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8th Royal Scots 12 June 1915

Tim Godden

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Hi All,

I am looking for information on the battalion, the 8th Royal Scots, on the day Willie Angus won his VC. Does any one have any maps of the area round Givenchy on this day, or close to that period? Anything else is more than gratefully welcomed.

All the very best,


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I have a trench Map CD with a map of the area on 11th December 1915.

I can e-mail this to you off Forum if you wish, as it will be a large file and I don't want to "clog up" the Forum.



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Hi Tim,

That would be excellent, my email is tim.godden@lineone.net.

Many thanks,


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I am just e-mailing the file to you as a JPEG.

Please be patient, as it is nearly 4.5 MB.



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Hi Tim,

I've cleared space on my address now so it won't be a problem.

Thanks again for your help.

All the best,


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Hi Tim,

I got the map through today. Thanks ever so much it is brilliant.

All the best,


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I'm pleased you are happy with the map.

Glad to have been of help.



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My Uncle was serving with the 8th Royal Scots in June 1915.

From the History of the Battalion written by the Haddingtonshire Courier shortly after the War.


After being billeted in turn at Bethune,Lillers and Essars,the Battalion took over part of the line at Givenchy,on 10 June 1915.A small attack was carried out the same night ,and, on the next night,by 20 men of "A" Company, under Cpt. T.W.Watson,and 15 bombers,under Lt.J Martin,on a German crater.The enemy exploded a mine on the second night,and Lt J. Martin was missing.Early on the morning of the 12th,Lt Martin was observed lying on the German parapet and was seen to move slightly.Supported by covering rifle and machine-gun fire.No.7709,L/Cpl W. Angus crept forward,and succeeded in rousing Lt Martin, who managed to reach our line in spite of heavy bombing by the enemy. L/Cpl also got back,though severly wounded.For this most gallant act,L/Cpl Angus was awarded the V.C.

The Battalion was relieved on the 13th,and moved to Robecq,but was back in the trenches behind Festubert on the 20th for a short spell,being relieved by the 11th Royal Scots on the 30th,and moving to billets in St Hillaire"

I cannot confirm if my Uncle took part in the action(he was killed in 1918) but he was in the Machine-gun Company.

Only thing to add L/Cpl W.Angus was a member of the 8th H.L.I attached to the 8th Royal Scots.


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I should have added ,I have a Postcard photo taken of L/Cpl Angus on his return to Carluke.

Unfortunatley I do not possess a scanner but I am happy to send you a photocopy via Chris if this will assist.


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Hi George,

Thanks for your posts and your email. It would be very useful if you could send those things through to me. Can you send it through the email or do you need my land address?

Thanks for your help,


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Unfortunately it has to be land address,I appreciate you are in Germany.

I'll include some pre-war photo's of the 8th Royal Scots,plus a couple of them on leave in France so you can compare uniforms,etc.


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Hi George,

That would be fantastic if you could do that. My address is:

Tim Godden

Lerchgasse 10

63225 Langen


Thanks for all your help,


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Address noted if you wish to delete.

I'll rake out the photo's tonight and am about to photocopy the booklet.


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Information in the post,air-mail but I don't know how long it takes for letters to go from U.K. to Germany.Possibly you will post a message here to report safe arrival or non-receipt when appropriate.I'll keep an eye on the thread.

Trust you have seen the controversy I have started about which Regiment C/pl Angus was a member when he won his V.C.


p.s. Next time you have bratwurst and chips, think of me re-living my TA Camps in Soltau and associated areas.

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Hi George,

Thanks for that, I'll let you know when it gets here, usually about 3-5 days.

Yes I saw the other thread. It is really quite simple though, the VC is classed as an HLI VC. Although initially The Royal Scots claimed it it is actually a HLI VC. The RS official history is notoriously bad and I think Ewing may be responsible for some of the misunderstanding.

Thanks for all your help,

All the best,


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Hi George,

Your letter arrived on Friday and is fantastic. I did try to email you but it was returned to me twice. I have read through it and it is really interesting. I'll pop a letter in the post to you tomorrow to expand further on it.

Many, many thanks again for your kindness and help.

All the very best,


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Hi Tim, my name is Laurent (Chris B know me) i live near the place where WAngus won his VC...take a look of this pictures taken from Givenchy Battlefield

1st photo: trench map situation where 1/8 HLI was on trenches reference map 36SW 9A Givenchy. point I4 J7.


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4th photo: panorama picture from Givenchy battlefield in june 1915. on the top left first trenches 1/8th HLI, on the top right 1st german trenches "Rue d'Ouvert". The road in the middle of the picture goes to Festubert...point I4 on the left.


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5th photo: another point of view of german trenches in june 1915. Picture taken from point I4, in front of the picture "Rue d'Ouvert" first german trenches...


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last picture: panorama photo from 1st german trenches in june 1915 "Rue d'Ouvert". On the top left, Givenchy craters (near the trees), the place where W.Angus won his VC...note that LC keyworth (24th London regt 142nd brigade 47th Division)won a VC too at the same place !!! sheet map 36SW A9 (1915).


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Hi Laurent,

Thanks ever so much. The photos are absolutely brilliant. The maps are also very interesting.

Thank you for taking the time to get the photos and aps together. They are very useful. I am planning to get there sometime although I don't know when.

Thanks again.

All the very best,


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Well, in june 2005 me and my friends will do an exhibition about Battle of Givenchy and Festubert in june 1915 for the 90th anniversary. Probably at Givenchy town and during this date, a trip by walk on the battlefield with trenches maps...more infos in january 2005. Got to my personnal wab site about Givenchy 1915 at: http://monsite.wanadoo.fr/arham. Best regards Laurent. picture of WAngus grave.


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Glad to hear letter arrived safely.

As an aside I've got to get another Family photograph(not Royal Scots) reprinted so if you want any of the ones I included reprinted let me know.



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