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B Battalion 1,2,3 Sections Tanks at Messines


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I am doing some research on the Heavy Machine Gun Corps used at Messines in June 1917. In particular, I am interested in finding out the names of the tanks and some of their crews that were attached to II Anzac Corps. I am aware there is available information on the tanks during Cambrai but it is Messines I am more interested in.

I would be most grateful if someone could provide this info (along with its source) in relation to the following tanks;

No.2 Section: B/6, B/7, B/9 and B/10 (names & crew?)

No. 3 Section: B/11, B/12, B/14 and B/15 (names & crew?)

No.4 Section: B/16, B/17, B/18, and B/19 (names & crew?)

No.5 Section: "H.M.S. Lucifer", "Rumblebelly", "Our Emma", and "2005" (what were their letters/numbers?)

Also, any information on any of the other tanks attached to IX and X Corps during Messines would be most appreciated, as would any information on tanks and their crew that were disabled or destroyed during the offensive.



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I will have a look thro` the copies of the "Tank Corps Journal" but as these have no index it may well take some time!

best regards John

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Hi I have the medals to Capt John Allan who was killed at Messines Ridge on 9 June 1917. He was previously at the Battle of FLers with C Batt.

If anybody can let me know his tank I would be grateful.

He was killed in the opening assualt


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That's wonderful news! I always hope that First Tank Crew medals are held by those who are aware of their story.


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After the battle, B Battalion tank commanders were asked to draw sketches of their tanks showing what damage had been inflicted on them. These (at least a good number of them) are preserved at The National Archives in Kew. Many are works of art! In most cases the commanders have gone to a great deal of trouble and show also the markings on the tanks. If these are to be believed, very few tanks of B Battalion at Messines carried names. This is supported by the captions given to the drawings, which refer to the tanks by their manufacturer's numbers and not by names.

I would also point out that the standardised naming system, with tank names starting with the Battalion letter, was not introduced until after Messines.


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I will have a look thro` the copies of the "Tank Corps Journal" but as these have no index it may well take some time!

best regards John

That would be fantastic, thanks John.



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After the battle, B Battalion tank commanders were asked to draw sketches of their tanks showing what damage had been inflicted on them. These (at least a good number of them) are preserved at The National Archives in Kew. Many are works of art! In most cases the commanders have gone to a great deal of trouble and show also the markings on the tanks. If these are to be believed, very few tanks of B Battalion at Messines carried names. This is supported by the captions given to the drawings, which refer to the tanks by their manufacturer's numbers and not by names.

I would also point out that the standardised naming system, with tank names starting with the Battalion letter, was not introduced until after Messines.


Thanks Gwyn. I wasn't aware of the name introduction until after Messines.

I'm most interested in these sketches that are available at Kew and particularly those of the sections of B Battalion I mentioned above. Do you know the names of the B Bn Commanders and some of the numbers attributed to the likes of B6, 7, 9, 10 etc. How would a Kiwi go about getting some specific info or copies from these sketches?

Kind regards


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Hi I have the medals to Capt John Allan who was killed at Messines Ridge on 9 June 1917. He was previously at the Battle of FLers with C Batt.

If anybody can let me know his tank I would be grateful.

He was killed in the opening assualt


Thanks Tankman. I assume you already have the info obtained from the Commonwealth War Graves site that informs us that Capt Allan was of B Btn, and was awarded the Military Cross.

Do you know the names of any of his crew that were with him on that fateful day in June 1917?

Kind regards


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I only know the names of the tankers when he won the MC in B Batt at the first tank battle.

I am going to the NA and hopefully will find more info.


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