, north of Peronne on 3 Oct 18.

I am off to the University now but will send you a short bio and a photo when I get back home tonight. Regards. Dick Flory

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That's superb Dick. :D

Thanks John

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William Francis Beattie, RFA

Born at Hawick in 1886, the only son of Mr. T. Beattie, sculptor, Edinburgh

Entered George Watson's College in 1902

"He developed a taste for art, and, as a student at the Art College, gave high promise of future distinction by his equestrian statue in bronze - the Hawick 1514 Memorial.

Played in the Lismore and Brustane XVs.

At the beginning of the war he enlisted in the Border and Lothian Horse

Gazetted as a 2nd Lieutenant in the RHA in April 1915

Promoted to Lieutenant in the RFA in July 1917

Appointed as an Acting Captain in October 1917 and as an Acting Major in April 1918

"He had meantime gone through some of the stiffest fighting in France, had been at Ypres, Loos and the Somme, been gassed, and had won the MC in November 1917."

Died of wounds at Joncourt, north of Peronne, Oct 3, 1918.

Source: Watsonian War Record. 1914-1918.

His photo is attached below. Regards. Dick Flory


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I can't thank you enough Dick.

I've tried searching the online "Gazette" for records of his promotions and award of the M.C with no luck at all. Am I missing something? Are all M.C awards posted in the "Gazette"?

I'm off to Tincourt next month to visit his grave.

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His citation is as follows: "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. The neighbourhood of his battery was heavily shelled, and he heard cries for help coming from a track about 80 yards away. He at once went to the spot with some men and a stretcher, under heavy fire and brought two men under cover."

I found this in the gazette on line by putting 'Beattie' in the name spot and using the dates "1 April 1918' and '12 April 1918.' Doing this I got three entries and his MC citation was the second entry. Regards. Dick Flory

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Dick, you're a star. :D


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