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1st Jager Battalion


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Trying to ascertain whereabouts of 1st Jager Battalion in Feb 1917 to find where Johann Maurer served and died. Any information greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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I did a quick check and it appears this battalion and another were combined to form the 3rd Jäger Regiment. In the period you are searching it was in the 200th Division and was in Bukovina as part of the Carpathian Corps. I will double check this and let you know if there is anything else on this.


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Hi Ralph,

thankyou very much for this information. I have a Death Card to the mentioned soldier and was wanting to find out where he was fighting when he met his end. I'm also doing a talk to the local U3A on Remembrance Day on soldiers from different nationalities who fought in the Great War. Thanks again.



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Hello David,

I hope I was of some help. However, if you have a memorial card, a death card it could easily be a Bavarian soldier as there was also a 1st Bavarian Jäger Bn.

What exactly does it say about his unit designation and in particular where was he from? Anything you can provide would make it easier to identify which one he was from and then provide an accurate response. Could you post a copy of the card?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ralph,

apologies for the late reply, I've been a tad busy. I've attached (hope this works) a copy of Johann Maurers death card for your perusal.




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Ralph's mention of the Carpathian Corps sounds good as the card says he died as a POW in Sipote, Romania, in late February 1917.

The same is on a war memorial in his home village of Wattenweiler, although this gives his name as MAUER (maybe a typo on the site):


MAUER Johann, February 1917, Sipote, Romania, Died.

Can't find him on the Volksbund site as MAURER/MAUERER/MAUER, so perhaps his grave has been lost in the interim.


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I agree with Adrian. He was most likely a member of the 1st Bavarian Jäger Bn as they were in Roumania at this time. These are often Bavarian soldiers. If it does say directly on the card you can look up the birthplace and see where it is, this is a good way to narrow the search.


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Adrian and Ralph,

many thanks for the additional posts. This further information adds to what little I already have. The POW part was interesting! Not being fluent in German does hinder one at times but from the card I could make out dates and place where he was from etc.

Thanks again,


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