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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum



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Just finished reading 'Mud, Blood and Poppycock', by Gorden Corrigan. Over 400 pages and well worth the 8.99.

The idea of the book is to challenge and overturn all those pre concived ideas, urban myths and 'Facts' ( well what the reader thought were facts) on many subjects related to W.W1~

So If the reader is deeply entrenched in their previous thoughts and ideas and does not want to move come what may, then take a stiff drink before reading it!!!.

To the open minded reader, you may not agree or have to, with all his statments and points,( all of which he backs up with some well researched facts, and data) but you will, im sure learn such a lot more to do with the war, which most other books leave out, and have a broarder fuller view of what went on

One of the first examples he gives in the book, goes something like this~ many think that the troops were lead to the slaughter by generals who never went anywhere near the front line...... Fact, over 200 British Generals were killed wounded or captured in the war.

Put on your tin hat and give it a try!!!!

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