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lynch 'somme mud'


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I stumbled across a thread devoted to this book from a few years ago, but for all uk, irish and european members it is worth noting that it is now available in paperback in the uk isbn 978-0-553-81913-7 for a good price. well worth a read..very vivid and immediate, and extremely well-written. And in many ways inadvertendly corrects some of the more unfortunately-perpetuated myths regarding the Aussies and NZer's attitudes towards the northern europe in which they suddenly found themselves..though Lynch and his mates have no time for saluting (as they see them) irrelevant (though...importantly.. not brutal) fools of staff officers they are all he expresses his admiriation for Tommies and also for his foe; like many contemporary accounts, Lynch's story rings true; a strange affiliation to family, nation, empire, masculinity, and an a seeping, not-quite-articulated bloke feeling of love, fear and hope. The mateship of the Aussie troops is always mentioned, and anyone who has had a pint with an old pal and a yarn over a few more in the pub..which inevitably leads to a few more and then a stumbling walk down the hill will appreciate that!My only criticism might have been with the original publisher, or their subsequent incarnations, who have provided a glossary but ****** all else in a way which might suggest this was edited at all.........it would have been useful to have the odd footnote putting Lynch's writings into context...after all, we KNOW his battalion and movements! but then, I'm ranting

Overall, I believe that, from the Commonwealth side of the wire, this book should rate with Lucy, Richards, Manning, et al;

'Good on yer, mate'

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That's right Ken. Petroc, it's called "In the Footsteps of Private Lynch" and is written by Will Davies. As you say it puts context around "Somme Mud" and follows it chapter by chapter. it was released here this year and is published by Random House under their Vintage Book series. A good read in itself.

Regards for the new year.


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A quick look at a couple of online book sellers in the UK suggests it will be available here in April, 2009.

I'll certainly be buying a copy to accompany Lynch's book on my shelf.

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Is "in the footsteps of private lynch " in paper back ?

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