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Military Awards


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The trio of WW1 medals I have, has an oak leaf on one of the medals, can anyone please explain or give me info on the type of work or action a soldier would need to do to earn this award? Is it for good conduct etc, or could it be earnt in an action? Also would the soldier be able to use the initials MID after his name, as in MM or MC? The soldiers details are 19511 Pte C.L.B Sturgess Royal Engineers. Chris.

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A mention in despatches is recognition of a soldier by the theater, or other high commander, for gallant or meritorious service. The names of the men so honored are listed in the despatches of that commander to the War Office and in turn are published in the London Gazette. There are generally no citations available. The man is not allowed to use the post-nomial MID after his name. For a long period of time the VC and MID were the only awards for gallant service that could be conferred posthumously. Regards. Dick Flory

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I think the oak leaf was given to someone who earned an MID and was worn on the Victory medal ribbon.


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The MiD oak leaf was indeed worn on the Victory Medal ribbon.

MiDs awarded after 10.08.20 are worn on the ribbon of the appropriate campaign medal - GSM, 39-45 War Medal etc. Should no campaign medal have been awarded, the oak leaf is worn directly on the tunic where medals would be worn.

In 1994 the leaf was changed from bronze to silver.

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