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Your grandads birthdate


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Seeing our oldest ww1 war surviver old Henry on parade today, got me to thinking i wonder when his grandads were born.

Could his grandads birth dates be late 1700's

Henry is twice my age exactly, my grandads were born in Dec 1862, and Nov 1900.

When were your Grandads born.


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So you mean the Grandfather of our WW1 relatives? I'm wondering if I completely misread your question.

If that's the case, my Great Grandfather Robert Thomas Finch served in the ASC and RE, was born in 1872. His Grandfather Thomas Finch was born c1816

That's probably the earliest I have

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Sorry if a bit vague, i meant us the researcher... ie your grandads year of birth, bit off topic i know...

I've re-worded my original post.


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Brand was dismissed. Ross has been suspended for three months. 2 Senior employees resigned. in the first case. This lady has been effectively dismissed. I don't know her employment terms but that is the outcome. I would say that the cases were dealt with in a similar manner, except for the time it took. In the first case, BBC were said to have taken too long this time they are being accused of acting too quickly. I think they are never going to please everyone. My post was not aimed at any other post, it was simply my opinion. I take it there is room in Skindles for differing opinions without the need for kneejerk reactions?

My reading of the BBC report is that the operator recorded the call and was so outraged, he/she contacted the Sun. It may not have been the firm, per se but rather an individual employed by the firm.

My grandfathers were born in 1895 and 1907.

Field Marshal Haig's son, Dawyck, the current Earl Haig, is now 90. His grandfather, John Haig, was born in 1802, three years before Trafalgar and thirteen before Waterloo!



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My Grandfathers were born in 1869 and 1887 respectively. The one born 1869 built munitions factories and the other one was in the Argylls. I knew the latter one better than the first who died when I was 6.



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Hi husbands G/grandads were Fred born 1887 and served with 2nd Lincs and Samuel 1894 don't know if he served

my G/grandads were Fred born 1888 and I think served in RNVR and Robert 1891 and we think again RNVR


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Paternal grandfather born 1867 - did not serve in WW1 (too old). Maternal grandfather born 1886 (George Henry Phillips) - POW in WW1 South Wales Borderers.

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Hi Pals,

Thanks for the comments.

It facinates me to think that our grandads which we all class as close family (i am one myself) some of whom were born so long ago, one of mine Ashley b1862 fathering children in his 60's 2 of his sons serving in the great war one wounded in action and dying, another serving over 2yrs in the RAMC who survived. To think that Ashley was 14 when General Custer died in the battle of the Little big horn, he was 50 when the Titanic went down. 52 when ww1 started. My paternal GD. Mind boggling.


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Maternal Grandfather born 1875 Liverpool

(Father of two sons who served and survived WW1)

Paternal Grandfather born 1854 St Helens

(Father of four sons who served WW1. one K.I.A. one died of wounds 1929, two survived )

He also had two sons who served and survived WW2

He died in 1924, twenty six years before I was born

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No prizes at all for me. My grandfathers were too young for WWI. My maternal grandfather was a chief petty officer in the US Navy in WWII.

1903 and 1908

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My grandfather (the Gunner Bailey) was born in 1897. His grandfather was born in 1824 but his great grandfathers were born in 1804 and 1794 respectively.

On the other side of the family I have great great grandfather of my other WW1 grandfather who was born in 1727.


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both my grandads served on WW1 one was born 1868 and the other 1869,

both spent more than 3 years in France and made it thru.


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And the results are......

1. Gillchadwick............1854 In this year Charles Dickens writes Hard Times (nothing changes), Crimea war starts.

2. daggers..................1858

3. pmaasz...................1860

4. eskimo....................1862

5. jeminajane..............1867

6. rgartillery................1868

7 rgartillery,Malcolm....1869.


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Thank you??!!!


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post-32981-1227556668.jpgMy Grandad John Henry Waterworth Born St Helens 1854-Died Liverpool 1924

Can anyone identify his lapel badges please, apart from the obvious 'White Horse of Hanover'

Thank you



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Don't Know?

The badge on his left lapel looks like some sort 'Mourning Brooch', the one on the right lapel I thought could be an R.A.M.C. badge (it is a serpent)

I am guessing all this because two sons were in K.L.R. one died 1917 , the other survived

one was R.A.M.C ,and another 3rd field Ambulance A.I.F.

Could he have been supporting everyone?

Best wishes


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My grandads were born in 1894 and 1897 ... they were just kids really when they were at war.

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  • 4 weeks later...


My grandfathers were born in 1912 and 1930 ... :unsure:

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