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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

"Dear Hal, yours Pud"


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Just purchased the above book published by Poppyland of Cromer, 116 pages, A4 format, index etc very well produced with numerous photograghs, maps etc tracing the service of Harold Randell of Cromer until he was badly wounded at Delville wood.Very good value at £12.95, his story is told in his letters sent home.One of these publications that will be hard to find in years to come.

[Note i have no connection with this book other than the above reconmendation]

best regards John

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purchased it from the second hand bookshop in Watton but it can be ordered from the Poppyland website

best regards John

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Does it have anything about 10th Essex at La Boisselle?



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yes at the end of 1915

best regards John

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