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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum



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I am hoping that someone out there might be able to help me to learn a little more about my grandfathers service with the Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. He did`nt like to talk much about it, but I just wish I`d listened a bit more when he did. However I was a teenager when he died and was not that interested at that time, motorbikes and girls seemed more important !. His name was Thomas Shuttleworth and he came from Wath near Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire. My Dad thinks he went to the front at some time in 1917, but at 85 his memory has faded somewhat. I do know that he was a "rifle bomber", but also acted as a "runner". He was a victim of mustard gas, and temporarily blinded. I have a photo of him and other wounded men, at a picnic believe it or not !. I do know he had nightmares too, and I remember him telling me about the deep mud in the trenches, the rats and of course the dead. I also remember him saying that if you could hear shells whistling you knew they were going to pass over so you were safe for the time being. He also had memories of the Red Caps, presumably military police, who spoiled his leave at one time or other !. I also have faint recollections of him having served in Northern Ireland before or after the war ?.

Thats all I know unfortunately. I have his medals, but don`t know his service number. I found that there are two medal record cards at the National Archives for Thomas Shuttleworths of the K.O.Y.L.I, but don`t know which is his. I tried to track down the Absent Voters list for Wath, but the Wakefield record office only has the 1918 voters lists. He is on there, but marked as absent, no details about service number or unit etc. I would really like to know more about his service, when did he join, go overseas, wherabouts was he gassed etc. I know its a long shot, but if anyone can help me with any of this I really would appreciate it.

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Thanks Chris, I had no idea that there was any lettering on the rim of the medals !. Sure enough, they have on Pte Thomas Shuttleworth 205623 KOYLI. Now I know which medal card is his.

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