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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Royal Ordnance Corp

Joy Lynch

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My Father was involved with the Royal Ordnance Corp. I do not exactly know in which capacity. He was a draughsman/cartographer and did service in Mesopotania until returning home with serious illness. I am searching at Kew for further information. He was a Private and subsequently mapped War Graves in France. I would be interested to know, where did enlistment for this Ordnance Corp commence, was it Southampton. He was also involved with ordnance surveying in Dublin.

From Josephine P Lynch

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Josephine ... You might find some information in the RLC Museum on the person who you are researching and the URL is: http://www.army-rlc.co.uk/museum/index.html.

If you have his service number, rank, initials and name, then if his service record survived you should be able to find it an the PRO/NA (might also be worth contacting the museum to see what info the Corps retained in tehir archives).

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Thank you very much indeed for the prompt and most helpful reply. I am going to take up all of the suggestions. So far I have only name, Henry Lynch, but i have located a Medal Card of the same name. However, being forewarned about so many Jones and Smith's, I am not too optimistic. Trying again this week at Kew, and re-reading all the helpful information on the site as a preparation.

I will post up any results. Josephine .

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Good luck Josephine. Never give up looking and make sure you exhaust all opportunities ... you just never know what might turn up

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My grandfather was in AOC and I beleive he saw service in Ireland in 1916 and also at some point in Mespot, though i can not confirm the later conclusively. I do know he was an Armourer Artificer Staff Sergeant though. Nice conincidence that both men seemed to serve in parell.

As Signals says try and try again and then just keep digging on and off and you will get some info come along. I have been looking for over a year and whilst I am not much more foward I can say that I have picked up little bits along the way. Only trouble is the AOC was so dam big!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks to to ARM . Apologies for delay in replying. Information received very helpful.. I will eventually be contacting sources in Ireland if possible.

Signals also most helpful and I also approached Archives in Dublin, human resources, etc. In any event research is fascinating and gradually interpreting abbrievations and comments. I have located a name and place (Iraq) but have to confirm that this is correct !!!!!


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Guest Ian Bowbrick


Being an ex RAOC man of the modern era, this is right up my street. It is possible that your father was employed in a number of capacities as a draughtsman with the then AOC. I have come across a number of AOC draughtsmen in Egypt who transferred to the RAF!

I suspect his work in mapping graves was in service outside the Corps, possibly he re-enlisted in the Labour Corps or another unit involved in what is still known as battlefield clearence duties, or worked for the then Imperial War Graves Commission - drop Terry Denham a message, he may be able to give you further information on this aspect.


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