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Cambrai, 1917: Myth of the First Great Tank Battle


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The real problem is the publishers and their view that 'books on the First World War don't sell'.



No offence to you, but whaaaat? The number of WW1 related books I am sent for review has diminished in proportion with the general draw-down, but the number of titles - and the number of reissues - suggests a very different perspective!

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Judging by the number of titles on Amazon that seems to increase daily I find that hard to believe. And would N & MP be reprinting so many new titles if that were the case?

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Judging by the number of titles on Amazon that seems to increase daily I find that hard to believe. And would N & MP be reprinting so many new titles if that were the case?

I didn't say it was a universally held view - just one held by my publishers.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Bryn - just finished reading the new book - superb piece of work (if I might say) and has given me a couple of tantalising links to the first tank crews as a result. :)

Thanks indeed for such a wonderful piece of research - think it will be siiting on my bed side table for several weeks to come as I dip in and out of chapters


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Having also recently finished reading it I would like to second Delta's comments. Rarely have I learnt so much from one book. I intend to be at your talk in Lincoln next Weds and am looking forward to it immensely!


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Thank you to you both for such kind comments. Gwyn, I look forward to meeting you next week.

With all good wishes


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"I intend to be at your talk in Lincoln next Weds and am looking forward to it immensely!"

Where and when ?? The new Lincoln group seems to have disappeared from the WFA site

Is it perhaps the tank group??

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7pm for 7.30 pm, when I looked at the link just now.

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Dear all

Looking forward to being there. If my train's on time, I'm set to be there at about 7pm for a 7.30 start. Just managed to obtain more copies of the book which I'll be bringing along.

I'll be focusing more on the tank aspects of the battle (it seemed only right, given the organisers are the Friends of the Lincoln Tank) but you might not think it from the first fifteen minutes or so!

Please feel free to make yourselves known to me. It's always nice to put a face to a name or even a combination of numbers and letters, 'LS4668'!


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Dear all

Looking forward to being there. If my train's on time, I'm set to be there at about 7pm for a 7.30 start. Just managed to obtain more copies of the book which I'll be bringing along.

I'll be focusing more on the tank aspects of the battle (it seemed only right, given the organisers are the Friends of the Lincoln Tank) but you might not think it from the first fifteen minutes or so!

Please feel free to make yourselves known to me. It's always nice to put a face to a name or even a combination of numbers and letters, 'LS4668'!


Ooh, a namecheck! I'll certainly say hello, and perhaps get you to sign my copy of your book, which I got before I knew I was going to be at the talk.

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Ooh, a namecheck! I'll certainly say hello, and perhaps get you to sign my copy of your book, which I got before I knew I was going to be at the talk.

Great to meet you (you'll always be 'LS' to me!) and all the other GWF members who were along last night. Thanks for saying 'hi' and I hope you enjoyed the evening - you weren't all too late in bed, I hope! :D


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Yes, excellent presentation, shame you didn't have more time. I hope they get the air-conditioning working properly next time, though!

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  • 4 months later...

Now, here's a conundrum.

I have just seen the paperback copy of this book in W H Smug on Victoria concourse - "Buy 1, get 1 half price".

By coincidence, Mr Forsyth and I (and possibly Mr Edwards) are paying to attend a lecture by one Bryn Hammond in a swish central London venue, next Wednesday. It does come with nibbles and a glass of wine, so value guaranteed.

Tell me, is it a bit infra dig to ask an author to sign the paperback edition of a book :unsure:

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Now, here's a conundrum.

I have just seen the paperback copy of this book in W H Smug on Victoria concourse - "Buy 1, get 1 half price".

By coincidence, Mr Forsyth and I (and possibly Mr Edwards) are paying to attend a lecture by one Bryn Hammond in a swish central London venue, next Wednesday. It does come with nibbles and a glass of wine, so value guaranteed.

Tell me, is it a bit infra dig to ask an author to sign the paperback edition of a book :unsure:

Hi Steven,

Can you please give me details of Bryn's talk.

Having read his book I will definately be interested in going, I live and work in London so getting to the venue should be easy for me.

Although your friends might take the p*** :D I'm sure that Bryn won't mind signing a paperback.

All the best.


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It's a member-only bash for the Society for Army Historical Research. A guest is allowed (hence Mr Forsyth), and I blagged Mr Edwards in. I'll see if another can be accommodated, but I can't promise. I'll PM you the result.

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Hi Steven,

Thanks for your reply, I didn't realise it was a private event, I fully understand if nothing can be done but many thanks in advance for trying for me.

All the best.


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It's a member-only bash for the Society for Army Historical Research. A guest is allowed (hence Mr Forsyth), and I blagged Mr Edwards in. I'll see if another can be accommodated, but I can't promise. I'll PM you the result.

The presence of Mr Forsyth, Mr Bloomfield and Mr Edwards was greatly appreciated and I was only sorry I didn't get the chance to let them buy me a drink afterwards. :D

I hope you all got something out of the talks - pity that we were late starting as this put my fellow speaker under time pressure. Not me. I shamelessly overran by 5 minutes - which is good for me because, as some of you know, I do have a bit of a tendency to go on...

Yes, folks, the paperback is now on sale and already the subject of a BOGOF offer ...

Thanks, chaps, for being there and please believe me when I say I'm always happy to devalue any book with my signature...


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Thanks, Bryn. We enjoyed the evening: the wine and canapes were smashing; I've never eaten so many sausages on sticks.

My one feeling about the main event is this: the length could have been doubled; both you and Dr Hart deserved longer. But for £6.50 a pop, we're not complaining too much.

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Yes, folks, the paperback is now on sale and already the subject of a BOGOF offer ...

B&gger - we only got ours on a buy-one-get-a-second-half-price offer.

Tony and I prepared for the evening by visiting the Tank Museum at Bovington, where we noticed that your solo gig there next Spring is priced at £10 a pop - so presumably that's the full Director's Cut version, with real tanks instead of slides ...

Deft footwork on your part to avoid buying us a drink afterwards. Hopefully we will catch up with you at a London Pals meet before the unmentionable seasonal festival - unless you and Stephen Hart are already on tour in panto ... :D


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Bryn Hammond - Redux nice ring to it.

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