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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Richard Pettitt


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I am researching the military background of L.Sergeant Richard Pettitt 14418. He was my Great Granddad and I think he served with the 11th Battalion (Cambridge) Suffolk Regiment. I know the 11th Batalion was formed in Cambridge on the 25th Sept 1914, and in May 1915 they were attached to the 101st Bridage 34th Division. All I can get from talking to relatives about Richard is that he was awarded the Military Medal at the battle of Lorraine. He was Gazzetted on the 23 Aug 1916 of which I have got a copy of. But that is were it goes cold. Richard was transfered to the reserves on the 10 Feb 1919. I would dearly love to be able to get the information about how or why he was awarded this galantery award. If anybody can shed light on this or even point me in the right direction I would be really grateful.


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The Battalion War Diary at Kew Archives,may have the citation. It is under WO95/2458 which runs from Jan 1916 to May 1918. Failing that the 34th Division Diary may have an entry.

Your problem might be that you may have to read quite abit in order to find the date etc,as the Gazetting was probably a long time after the event. The "battle of Lorraine" might need to be clarified in terms of a date corridor. I am not familiar with it, yet,but someone herw ill doubtless explain.


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