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Hi All

I'm interested in the 6th Battalion, Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, who aerved in Gallipoli

Could somebody reccomend a book to read

Many thanks


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There are many to choose from, but as good as any as a strating point would be "Defeat at Gallipoli" by Steel & Hart.

Given in your interest in 6th KORL did you know that the War Diaries (including a range of documentation, summaries etc) are available on CD fromn the Mueseum in Lancaster?

See http://www.kingsownmuseum.plus.com/wardiary001.htm


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If you want a single volume, easy to read history on the Gallipoli campaign, then look no further than Tim Travers Gallipoli 1915.


Jonathan S

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If you want a single volume, easy to read history on the Gallipoli campaign, then look no further than Tim Travers Gallipoli 1915.

Hi Jonathan

Thats exactly what I want ... it'll be on my shopping list once all this christmas pandemonium is over

... and Martin

I wasn't aware that he CD of the 6th was available, I'll be getting that too ...

Better start doing some overtime!!!

Many thanks


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