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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

medals getting split

Rodge Dowson

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I am sick of contacting sellers on EbaY that keep splitting groups of medals, and spliting ephemeral items from medals etc etc. Are they all stupid, they should realise from both historical and economical perspectives they are getting it very wrong!!!!!!!


Sorry rant over - for now


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Agree with most you say and I reunited medals this week at a cost!. But the resason many split them is that they generate a bidding war (or so they think) and get (they hope) more cash. History sentiment and so on simply does not come into the reality of things. If collectors refused to bid on split groups than prehaps it would stop. Its like collectors bidding up erased medals encourages sellers to deface them knowing that they will get more for an erased medal than to one for ASC. Gareth

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An ongoing problem usually carried out in ingnorance by the uninitiated but also a method used by the unscrupulous to achieve higher prices as collectors vie to outbid each other top keep them together~not Cricket & obviously havent read my listing Medals hints!!!Listing Medals On eBay Advice

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ignorance or not its all down to the person.

mother in law has one of her grand fathers WW1 medals, and two of her fathers WW2 group, her and her sister decided they would split them and therefore have one each and two each to remember the men.

MIL has allready checked to see how much hers are worth, and I suppose if she keeps them long enough they will come this way to her daughter.

Her sister has allready talked about passing them on to her grand daughter, who probably does not want them.

As much as we try , we cant reunite them, even offering to pay for them. MIL does not really see the relevence of keeping her fathers pair(of four) united with his service paperwork.

you cant tell them they are ignorant of breaking up the groups as we have tried for the last couple of years.

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Much as I sympathize, I still feel if you chuck a medal into a hundred others, and give them a stir you won't know yours. Photographs and other documents are far more individual, more fragile, and to my mind more important. Splitting groups for perceived financial advantage, is very mean, family feuding is another thing.


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Ebay are not the only culprits, a local auction house split the medals and silk postcards to a local man. I hope that they didn't throw away any other papers as having no monetary value!

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It is a on going conflict with sellers on ebay i have on several occasions contacted the seller to advise him/her that they would probably have more bids and more cash by keeping the group or pair together. It has worked a few times others just see the £$ in front of there eyes.


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