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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Royal Berkshire Regiment


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I received a birth certificate today for one of my grandfather's children, my first breakthrough in my search for my Grandfather's WW1 army service record. It states Private, Royal Berkshire regiment, the date is September 1914. Robert Tucker was wounded and lost a leg somewhere in France. As he sired another child around Jul-Sept 1916 [child born in June quarter of 1917] this places his service possibly between August 1914 to Sept 1916. Can anyone help me with this and let me know where this regiment was during those dates. I was given a list of possibles on Robert, one of these is 6678 Corporal, the Berkshire Regiment; however it states that this man was a pre war soldier so I dont think it will be him. Robert lived at 76 Larch Road Balham SW12 at the time of WW1 and his next of kin would have been Annie Tucker. Info I particularly need from his record is his date or place of birth to enable me to continue my research into my family tree. :unsure:

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Hello Christina.

My Great-grandad spent a little time with the Royal Berks when first called up,in 1916.

He had a 4 digit number(i think it was 6514),but was with the 3/4th Royal Berks and joined some time in the middle of 1916.

TryThe Wardrobe,which is the Museum of the Royal Berks,Royal Gloucesters and The Wiltshires.

They were very helpfull when i firsted started researching my Great-grandad,who later transfered to the MGC,and the site contains the war diaries of the Battalions who served.

Although i live in Berkshire,not far from Reading,i really haven't looked that hard at the Berks service,during the war.

I know that they were in from the start and fought at Loos,in 1915,and on The Somme,in 1916,4 battalions being in the area on the 1st of July.

There are a couple of guys on the forum,who have done a lot of work on the Berks.

Hope this is of use,Christina.

All the best.


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Christina - if you dont mind me asking, why do you think your Grandfather joined up after the outbreak of war? I wonder if with war imminent, he joined up in June or July thus making him a regular. What was his trade - if skilled them less likely that employment would have driven him to the army ... I ask these questions as you say he was serving by Sept 1914. Have you looked at his MIC at the PRO/NA as if before 1916, it would have his dtae of entry to a war theatre and that might help in determining his status as a regular or reservist.

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Thank you Simon, I found this site after my post and spent all last night reading the war diary of the 1st Royal Berkshire, didnt find any reference to my Robert. I suppose I will have to read the lot in the hope something comes up.

Thank you signals, no, I cant be sure he didnt join before, I have e-mailed you.



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I came across a postcard in my local market the other day, postmarked 20th December 1916, sent to Pte Crouch, 1/4 Royal Berks. His number is 6069, C. Company, 12 Platoon.

May help you narrow down the search.

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